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No. j4/ An cr in-...r:ce cf tl e City;cf ? c'.r t,approving the assessment roll of Local Improvement District 11a;1_,r , :cr the im, rrveirent of th,:t portion of Meeker Avenue in s ,.:i a ci j;:�f, ex tending from its intersection with the we�,t boundary Tine of t)"r; City to the trt,,.cks of the Seattle—ma coma Interurban Ra.ilway,r;- removing therefrcrl ,tie surface earth for a width of 16 feet in the cert"J' (7-7 tl-10, Street nd filling the said strip of 1�6 mfeet ,with good rva.shed gravel, rolled arcl covererl with a coating of crude petruleum oil - r d t;,r,- 11 to tl;e depth cf six l inches,ud<sder the p ovisions of Ordir.a.r,cp iir,.of M� ic? tty,and levyir:g and a4messix the amount therecf - .; ; � iris t: 1`P o is , tract , and parcels of land and parts and portions thereof, nhcv;�r in staid a.sses:>r ent roll,provi-dine, for the ecllection of st3.icj. t., ser~:'r�sment�a cl oro tin Lcca.l Tnprcvement Fund No.10$ in the City Treasury o s�:,i.�l city. TIIE 11T` -r (;0UN01L r"'r.', ^,1 0 :<R ?T T)() O11DAIi`t AS FOLLO,`•'S: Section 1. Th;:t the a.tisessment roll for. Local Improverient Tistrict No .108, fc _r ti.e imps-c.vement of tli�,.t pc rt (:: n of ?Meeker Avenue extending from the 'west bctzd-;ry 11be ci' the Cit;, to the tracks of the Se<a.ttle- Ta.coma. Intorurb ,rr I?t.i��-�->,y, J•eincvirip the surface e<),rtri t.Iierefrom, tc gi'ade,fe.r a width ai 10 fee; III the center of the street,ard filling the said 16 foot strip gravel to tree depth of six inches rolled down anci co Iter] "-Tith crude petrol um oil anci tar,as the same has been prepared by the City Clerk 'a.r_d. now 9',Pnds and appears In tYz0 files cf his office,be d tl:c same is,hereb-V,a.pprcved in all things. Section 2. Tht;t e-,cl? parcel,tract +.r d lot of land and part or por- tion thereof,na: ed in staid a9sessment roll,has been found to be,by the city council,and is herery necia.re,' to be speciall.: benefitted by said improvement in the amount sYlo77rn irl saUd assessment roll as assessed #Zaipstl the-same,and tl,t..t; there be,and is hereby assessed and levied and :Chargedupon and ag,3.inst each lct, tract find parcel of eland or pant or prrtion thereof,s_)ecia1L1y benefitted by sa,icl improvement,contained In said improvement district,as slir-vm in said assessment roll the respec- tive amount therein set against such lc t , tract A prcel of l-nnd or- 41rt or portion therecf,abutting upon that portion of the shd :street po improve( -,,which assessment s)gall be collected in five equal annual installments in a6cordance withe the 1,- s of the State of Washington and r the ordinances of the said Cit;,r af Kent,in pursuance of which said im- provement eras crd.ered,arl each of said r,,.m,-,tints is he declared to be. a first lien upon the �,.•id lot,p,:.rcel or tract of land or part or por— tion they. eof,against IVI'ich t110 s::.id sum i:; assessed upon the said as— sessment roll. 'u) -ie inri.t,:.11ments fall due as follows: The first inst }.11merit s);�:11 fall clue on the lst. day of November 1911; The 9P.COx?d installment or .tloi.7ember lst.1912;the thrid Installment on November lst. lgl3 ; ` he fourtl; installmer t on November lst.1914 arid the fifth inst-.11ment on 11c.yenber lst.191;; =.nd. all unpaid portions of the said a.,ssessments slha,ll be.;.r interest ;;.1:. the r,�.te of 8 Pei cent il:�r a.n— num from and after the In t . d a. r of T'a.nu,a.ry h. D.1911, payable a.nnua.11y at the time each in st;;_11ment f:a.l is due. Installments shall be de— they thirty d,.ys after they f, •11 due if urp�..id! The whcle aw.unt assessed upAn and cll:(rgect af-,ainst the property in the aJ-d. Local Inprove ent 1'istrict No.108,fc.r the aid imr)revemient is the sum of $ /no part of vAch is t(,,be pa.1�1 frcm the general funds of the City. Section3. The Said ass^essmen't roll sli,:j.11 be kept in the files of the City Clerk,who sliall forthwith make ,:.rid deliver to the Citjd Treasur— er a duly certified copy of the sare, trj,Rin(; his receipt therefr-;r. The City Treasurer. sla:s.11 `.thereupon pur fish a, notice in the City Offi— cial Newsp-:per,in twc consecutive seeXly issues therecf,,...s by law pro— vided,to the effect tl,:.t the sa..id assessment rollis in his hands for collection,and. tlaa.t -,.kV a5sessment therein m, ;y be paid,and. any lot,tract or parcel of la.nd,or part or portion thereof in said improve. ent dis— trict may be redeemed frcm such assessment <-tt any time within thirty days after the d.,te of the first publication of said notice,(which date must be na:, .ed therein ),without penalty, interest or costs. Section 4. There is hereby crea.t.:d in the treasury of the City of Kent,a special fund tc be Known as "Local Improvement Fund No.10$11, into which shall be ccnve.rted all moneys collected from said special assessment,which money and funds ahall be applied solely to the payment of thr.• costs ar-,d Rpenses of said improver. ent and the redemption of the bonds of the s.id Local Imprcv(-a ent 1)istrict,and the payment of the interest thereon. Section 5. Upon t))e ex_p r-Aior. Of thirty d•.ys from the dzi.te of the first public,- tic.r ci' tlic; iic.tice prcvidel for in gpction3 of this ordinar ce . t'r e Cit.- Treasurer sn l.11 make r:,_ c file with the City Clerk a statement slic,^ring all cf the '1.mcunts paic1 on said �a.sses^ment,and the of the assessmentui-ij);.id, the cofrrectness of w: ieh qqregate 4ped er�t lin sliall duly cetf.fy. the council 1910. ovecl. 'by t'ie m,3.,ycr— - ! 1910. 'ta.yo r. Attest City Clerk.