HomeMy WebLinkAbout253lxi ordinance of Ltie city of --c,�jj to --Utliorizint- t1rie ,,lajor aiid city clerk b JF3aue Jc)Q,-.j the of mith ::street from itf; ii4terbeotic).1 �jiLh ivenue to tyle interseew tion of the SOULIi ibx:- li-:O Of ,..i(l iArei-1-0 Uth Uie e—t boun.- -Jarj line of tju city ordered 1)y ur�;jjjai,,ce 0. _2d_4�71by which Lo- cv,l I�jnrovenien; I'Astrict '.o.107 ijjz3.Lj cxeated,�'rescribing ti -1 e, r D t e of interest ,acrid boxido Bliall be,ar,t'-O date of their i : .rwe and of their ,aaturitg, ado t" tinrl-I -> for,.i Vneref or, authorizing their delivery to the contractor and directin, their re _,iotrutiorl by ti -i" , wi,l Y � 1— 1 " L'c.L,are heret- �--d to I�Ifll.e,exewkte znwid io. Sue local imp ro VeIl"U1110w 11dw Zlll� illcluded inLucal ltyp 1' 0 V f-- Y! t 1') 12 tr i c L Lug i, ,jhi ch di vtr i c L vat e d b ity, int"IC, Z-It*;,!:,("� ceb Uj, tlie -ectlion tjaio lioildb „5i:i.'.11 lie in dellouinf-j.tious :AS followo: :',ondu nu,%lbered frmA 1 tO -'Jula o` oiio hundred (Y each,,a-,id I.,wid iiu;.berecl e f be tl,�e ouA of �� be isz-,Uet I o., i 0,-,- tu*tcr the of 4��Y 110110-yIlall be -paycible on or 1,A.d,;,;- of a -la ZOI.-III. be; -a, !:.I,ru after Vile to tl'(,' tilILE: of t r 'af;.nul'i r.zzval— WlilUU11Y oil L��!Q 1.1A.da,,, of interet-A I)e evidenced bj intefeLit coul'-wilb itt-:OhCd�tc; t;Z,,C'i of st-,id bonds, the first of Whicl, coupons ohali be fi-I" t,x il:,:cjunt of interent upon Via bond to which it iu to ti -le jj , . and each 1 CC) U be for. one ye -.rFj interest upon such bond. C; :..114.I G4t1C)Ii to ''i the tem -is L e A", i ) t, -A, of Lhe tit of :-'ent be , wi,l Y � 1— 1 " L'c.L,are heret- �--d to I�Ifll.e,exewkte znwid io. Sue local imp ro VeIl"U1110w 11dw Zlll� illcluded inLucal ltyp 1' 0 V f-- Y! t 1') 12 tr i c L Lug i, ,jhi ch di vtr i c L vat e d b ity, int"IC, Z-It*;,!:,("� ceb Uj, tlie -ectlion tjaio lioildb „5i:i.'.11 lie in dellouinf-j.tious :AS followo: :',ondu nu,%lbered frmA 1 tO -'Jula o` oiio hundred (Y each,,a-,id I.,wid iiu;.berecl e f be tl,�e ouA of �� be isz-,Uet I o., i 0,-,- tu*tcr the of 4��Y 110110-yIlall be -paycible on or 1,A.d,;,;- of a -la ZOI.-III. be; -a, !:.I,ru after Vile to tl'(,' tilILE: of t r 'af;.nul'i r.zzval— WlilUU11Y oil L��!Q 1.1A.da,,, of interet-A I)e evidenced bj intefeLit coul'-wilb itt-:OhCd�tc; t;Z,,C'i of st-,id bonds, the first of Whicl, coupons ohali be fi-I" t,x il:,:cjunt of interent upon Via bond to which it iu to ti -le jj , . and each of tile rel:jaiiiiiij; coupons sl-ikAA be for. one ye -.rFj interest upon such bond. �iuch couporm S"ail be Bubje ct to all the tem -is aid corlditioiiu of the bored to w4iuh they zixe nttached,and if any bond shall be Czi-1 IeU for -pn'piioiA bc,11'ore the _:mit-urity of ally couO. pun there toattauhiL�d FLtji Orcwpoii beow.ie void, ;Jection 3. t'.'Le bond iil-kjL�Qd LUider UIQ 1)-20 Vi ',5ion;:-.,. of this; ordi- iianceoor suciL puetioi, bier,. -of ia; st.-.1i be iiecosoalry to the r)vy the uoiitxfw-tor fur (1irect to the ocmtra* tor,mid u'ric.-Il tA., to iiii Uy ;,r.-,yor w -id cleric .A ouch tli-,iee olid in uueii a!auurjtr; urj bij--jj iIIj-wed u c pon sr contrj t price by the City fuunuil,frow tilil(a to tiijje,a,.j provided by the con— tract, specifications, PI -1c.1 ordirlarice autjjc)ri/,jjjLo tiie work, ­ection 4, Tito said bondu as nearly' r�1. 11 111 be iri tile following, , .Lor as practicable: OF 13OLD 100100. I -- :, tioz, of tile third class Cj,iy ()y jt;;4,2, t_,, ,jjLtjjjcjj)a.L co.-por. Y to -ray to of the :::tete of 011 hereby or bwarer the sum of . of the tl:ereon at the rzit,e of eight 1! 101, i U.Y e . und established by per cent per tumum,PFL.YzI.ble Of t -'l f. LOQ�j J� jlU 11 0 1 L 1? 6107, 10N&e�eujoifli r�Ah�t,., �,Uid Ynt'erew Y t1le (,itv 1reakjure_.. 0j, tl,e .;kiid c!1j(,Ij of interest -to ae-s A coupon is h-reto attael-Led for bi 11 esentrition and true hereon,wid as -,id intel*C'A uiiall ' _, -fjjjj.,L only I on pr 'ity of -1 t our -render of rjaid coul�uyl,tO the E;aid treasurer 0"' said G -on cl:leti far :,ielit before its i1aturityo each jlij3 j)c)jj.:j ib but in Case t ,rind every coupon representli-iEl, interc.-st jiot "cu-1-ued at Uiie t1ille of E;ucti pr,;Ly.aeiit D_. -k cz�llcd, be Void. This bond iu p,-jaf_,bje on or befo e LLe first d.,;,,jk of .,,Tcbruary tl t, -.e Li of, tie treasurer of the -aid city '1916,.wid it; zubjec't to 7j iin- vlienever there &Ii. -iii bc r,,uf 'ioiekit r,Orli ', tile F3 I1a cal ii-proVC fund to pay LIIQ 2—,"o ,"�,d j)011,io of ti,ie series of n.1 order, ovw IU �1�� which thisiB One,whicli 'la.Q. flri.0.1' LC) thi" tJ-)! arid above r;uI'.,Jt;i.CkA ful., t -11e of iliter!iA 011 c;11 uni-iuid bonds of thi,.;wries, -al il i - The U'it.Y i'QU.,.'CAI of Aty f o r V t e oo i d 1,0c, C e : o ,r)roveiiiexit district IJ - - t'l-lis bond to 1we is:aed in UU, Of viic: ,Inid Aty as r tlie bond of the st.tid local ditutricL,the bond to be applied in i,art pay:IATA of t':(. uost Lti:d expenue of t!,0 in sa J. d : di s tio rict udder said u3,dit-,atice •cj. _,%,jjjiejl ie-.eri levied randri,;sesried , ;,jgainst wiepropert.� included T_i C�",_L[J. 1")0a.1 diitrictfund benefitted by the uaid iq)rovc.<iait; j_jjd Ifiolder or Golders of th6's bond 611"11 look to Baid local ij:j.!.,rovctjorjt fund only for Ulle 'pe-y-,ent of the I)fincilizal and interest upon thili b0i'd- I Th'o 0a11 for t,_ bj the Said I)y t)uuli5j.li,jg tili', s,_,,e il,, the %,,Jty ()j'ficial "',ewspaper city Treowurer, and heil such c -kill 12 f.J.; 0 t11is 1-0,d,it All be 11 a Ijaid the duy t1lo Ilext iiiteuxl rA coin thUre011 S 11 1)C(,011le due after e r�aid oall,,aid uf)on b,7Ld da Y isit-c!'CIA 01I baid 1)Ot"i Sh..? I retx13 , This bond is One of a wc-rie:i of bonds aggre�,-Iating the aul" Of DUII.LrE, f or uzLid loi3ii11 i­iprove,:Icn c, dist- rict,aff-6f Which boadc, are ;subject to tije ter�:),,), and condition oed. as are herfei n * Cle Tjrovi"ions of an. ,Wt Of Ielliji bond i:; jt;[jjA(jct by virtue o -t . I Ulf-, leY,*Iul'ature of tiio .Aat(.) act ",Utl'Or- izil-Ig tj-,e iEjbuz, rjee :�iid ozale of botiil.S by uitiee to I)aY 1'01' local IM- - f er Of vfhi.cll act ea" s':�ec:tion D. neither the owner or holder of ul,ly bond is.;ued under tIV authority of ti -lis act nlIall have any cl<<i:1t therefor a airlst the city by which the sale is issu.ed,but his re,siedy in casae of rIO6pray..1e11J ehal be confined to the esifo;rce:,r:erit Of ouch ra;:Ei� ��: r,lt,:lts3. A copy of this section shall be pltirlly ritten or -printed or engraved on each bond so issued,*), whereof the said City alas these presents to be ssigl.ed riy its mayor and attested try iti city clerk and ae:)le�d gvith its corporate wial this F0bz1 Ylst-l9l:1, ,..T r , ., Gl C.1 yor (corpor,ZtG : aal) Attest sit Clerk _..___.__..__ _. _.. _ __-.. Y y 4aatK,�a�yKwa,;,tx:w '.'L -'he coupons at-Lached tr) s>13id bond tihitll b�: in tl-,e follo,4,x.ng form as hear ly as; practia:- ble. w G)n the 1st.dt.y of Yebrutai'y i,.: .151 i ;: C; I.. _ !. � -;�4� will Jay to t lC' Ueaxer hereof at the u1fici J1 t:ie vltyl.`.'C.c'.Fi�lrl�x` the sur!i of eight dollars, tlic so,x- beisit; for due 011 1, lFtt day upon bond of the bonds of Local District x:0.107,01' the -Jaid city of Velit,froui fund �o.107,und riot otherwise; provided that this coupon is subject to t:i11 of tlxe terms and condi.. tior,:s contained in file bond to it is; ii' an -id bond iitzllt3�1 for 1)ni.yil:exit ue;Y'r;z e, t;jc' :,, ;grit, hereof , then titin coup6n be; void. ( ".orj'ior"i ce ".,ealx rF # Ik ft & X x � rs x X• of' i.f:� [:i4t-a Oi- .`rr,~tT....... Sealion b. Trio Git,y Glor". s;1;