HomeMy WebLinkAbout24611#4 0,T-1rITANC& 00. -#& An ord! narce Of the C ity of Kent, approving the aslessmont roll - of local improvement distri,t No, 110, for the improvement of Hazel 6treet-in the said MY betwOun :smith Strout and James Strout by build- s 3treet to Cedar Street, and. ing along the east side thereof from Me f Qqnny0le Apoplon to'Kent, from the south line of lot 3, bloct 3 o 91 -tion to Kent, to the northwest corner of lot block City vier Ad, ock I of sidewalk and wooden crossings at street intersectiOlotsns; tracts a wooden anJ a7ainst the , assessing and levying amounts theroof upon and parcels of land showrl in said aS30ssmnnt roll&M creating local Q ,, of the sail City. improvement fund No. 110 THE CITY CCUNCIT, 07 TAN WN Lo OTLkI7 A5 MUMS: roll at local 1,,,,,ement oiltrict WO. Section 1. That the St,,,t in the said CIty by laQnF and 110for t , he ipprovement of Kayel the cast side thcreof, between buildW7 a wnoOar 01dowalk alon.f7 Street and Cedar Want, w7d from the STUth of lot 3, block 3 of SunnysiJe Aldition to Mnt, to M'' , ,rthwnst corrnr of lot 1, block I of City view Addition to Nont, arj the construction of =dnn street crossings at all ntract, intersections, Ampl-ii-i7 WIt"I ard pnovisiOls of t4e, ordinancas of the Git, of Fent, and authorized by ordinance No. aye has h0en nrcparad by the 31ty CIM, and as the 3are now anO tho onme i._hereby approved and ,,,fjr,cd in all thinFs. 6 lot of land and part thercOf, named Section 2. That 2ach parcel av-, in said asness-eqt roll is found and declared to be specially benefited an amount which " greatl! in 0=30 Of'" by said lmproNendnt W A that thero ba and jo hereby assessed amount assessed <.J. the same, against each parcel and lot of land and part or Portion thereof con- tained an said impr="Ont dis"ict as .�hown upon sail assessment rOlV the rcs7ective amounL thenein sel, again3t such parcel and lot of land and part or portion thereof 10tw7sn t�. kprn!R Of sail 17rrovement and abutting upon the same, and SaI6 a-ounts arc hereby declav9d a first tier; orainst each and loi. of land or part or ix)rtio- thereof, main e same e j,q assessed -01 The j-, amount Ine reby assessed aii (i ].e u p o- and a-air-st E' nropei,t, vi d in sa d local i-provement district is the, 311m- of thr�,e-hund—_�d,- seven dollars and fifty cants, (�'-307.F)C)- 3. T -lie I,,- and is hlaraby cricated s t ab T i sh ed m t1h. r e a s,U r,. 0 al Improver -crit as T�oc pro Tu -d wjicjj shall be cc.-,veI`Ik.-ed all. mo,-,elr�, collected fro t: -,e said assess-Ient, and fror wM-(-h shall oaid drawn in pay.ont .-f the co :its and expenses of said i-.prov'm.e-, t— Passed Iny the C0uncil '01o� the "aym,', "ayor. test. r ter