HomeMy WebLinkAbout2491 An ord .nance of the City of Wnt, providing for tin improvement of Lincoln >tract betrrt en Yeeker Avenue and Harrison 3t1 yc t, by con- structing on the west side theroof, a conc•7 o t : sedea+calk 3 feet ir; widtb; creating a local improveme:^:t district, , and providing for the assessment of the property in the said district to pay for the said improvement. THE CITY CCuNCIL OF •1 Gl`'Y OF KENT W OTLAIN rig FOLLOAS: Section 1. The foll_owrin7 portion of Lincoln Street, toss t: Thal por- tion lyi.nr between Necker Avenue and Harri5on 3tre<<t shall be improved by laying and construct i.nE along thr west side thereof a concrete side- walk ide-walk a feet in width, of the standard mixture of cement., sand and ^ravel; said im.pro- eme.nt to l;e made ac,_ ording tc plaits and speci heat] ;2_ pro- parfnd by the Cites' Engineer, which ars= or file in *he office ':f the City Clerk, marked, "Filed /3/W ", Mich nl ans and specifications are hereby, adopted for the construction of said inprovoment. Assessments small be made and levied upon all the lots and pare is of land.- abutting: upon the west side of that Portion of the said street to be improved and benefited by the said i. -,prove .;tit., as by law 'ovid- as for the paym ::nt or the cost and expenov of tl.ae said Socticn `?. '.I'ilere is hereby created a loc'al i'.rprovoment district to he known as "Local_ Impro%em,nt District No. 113", which shall include all - of the property abutt n7 on the west, sire of the said portion of We T incoln Wr et to be so improved, to a distance lack from the stre:_,t f ,_ s center er 11•',.E? t,0 tilt? middl_? �^1 .,�lr', 1J�..Ocr�, where ri :�+ C�d i T"': blocks; t0 the ., of the lots whore platted in lots only; and to a distance of 12C feet cohere not platted, and the total cont of the said improvement shall be taxed and assessed upon and aFainc,t the property included in the said local improv. an distript. Sect:,ion.3. Upon the taking affect of this ordinance, the Cite Clerk shall publish a not. i c Fie . al li.r7 for bi.dyr proposals fop makin7 the said improvement, which rotice shall be ^ublishnd in three successive issues Of the city official rewspapor, and shall nano a date on or before: which the bids will be reccived ly tAw City Ciar, for We making of said im- provement, which ; ate shall bj het eon the date of the last publication of said notice and mho next noctinr of the city council. 3aId Ms' shall name the ppice for Ming said 17pr0ver rt to be paid top in war- ranA dpawn against thn Kcal Mrcvcmunt fund of SaY locat improvenent district, and at the next regular meeting of the city council after the. dateof the last publication of such notice, the city council shall pro - CON to open and cor2ioci the hits received, and upon such consideration, shall on or therwafter proceed to a3' upon the said bids, and if any bid bs found that is satisfactory to tAp, c n1c1l, t4 contraci to make such improvemert shall be awarded to ttc perndy 7akin7 ouch IN, but if no natisfantory bio Ve found, the couniii 7al again call Qx.06s, and in the consideration 'of bits and lottinn oc t' contract in the said matter, proceed as in the first instance. Section 4. Upon the letting of the contract, the City Clerk shall pre - para the assessment roll, charging u- to too proponty in said local im- provcmont district, the total cost and expcnse of making said improvenant asnessinn each lot any oqrcHl of land in ths said local inprovement dis- trict according to the hannfits defived, and a3 "orr as sn,h asqcss-ont, rollis 11"r '\.::'...i shall publish a ronlcv in '00 city oVicial now3paper tO t5c Ofect t%tsail ass3s6mcnt roll to Prepared and on filc in the Office of the said City Clvrk, and %nat M same will be heard and do- ter mined by tDa c it; council at a r --ulai -set! ng 'L'.e (late of wAcA nvelfnF shall V ­iamad 16 said ae ice,and that protasts a7ai11st said WS0337wnt 7ay M with t_a ..aid Clerh an or k0foro tNo noon hour of the dato on whIQ WH VarW7 will be And. Upon the daLe nam2d fr. said notice or at 3ons lator data at which the connAl may adjourn, the couqciT mat War ant 6e�ofnu tAo said assesomont roll and We objacticnA hay -to, if any, and shall bI ordinance C•.'_ as3al, Vapt t�n nsness7ent roll as v qortA ty lie Clnrk or as, anandod by the council, if so amenCed, and Mn an& IM tW ns3cssmant a s provided. . 01 ar ro'l CC J- pec"ion 3. made 1-11.11(, e, cc, e c a ovc-, nd, to the City Tre atAr c c r 1. 1 J' 'I C j. t arid r wjj() the t1lorefor, alb 1. i s noticetl t 10 Ci.ts' 0j"Pi- cial. to thn of fect t1r) at tyle sa-.1.01: P, 1 tV day.13 fro',M, aml p cl t all wi t,.in 01� flt C 11 ,lei nq'a a 10 C, e u s t i- C a) tor, I-)ecor-to a p,� c o c i al e s i t VIJ, 0 0 1 S, a c-L I tj ri o s a 4z d 1�� 'J'e -Z/I A1.` civ c, /G0 —4 "a-yor, e s u k. C1