HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (38)a� 4 Rep e a /t. An ordinance of tile city of-ent,providing for tiie rippointrment of a oard of perk conuiiissioners,def'iniri ., tilair rowers and duti6e, czmat ing a park fund,providing a. source of revenue therefor,ria,king it a, mis- cieMe,anor to injure or destroy plants, trees and shrubbery, and i'ixing a fjeiza,lty for its infringluent. GUUTtiC 1L 01-1 H'; 01 TY OF ii :iv i 1X 011D J" A:i FOLLO'43 : ::lection 1. Upon trice taking effect of ti,is prdinano* and thereafter on the Decurid i.;onday in Jit,-,W ry of eucii ye€zr, t ic: wayor shall appoint a beard of )park coiwAaaioneru conuistia g of three -citizens of the C:ity,who bliall serve duriiiG t.,c pl auuru of t:ie ;:ia. or,aard without compensation. �) section 2. 6uch board shall iiave cii ark e r,;cid control of tiie parks and parkways of the city, grid s,i a;ll 11; ve i:o',ler to 1V out, survey,plat, improve wid beautify ttie k3a_ie,and �eriy ii.iid all rules fend regu- lations for the gover ii+eat 1;1a3.1::;.der:1er1t of s ich parks F iid -parkways and t]'ie use F,.nd occupation thereof by the public rmd by ally ., d all per:on3 �aY,or.ifioever. :Ct *Ia,il li:a.ve tjovier t.o riet;otia.te Nith ttie owners of ally lfarids tliFit it ,my deeiu deuiratale for I-),,irk purposes looking to the purchase of ttie oaa.ie by the to recoi,wiend to the t;ity %.ouncLJ ,tkie purchaLie of suitable: l<aiids for park pu;rposles. It shall ralzo have t�.e porter to rec: ive and acc;cpt donatione of land,property or funds fro:: Fai=y source for the 1iurpose of providing establishirio and inaintaininir p<xrko, read parkWaYs for the t;ity, but snall place all funds received, or realized f'roiii landil and property dontited, or Prow, any other source, iii tiler treasury of ttie City to thc� credit of trie ],ark w-urid, whi ch sil all be disburoed ori1y u; on warrants prui erly drawn a.; ainst the lithe, fund.which dioburBine nts stirall authorized by the city t,oui,cil ,upo_ the recoi.i.eendation of the said board of 1'iaxk c;o,.,I , f>c,ionere. t3ection 3. There shrtl i lee .iiici i o liere uy oreated in the treraeury of tyre oi.ty a fund kiiuv,in au the 111%.xic ,Fund", ii.to Which 6';uill be convert- L;d 4,11 faollej:l al-la rc-velluety ra-sed tiieref or, an,,' arioing froiii tete fol- lo,ii.ndg E3'iurcef3: lut. All iuoneyi3 giver, or t,equerattied Lo file ::i ty f'or park purposes and all moneys derived frol)r t.re rale of property devised or other- wise donated to the city for the purpose of establishing or Tdain- taining park5 or phrk wags. 21?d. All moneye derived fro_; rt_nts, i:a..,ueh and profits of -park 1a:Lds of vrha.taoe,Ter kirict,ur other Public proc:erties of t1le City,except Public utilities. mrd.'E rl per cetlt of all I*lrlr :5, 1)0ilaiti(�fs ;.:,d licence niorio.ys cors- inn to the (;i ty. 4th. 2uch annual tax levy not to eti :f:c=d on: mill on til: dollar its rao.,;r be guide the city cou;.cil. Ziection 4. Thd said pant :,Iiz.11 have. the power of er,iploying such wor_; ;,en anci 1,,-,ndscape C,; rdeners nrcci en[,,ineers at., be neces- sary in ca.r i.r. ' for developing; iUld rnr+ i.n .-iininE, patke -.rld yp,=,rkrvays, consistent With the funds that f :.ii.11 bc! S,Lmailable IU'L' t„'l E; �iFijT;leT2t for such service. : eeti.orr 5. 2'x.e city ill secret i.ry of Vii b Mrd of. I-arl, (;o:;:: ic.i:ianer.:; trTid all rc:cor.d:: a1' bo,Lr ;53hall 1,e kept at hi s ofVice . ::lection 6. The destruction or injury of any tree, shrub or pinnt of any kind i., a;.y ;)ark or E)ark�,ray or �;axkin;-., strip, or Lrie plucking, of any flo►ier or fruit of <a:,y kind u-�;on such rlgrk,park-�,;ay or y;aricing strip it declared to t,E; zi ;;,i fernet.r;o;', �irid, _:.riy Person convicted thereof sh.a.11 be fined in a.r.y susa not exoe,.,dinr, fifty dollars. Passed by the city council 3 l a 11. 70 Approved by the inriayor� k �i :P.vyor. . Attest a<—