HomeMy WebLinkAbout244An oI' 1.111 .t!t',P. of the City of Kent,)'Mula.ting the use a.t1d occupation aq v and the conduct of I>F?)'; nnn In or 17por ^ti'<?f?fg�-�l'E'.(1Uf" ,t73.yri,ti�p171t;�Jr1.I' _71 grounjs, i'lay grC.GUAS,ar l other public places aW groundf3,firl providig7 for the control t11rconf W it frit' t7io s7 ^et1 nonf,,rt. anO tr vP I, o t1m public in the "on of fVP sa4p,avo providing penalties for the vin•- i�1 l•ot•_i,on cf its C)rav it ir, r� TTITT CITY COUl,,^IL 07 77' CTTY n" T7-1.*iT,rn ORPAITT AS, FnT,LC„'^; Section 1. It still IQ yla�' 7 ", i _ 'l.y f e oo V persons to erect, or fiF� � • � i inta.in any $tall E,cle�;at' r nt.joc strypture'Or to Inicsit 01' leave ar materIal, Paul -cry or +, 1�, "Vol i , .� 7 I to be used 71 t h f? , j• e (-` -. tJ.c!?,a1t�Pr`?,tlofi r r � , f r of < 1't rl l rt „ + f 1 r�;� i l 11 r, i - �1 „ publ; t plr�re, i ,: 1nGp�� COnplyinE With the 1Qgw1rom,ents n7 tb&s ',r?inance in relation thereto, t ` and obtaining and It i.'!; pp -r It ther" 7rr from the City Clerk. ` U i or P. The nr--s, n dr,r l r i nE 1w i' pro- Ided fir in too re-_. Qeding s-rtion sl,',11 Tt1` ke n ) plica.' i� n the •p i, K , T r ne �; r .�, i.i r .f_.r• 1 e.ri.t1 1r_ t,tir :- �c,rt,`' the 1: rt or partirr rf any pi;r].ic p1man --;hitt. to Ipsirps to cc(,i)i,y , clearly deScrlb i l`U � b, rut Lr wu l ap hn " i 9h -s to i1a rnIp nu.11 Public placea l Wn "14nb ^Wil j t lq" tie "I t Clerk shall br sot HEW that su0b chntrt:K it n will octt u1_dt�ly int r.�. PrP -�ri .h thp use Of lr 1 1 cs sail ai.d n pLb l i^ , ia ' f , 1 0 may 11 V_I, snre t is 1 grant st ilp n i t lj Or such T'ea—nl.!oble tier as UP rlY'tl7fllc;l_:',1'?ces W exlFencit,i of thf:F �J ease may lemnrd. '3et't ! on . :tcl tF' l i t sh :ll 1 t �ttnri�c +1 z ni1str,,et i.an r.f mor - that one third Ir width of he stront n r clue! e jr pry case ,,9.ho R the event tl-at, such obstruction shall anT% r at!YL" �1(i('7J7.1t�,t(;T111� Y i.1'J sidewalk shall be i1r';idpM by the persnp taking rut such l)r'rMIt9sV& ficient to a,ccorp, 1p t p j,e M f'rP . SeKinn 4. It. qt , ll bO ri.liTaWf"' Cor any p _':ill nny bu to mnve '. ildlr?' Flcn �r or ttii i py P tubi i E' i' e L t. n T i r � �� , 'ltr1C 1 Cr,ltli�ly i ,E with ,-,�l r,) the provisions r;.•• this nr , i 11^.nne In reIntlan thereto: ^,rid W%i.1UN r from the City Clerk n pav1,•it, therefor. Section 5. .".ilY err -n clef' A Ing n per"it tc move n.ny builiing,stla.l.l pply therof''•r in writimV set,tN fnrto tbo lrcation,sVp :a•71d geypral des cript ion, avid the ma t- r� i , .'_ s f_rnm wh i cu it is built Me route to be followed in moving the t••tm ,a.r d tiro location after removal ;-also a deacrlAi.cm of the Jlln ; an l appliances for moving the -a.Ne. Section. 6. The City Cleric :;hall fix « date not less thanthreeyr, after the date of top a l i c� t• tnn r1 l i g, for Dearing tine sail appli- cation cation by the Str(,et Committee r*' Op City Coupcil,and shall nnti.fy by mail any person or tnmpnuy bnvInq electric or other wires or ron- duits,or railway tra.cVs that. are 1 i rely to be crossed cr di,=,turl:ttd by such removal,o f W MP Nr l plAcH of such hearing. Upon `juril Wring the sail St7'tlf?t cr,mJ:IttPe ShN1.1 hear and determine ':.gy a.nO all riues t inns a.ri s i.ng from rea rb nppl i rn t.In , arj may in i. tp jiscretiol, „raii.t of -i,efuse -"rh nPvn i t HtPr r i f' the route. UsiSnted Sr the '!ppllc'-.t,irn or such Qther rrnnin ns tq the sail Cr.m i t.te- shall 11 api,ea r Rasiblq and to the bo int.Pres t,, _,,.r He n i`�cns. t. 1 te,'necl ar,:? the public. Secti.( r' 7. The Cit,.- Clerk shn il_ 1 ^sue pQrm j t or refuse as he shall a he li.rentel to rio by thn fi.i ' ^troot WnAt.tee. Section Al It sKil. ba uul.al'J= Ar nny person to rpen e,'„r',nvate, or In any manner disturb (cr broak the si)rface or foundation or other nor - tion of any permannnt i)n--n,,ent. in vny public r,lace,wi.thout ermplyjr!> .•>rith 011 of the provisions r this ,r:li-r,)nce relative tberetc,and rb - i, In ng and having apel'wi t from t o Cite Cl(?i'1{ so to Mr. 200 ! oil o. Alr , p 'rsop I r- ; r 1 - n p��, m i t s' rp as dE':' C'ribe 1 n the preCcedirE nect o�n,n ll mako appli.ont,inp tb"rPfGr to the City Clerk in writing describing with particularity the exnct location where -tip' wishgs t4 disturb t.7',r' pa.- l ng, tbn nature of the wo]^1•; which he de- sires to do and !to ('ntv"t,n '•l the city clerk 3}1;t,ll cause an eat — mate cf the cost n-i-1 (­,rPens(' r(�newlrgs, the porton of t.}1P p-vement distllrbed,a.rci t}]cr n, 1, for sucl r)ermit, s}1r3.11 deposit with the city tr,�asurer Ci21 <).T?r,,u(t. ,^n per coot. in excess c, r the PF-timntP,a•nd t.1 is r' ills renei.pt. t•11erPf(,r,i);'Clr t}lf' j)rri(luctir)n of w}lic}1 receipt, t1le (,,it• clerkma.v rrr,3nt ('1111isslTe s?wll permit,if in his jurignPrlt tile sJT,E; In, TP.BSOn IblE'. ^Q t Ic•r 10. tJpr:r? t11E� ccmpl^tion of the :^fork, t11P per'scn t1.e pr�r." it prct'i ledi.r Vic prececllr.E section s118.11 rErr)i_< 0P plving I'pMoved or c11,,tllrberl it}1 '1.11 fGlr?iil�tiGnfi,conCr!'`P "crit 37"rj other pr;rtiens t}"IF±1'onf is Is "(_)r,,,1 Cowilti n as before, disturllPQ, vjhir.'h >i10rlk s}1811 1;`6'. 'Ino ' c f the c1tv oer, p ar' (- r'it;•i +}l }�I.r,E 1tP mr;.rlr� be.'r�r(' ,^r.�r�1-•lnE7 tl',p and whenrLccP tF � by t}; " 9:, 1A 1„?',nit n11,:, be r'c"tt1T-rTp'1; bl)`, 1 ^.1T^11 nersrn fait or renis t. r, l'ep I1!7 as th(, cit%' to c". sl, the 1`' �'� ): tr, 1�(' rjC,11e. �.(?rl i3eri, f t t}]! b t� lull 1 V1 f L L e l'! C" d i Co Use ci r e 7 1 t s I -z-, Led by )111-1 (A- J..i,:!".,;_J to be (Irci?,ped. frolli c_,I)ei t 2 c. 1 Gr cl. i,,. rg e , up 0 n e 1) la C e D. 1:Y G e a s e c, r G t h e r s il! r i1wo I I s t . re Ai P, e c, r ga. rb C).g 0 f gj*C-yel,(iji,t saud,ma.m -e , LC 1tirj(j,or. any tl t.y 01, gegetable sjjj)-,,tj,jjce wutelrer, except through tin- u,,,ojtj,u1,le f j)ej.sGjl tc. nailwq cars Section 18. it shell be uijla.wf'L11 Rl- L strect,61, rtl)er jjigbw<,y except, 'cl.n tlie r,;.!jrie In'tc. (,et Gr IdChvy 1! )or tG load j,:y,Gr intG �jjjy vehicle s. _11(ling 11, suoll !-Itr, r rol biel�, Gr' ujilGad arty Ue)aicle f(,r c,,fiVt�yil, c I . i,,!!b e jjl,o(jjjctq,or b.111 '101,01c,l-dise tjii)e,c,r jtl.er t r c,1- i­1re.1 01' fir e , t(, iiG o C, -I c .; lb l i t J, -1., ] e be Impraotim,ble to P C.0 ty (3.1. zr, , I 'y, v the street d C) ."Uch lcading 01. ulllcadi_11L.. i 1) C) 1-1 1) J v;;, t, e. LY Or all ZIlle committee Gf the City C(1tll(:11 rn;-jy t)le City clerk to Is.,-iie a per- mit )el'- ,�t provided further that jr, 1 t �b- t I j e s a -D-1 e upon (, t f - i; ) el i eT of gGG(IS by re- tj�iq section c31)all not ;.pply` tG t!J',: (I - v -Y L. , 1 i,I;,ji,iier. r.tS tG ad (j , �,. -. ridu,driYe Or' lea 19. It slli,.11 T;e wll;, i - I - ,t c�)rrja.ges f6r ch ,il- �c,ept ji� 11 r cr umpel (f rD(j v, e <:)1y jlj k, irjt,- -lids for t1le 'pail -pose c,.L .0 r e iisl(lewaih with i". T', t( 'j, I' G S) i : 'v- d tl,(, U I. with o1z'llk- v, Mcle, --le to Sturd c,.r siiiilar c S I-jj)lit. wodd c,,c cl, j*ojjjjJ_n ul)cn ails qit1wv.;& 1; t(; a A w, cot (,T' , T I uj)c:n c,w e wz3 1R G1, NIX st(,re I �;Ad t I j t t)')C C,1' GL'tILIC-1, cv.-j- tlie came, t;-, r u t! (1, 1 .1 vpr'(:,- - -L i C n. It. 14; d '�7 1 i t G C - in, rl 01 il. the cit; 6 11GUr? thrli) 12 mileq, an tj [e 'J' street licul"c'-r upon f3trct.,t PLved digtriets at "s intel — th"i! e') miles ":),n t c, f (Aher Lunt, ;'-:y 1. T L L i;4.s C', j i i,�11VJ)La.) 1 �At - �jn ee c,; f'i, -J, t(; G]'ea(lse, to It U., f irevi6(-,Cj 0,(,6 1 cllztt. t els G I llik" 'I li.,; fl I -)(! ill I)I'Llic i,!�Jne CoVi p reed iltthe ball,or MI(i L 6 i t 1 -5 0 i.. _11v t,�Jj J,c 1,t-1 t i Ill 1 6 S 11 , i LL j 1 r ER 1` S 6 f 1, to h4u ��ctich 25 '�,e undL t u S i + to cverjip��41,a(,rozs­or alor1j" ajjv., jtlayed,• e.. f7_ t)kg r f T) qn r.'G'c k e. t s ul- o,thpg, ("Je bQ'rrje' 'w I ite e. o e 3.VV, IL V1 t), e t t its i veTi'.,'0_,e 6,f "any., Ilig viitri i,th ic, u,I, 0e L, i ve. t r, r1f;,q vi 117- .GLlsimewalvjj-116; 1.).V11" lclg j) la 11,jr, r, t I sUPfj(1j(_,ljt Width wid t 16 1 v e I I I C, I e, v e r a't I s t to 11bIrlLato �ho 3 148 r,(,' L f.' U' L Q f P, I i Ci I T)a vL,11'j 1-i t A tj I substantial Electi(,1") P ,v The ord;-, ? -,,e Sh'all u r., c.cristrue,1 t.(. :'r e t 1, 1 a r, k,- 1 Lj lay - 1) G a 1 e -,,;, v d s e s is sy.' scf ;''r - ;)L�1, I I (, ", I * GT k! th ply+.ce c � �a.nv <a.r:d a.11 r :i rid r. o s section 27. Any peisoil wbo S11,111vi.cl-Ife nriy of t.ile provisions of t}li orcliT nce,c.r �h:ll. f;%.il or refise tc, comply �rit,li 1ts pl'ovigiolls wi.d. cclidl ;icns,sj:all be deemed 8111_' ty Of rj. rriieclerriea!:r;nand GT1 COriVic— ticn slra.11 be fined 1,1,. "s.2"iy sora Ilot Pool -o f;}lal"! one Nmdred d.Gllars,or s impl'i soned in j ? 11 ri(' ' lir; 1' fi,11 7.r1 t}l i T't�' l;s.y�� , ��.21i1 P ('.11 d,,y -,.jly person 1 s}. 11 ccntir ue tc: icl ; e of 1'�+.il tc c�:r j�7_y ,witil such pro risicr.S, sh��.11 be deemed a.n(l ccT-r .rlerec7 a. ^ep=.rate offeri.se,an(l in a I iti�n t0 f t1le penalty fa.ill.,repneglect or refusal ply vii t}i t! ccr! ;i 1.1 clIF, ,l T.rl pr�_..rI s, 1. - 1 ; c f t}1-1:7 or �7 iaiice Shl� ll be deee,_ , eel �y rlu i ser-,Oe,w)liCT) n"•}.y } ;r� <i1�� t,F>:1 ;3 �, by 1_;lir pl.,)TTI ded. a pa.. Sea. the Council _"fie, �a ved 1,,y t}le rn�!�o7' , - �_.__..l°10• �-. Gr. f h C i L.y C!' E Y h