HomeMy WebLinkAbout2420 R E T i'; A C IIT O.
An ordinance of the City of fent, approving the assessoment roll. of
Local Improvement District No. 107, for trre improvement, of that portion
of Smith Street in said Cite, extending from the in"ersection thereof
with Railroad Avenue, to the intersection of the south line of said
:smith Streot with tho east b _lindary li.n( of the said Cite, by removing
the surface earth therefroi to ti1rz width of 1.6 feet to the center of the
street, using the earth removed for r dingy the sides adjacent, and fill-
ing the 16 .foot strip from which the said earth is removed with a coating*
of 6 inches of washed gravel and crushed rock, under the provisions of
ordinance No. S of the said Ci.t and levZ,ing and assessing the
amount thereof against, Int:,, tracts, and parcels and parts and portions
thereof shown in said sse.>>^stent, roll., provi.di.r.g for tele co].lectJ.on
thereof, and creati n? T:ocal. Traprovem ,rrt Fund 1'o. 1.07 in the City Treas-
ury of the raid City.
Section 1. Assessment roll for Local Tmprovement District, T'?o. 1.07, for
the irprovement of that portion of smith :',trent from its intersection with
Railroad. Avenue, to the inter,;ection of the south line of Smith Street
with the east boundaril line of the Cite, 1-,y removing the surfaco earth
from the center of Srti.tli .`. trc c i, to a ;aidth c" 16 feet, using: the removed
earth for the grading of th^ adjacent si(les, and filling the 16 foot strip
from which tlio earth vias rnrioved with 4i ;'rhes, o°' 'gashed and cleaned
screened gravel. and crushed rock: was prepared 1)•7 the City Clerk, and
notice of the hearing; i,hereof duly pu.bli shed; the hearing upon said
assessment roll. carte on re 7-al.arly on the 7th day of ;November, 1910, which
hearing was adjourned from- ti.mc to time the Cite Council until this
5th day of December, 1910, at. which time it appearing to the Council.
that a modification of the ereci.ficr,tior_s for the said improvement so a--
Uto cheapen the cost thereof, lias been a r^ed upon b�7 the owners of' the
abutting prop^rtl� and t'-., contractor, and at the same time to give pract-
ically as good an i, nrovc-^_nt as tlrat originally contemplated, and said
assessment rol ] , after l)e inr, prepared by the City Clerk, has Utz= been
revised and amender: by the City Council; 1.nd as so revised and amended,
and as it nows stands and appearing, the same is hereby it: all things
approved and confirmed:
Section 2. That each parcel, tract and lot of land and part. or portion
thereof, named in the said assessment roll, etas b.;en found to be by
the City Council , and is horel, declared to be benefited specially by
said improvement in the a7ount grown in the said assessment roll as
assessed against the same, ant that there be and is hereby ass essef and
le7isd and chaTFed upon and againqt each lot, parcel, tract and part a] -
portion therFcf, of land specially henefited by sail impyovement, con-
tained in said i77rove7nnt district, as shown in said asses roil the
respective amount therein set against such lot, parcel, tract of land or
part or portion thereof abuttin7 upon that povticn VVY'' the said street
so improved, which assessment shall be collected in five equal annual
4nstalirents, in accordance with the laws of the State of Tashington and
the ordinances of the said City of Kent, in pursuance of which said im-
provement was ordared, ant each of said a-ounts is hereby declared to be
a first lien upon and against the lot, parcel or tra.3t cf !art or part
of portion thereof against which said sum is assessed� +__e assess-
ment roll. The said instalivents shall fall due as follows: The first
installment to fall due on December ist, 1011; the second installment
on Eacember ist, 1912i the third iTstallmeice on December ist,1913; the
fourth installment on December ist, lG14: and the fifth installment on
December ist, 1915; and all unpaid portions of the said assessments shall
hear interest at the rate cf rer cent. per annur from and after the
ist day of january 1211, payable annually at the time each install7ent
-"ails due. instalVents shall Vecome delinqzant if not paid within
thirty days after the same become due.
The Thole a7cunt hereby assessed an, charged upon and against the
property in st l lo al !-_,-jrcvemeA District To. 107, is the sum of
7 ...... no part of which is to be pait fro- the Seneral
funds of the City.
Section 3. The said assessment roll shall be kept in the files of the
City Clark, who shall forthwith make and deliver to the City Treasurer,
a cartifiaf copy thereof, tahin5 his receipt for the same.
The City Treasurer shall ther3uron nublish a notice in the City
official newspaper, in t7c, consecutiVe weekly issues thereof as by
providej, to the effect that the said assessnent roll is in his hands for
collection, and that any assess7ent therein 7ay be paid, and any lot,
tract, parcel of land or part or portion thereof in the said improvement
Mztrict may he redeemed fro7 such assessrent at any time within thirt-'-,
days after the date of the first publication of said notice, (which date
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