HomeMy WebLinkAbout2360R )T',NA7JCE NO- i I! !An ordinn-rise c^ t11e city of Ker.t,pror.i(iinf; f'or the improvement c£ Corner! th�?,t portion of Alexr1.nder ASror!UP PXt(%n(11Tlg from the south east. of Lot 7 in BlocY 19 of t},� ",s2ilr.€;tor, c ntr'),l Iml>rcverert Gomp,,,�ny's 'Kncb T:i].l Addit:lon toKent,ir. b^ink; Cou��ty,T�G,s}� I,� tcn,to ltS intersec- tion ,vith Seatt1P Street;t,.I'M the t portion of Se the Street extend - I ink fron its intPrcr�eticrl rritb Alexpncler ovenue to its intersection ��rrith Kensington l`.vcriz�',t.;,� e1"ca.:rt.r ar]f}. rllb�: ink; the son?e,creating i ,a local it prev?mrnt (i i. n t.ri Gt 1nrl prr,vi(l int- for r3.r: asses:�rlent of the property in the Sairi di"t,rict tc; 1),,,.y for the ;� :.ic1 i prover°ent. 'il?_V CIT"rCrlii`:CrT. t,TT,r c.- i;. T P f1?;i AI' P,,^ 3: -, F01,T01,7 l Sectir,n 1. ':'llf; ;"c:13.c1�il"r*, 7ic..rtiri��, Alexr.,.rder Menue rznrl Se; the it Street in flip City r, r:ent,s}1:x.11. be inprrved by clearings -a? 0 �;rtAbningl'I S tre w jitlla.me,t rf9 rer�avint; tl rlre"rcm .till tr.eeg,Y rusl:,stlunpe,.lcfe rs.r�c� cther! I rilbrish sr s tr; 1.e"�sc t} ' r!e in .:l p�..rrr3ble corditic�* for for tra.vei I ` I I" <�ccc-rciin; to specifications provirlF��} by V10City Er.�;inPer,and on H ;!i 'r file "'Itt: the city Clerk., ".r':Pd., "T ilP I �" �_._ 1910" Ow li'.tions rP ltr5rnt,;d <:(lcpted for tl)eW,Id �:,,ork,all to be .36ne sx�ecifi.c�: •�., Iluncle theriir=rti n arca tc tilecrriors cf the City 1+nt-lneer� 1 ;Mlle said portic,r,s r;f stre•-•ts a -re rlPso."Ibeci '1 . n tll east That prrt&dn Of Alpx.n(lpr Aveiaie ecY~ner a'!' lot i In block 3.9 of ti -in W1._I.si,in-.~,ton Ou CAmt al Improvement Ccmp�:�+,y's l"nolo 1�s313. A�3t� l t r_,n to,�::r t , ir: ��i? r_� unty, e,sx!lrl�;ton, to tilts Lntersection ,Ylth WIMI Seattle Street;+}:=�-', portion of Seattle �IStreet extending; £ram its intersecti r. zrith Alexander Avenue to its iIintersection. with rcensingtcn Avenue$ I, An assessment sli.all be , ade ar�fl levied upon all of the lands land. lots abutting; upon 010 pwrticr.s of s�ai�l stret8 so to .,e improved, ald l.m rrvP.;,c.r:t,ail b.y lrvi*i provided,fc;r the pay -1 ,and. benefitted by ti'�ef p f ment of the c� st and exppnse GA. ti!t gaid improvement. !1{3 !Irec,.tian z.. � There is here! created o. loc-,.31 improvement eilstriet j I �I to be known as, "Local Imnrc,ver�.ez:t District �..�¢6 ,which ' shall includi all of the property :;.butting; upon t'ie portio, s of the paid, streets k so to be imprcved,a,nd -4rilich Arill be benefitted by a'Ad impro7ement , I ;Ito the distance back from the said street to tile, m'.delle of the blocke .;where platted in blccks,to the tenter of tY1P, lata here platted in and tc. the distance of 120 feet from the street when unp]at*. 111ats only telly and the total cl st of the said improvemer t shall be assessed lerl In tl!e s;�11(1 1(-,C,,,l irprcvement U-mr al,�(, t ty in(�Juf ." c or c, ., s It r P e t c. r c, r-, s I p gr r, n d. it tr�rrw cf, I orc! crclim,)xce vie city Clerk t• for t cr propos-+.1a fc.r i,,w,1,Anu Vie Ir) ''I JITTIG"P!, MtOvIllch 11 tic -pilb! it 7i,, -, s, t, ,tilrn J. ri 1,1 r 0 r r, b II1 (I I)y t, 1*t p I t y C 1 P. rk fc.), —pp J, "ill. b,� botwo�r the e the 11_(7X•t rpoeting of r ,)� prjc­ m. -I Inp i m J..� f ter t1iodn'to cl, tjt�l re�.mmlnr vnetAr," c l0,,:.t Ic, P. C." mlc)-, 'I -tc .1 ce Vi- 1.,7" cc urc Il s)hf,, 11. C'rc Ope d o opt .r. fluc!"; bifIr 0. (7, 11 q I f ;uri S If �ny bill be X (I fac.tory to the cl.011-1,(7il tll(� (,(,,.ptrict then or b- c.r 1)1!1;j,f r1c. sn.tjsf':ctory cvvf�-,,,rd(�O to V)r-N q INIO bo ('calrdof�-je Y r r, I er)ticiri r. tr.. C"t, fct^ !",u^i' ;�,)' ;, ( ro - ce,(,f-i zv-, In t);rfir!�A-. Ir!,'Tt, POes .13'ection. Elie it�ttinF-, of tI!P ccl-,trnict tiie City Clery., c1liall r111) tc, t),,e prci)ert-�.- In rVI-Im- 10 ca I prep -aro 1rrc i, pfcIvercent (11' strict tlit- 0 r sain Improve- r,j. elit a � 9 es n I rv, e-Nrl (i i- r) r rf� I o.1, 1;}Yvl in srj.10 (it tri t c rc, rcl ir 11ercfltq tc It (,n rc-11 is to tp. 0 r 11 on file In his office'tilat, tl,.e !"o, f? bY t"10, CitY COUP -011 ch -i,r ne(�tl_nrr tlier(,nfotll�� t -�v!,,mcleting slvi.11 ,�,pppmr a reguL 04 e of ir tile MA(I p1-rtef7,tq 1.gainqt the mairl assessroertS mbp^rre the noon hour of.4 the may be filed with the s.A."clork or r d, to or whicl, mi,10 !ic,,,rivF, '7,Till I)p bad. Upon the date mmel till V'e notice or at some later da.te to t4 qp rocppo tc hent whi cl, t1je S:,Iri rrjjjjcil 'r .V ji iijojj nrig ti!preto if roll tl,(, Obj t1le assossTnent rcll as al�y by cr�lir:,rm (1111,Y reporterl by V'1- Cit; I" 01.'_'by tfl- CitYGOUPCIltlf 90 7 n.s tj,erely) ro v 1,10 d '1-0-7 tllfl Section .5. When angesqment roll. been P 'irrl leviedt@, COPY Of thl, e ,0 termired and thP (11�jly rni,fle shall be Wade anel artAriod by Vie, Cir Cllnrl�qarl bY himfleliv(,rerl to the City Treasurer. inj" T'jf_,, 1- c�,Ipt t),,(!r:! for. The cite Treasurer -gyjcce�islve issues 0f the j) xjr ico in tIv!rpup(,,TI pvbjjj� �) t(-. the offeet t," t 11. Q SSL i (I a,g!,, e, s sr -!(m -.n t roll AV 11 city 0--lel'a.1 e0". �1 3) f p -Ad ,dthin sixty dz,,,yS (I mlin 1 b e is in hi-, hi)-r(IS .,'c. r from ni(I notice or tl,�eqesne of f 1 1 L11) 1 c, ill I)e(.%,rn.e 611nqucrt. UT, I)' t or"t", 0, UIP, 01PIr,;,tIOYI Of Sectior G. All arm, ItI, t 0 0j),j, -,tice 'Pro- ,tXty ir, s-er­Lk,V.ji rl Dri, Y ice `.9}:x,.1}. "hnc-FP "1''1 1-) 1 in- qti(,r t - "o f