HomeMy WebLinkAbout257ORDIP;APCE NO. An ordinance of the City of nent,approving the assessment roll ofLocal Iiilprovenient District too .111, for the improveiaent of Lin- coln Street in said City betwe n meeker l,vasue and Harrison Street,by building; along the west side thereof a concrete side- wall;assessing; and levying tate amounts thereof upon and against the lots, tracts and parcels of land shown in said assessment roll and creating local Improve exit Fund No .ill, in -torvv treR15- ury of tiie said City. THE CITY COUle C IL OF ThE CITY OF ILE'IJT DO ORDi-I N AS FOLLOWS:: %lection 1. That the assessi,ient roll of Local Iiriprove,nent Die- -i ldo .111, for the improvement of Lincoln Street in the said Gity by laying and building a concrete sidevialk along the west -Gide thereof from Meeker 1'.venue to Harrison Street, complying frith the provisions and regulations of the ordinances of tie aid cityand the plans and specifications therefor heretofore dopted by the City Council, and authprized by ordinance 11o.2419- of ,o.249of the said City;as said assessi_ient roll has been prepared .$he City Clerk, and as the same now stands, be and the sane is 1 ereby approved and confirmed in all things. 'Section 2. That each parcel zaiid lot of laird and part thereof ed in said asseesr;ient roll is found and a eclared to be speci- ally benefitted by said improve:tient is an a iaount which is great- ly in excess of the amount assessed against the s axle, that there be acid is hereby assessed against and upon each parcel and lot of landa.nd part or portioii thereof _;ontain6d in said improve- ment districtas shown uponi-said assessment roll, the respective amount therein set against such parceland lot of land and part or portion thereof between the termini of said improvement and abutting upon the s&ae,.a.nd said ai:tounts are hereby declared tri be a first lien &L;airist each said parcel and lot of land or past or partionthereof against which the s a ae is assessed in s :id assessiuent roll . The artiount hereby a. ,sensed and levied upon and a, ainst the said property ill said local iiaprovernient distr' ct is in the aggregate t;te su:a of ( $180.00.) , one hundred eighty Dollars. Sedtion 3. There s:ia.11 be and is hereby created and established in the city treasury of the City of lent a local improvement fund to, be known as "Local Jifiprove:aent Fund No .111", into which shall be converted all moneys collected from said Hssessirlent acid from which shall be paid :;11 warrants drawn in tyle payment of the costs aiid e xpense5 of sadd iniprove:;rent. �._.,�.. .. .,. •.J N1... VVN-1li11 _iill'ull ULYi.1911. Approved by t -ie I.ayor !,;.arch 6th.1911. J I:"a.yor . Attest City Clerk. 1