HomeMy WebLinkAbout235f�7r v-4e Irrp-rcirenert cff Ar t".',, Cit,y ("Ity llr— fx re o tic-r. tPerec'.17 �' i t h P�, I A-,7 c r., u, f V e it cre, r., f-; (want Distriet F b U,Jcn prcporty c T ecticn t r t I r. c, Sr I li `5#r, t, In thn (7it", cf S1. Ire fror, wit', T),, 11.,,- A*t—rlle, t17 tl'e a i c- scli*)i n d 3 S, V!, R t �,,O im""Tc"ved t Ire 'r te sur - t t centor of t C. r e treet 1135� r, t,—, 16 fc� t strtps-!- Pl.c� C— s"I" c,�P, (7 t 11 c, qq 0,c pie j,i t -j,) 16 r t t i P 711 t I G.- q b 1 t, JIC U ly le r cc it!! rAxti'M (;,f c-ude rcllel. VAVI, I Cys I 31 Cir'; rjil �4T(l V- r prt�,. tc 11nl-i 131 S.Y C-2. r I ty c ln(.�e r A. 7,. lc,10 J. is t, ic, n r J,,�3roby a— C J t I rf Vi j; 'A" eyt As s (-! s s n en Upon --1 ',",ei-efitte( 63 1 tl,,ereby,, L.n,`is,,-Ibuttlinp, lUl-KT, A b-,.i tl cf tyl-- t p: ..ii t c f a t e c 0 s t'e cf .-f, nfcr t,y Ynort of 10C.'t'1 1,3 ej V t 1) herei.. �.l JTnT)rove-- io, C,, There is, h, y r �3, I - "'c - 1.070 'I T 7) :..routtlng up(,n t K t Dc. rtion 1.,,Jl be berefitted by 't rP hO IT(;T)--(,V I,W.-IlCyt 311" J (I Sn I tj, S t%:­Cr :rcm street, liere CV c (,�v ed (,,e tjj, plc s re t t n lots pj,,;,,t,t,-d In blccko,, tc, �ist,. t-,�d tc- n 1, t I t),,,., -nce tl-I�� center of t,t I cf sa,ld irpro%re- yac�. from the street o*l' 120 f0,A. T,,ertt tro.11joir),, tivocst or stroot nrcssiril-n '-T:0 interqecticns slwall be r'�,SSPSSed UPOY1 tli(- property included In theslLid a,qseqsr.qpnt r,rid j.,j).,j.,,ycver,,Qrt rilstrict,in proportion to tT,,e benefits I derived try ,.imd frnr 1,11- ", ,10 1 roprnvii Writ . (V,­,trjct bonds shall be issued againf, Said In.provemert (11.qtriet in 171.11. gufficient to pay the ;-Thole of the cyst arl ex'j-ere.;o of tjn said 1rpr(-.-vPT,,Pnt �.rl )-11 incidental ex- penses tborenf,less al.-liour!t ,,.!7, qii:*�11 Tn paid upon tile assessment t pricr to the tirtic, or 1')ic., of sn.1-1 bonds,, The said bonds she, I be on ox, li�,fcr(, fivo yp,,.i.rq raft.e, tj1p (1,,:3te of their issue, sll,!11 bear interest, not. t� -.to of eigl.1t per cent. r � 11Y !j-0cy, =L1 urPnil"' j;o;j'Jor of tb.e borlds. Provis— ion for tl",e -,.),rd s.�ile of the n010 bondck,nr Cor Vieli 'JIM P(17'fc","'R" tl,r, irnl.!i said inmrovementlin mf, cc,ntract nrovi(leq "or I'mymment Ir Sucli bo rn'lo 't,,y r-oln:,.y,ce bpre�i-ftnr to be passel by V said. City locul-'eil. Section Upon t]'(3 1�,nkjjlfl ef�Pct of this orMlyvirice,the City ClerY sh,",11 publis]" 17r1r,11ce in the city official. Itewspn-per,calling for bids or prrpcq­,1S,fr,.7' iT''prcvetnortowhi�-h notice Sl1,',111 be Dublisherl in three conseelltivP issues of snits nersp,,.),per -arrl slit -ill name a (Me on or b,,,-Iforr,, T,.Vhjcjj such bids or propcsals will be receive, by the City Clerkwhtch 1: to be between the late cf Me- 18 -St publication of the stiff not iceand the nett regular meeting of the Cit Council thereafter. bids sPall nzure a price for nn.kirg said. Improvement If payment ti-firofor be made In canhand also a price for the same If pp,ymert be r,:vlp In, gaid 1oca.1 improvement district bonds* At the next reguir-trymeeting of the city Council,after the Mlte of ti,e last publicati-n of s't.111 nrticeothe bi.M.P, received shall be open- ed ard. considered by VIO C'ItY CCurcilsI-M) if any satisfactory bid be recelved,tl�(' contrr.tct s),fxll then: or trees.fter be awarled tc the perscn or persorq ninkln!-, such bid.If rc, bid be found tli,,r.t is S'atisfa( ise, n( t r fter prcceed tory,the council. M--Y proceorl t(-, re-advorlU--) I lie 0�1' vith V)e considern,tlor! of bide rece-ived,.ar(l) t)?e letting of the ccrtv- ot as in I, !,,e f'r5lt All t.?1f!q submitted. rust 'he ac- i by (-!7,11 cr C ­tlflel cilecr. up( -n sc.,Yrr� reli.ablo bzankin ar srour."t eq1v.),1 tc fi"'e r.)nrcort., cf tl�p arinurt Of the U1dqaS 3 pu r- ,r,nty of tl�e x,,onl f ttl o,7 tl,p bl(lfler,tc, be ".'orfeited tc, the City in C"v;e of his faillaro tr, 6�71ter into 0cntrq.c1, and give bond f3. s3 provided by lal-', aro the of the City, -within ten days after the aC- ce'1-:t!-tncP r.f h's, bl-1. sectior. 6. Uf)or, t),,r, letting of -t!)P,,9'U,1 contract the, City Clerk shall f)rPp,,,ire ir afz.^,(aS�'Tnflllt, roll, clv-.rging up tc and aglinst the prop orty Ir the sci,10 i,nproveii,ert district,tltotal cost of S.I.ld irrr)rcve� Ment,p ,t, (I ,),c;Sp qq .:,cl,: 101 n.nd p<,.rcnl n' 1,,,,nd in q.,Arl improveiront distrtbt proportion? -,.1_ tr, berefits tc it (lerivedl from the said im,,rcvPrnertt,*t:xnd71 as sccn ,,s asscsnnent roll. shall be prepared, cruse ncf,ice t!", bo pul�-Ilshe,l In three successive i3911el Of tl_e City 0Mci,-,,.1 the nffect Viat such assossmerit roll has bd>en pn.,pared and iri on.rile in the, cffICP of the, City Clerk, !r.Pd t1in.t. protests the s:'i.T­t:l may be mato �Ird file) .4th the therein narr.fid,which date city;,,,ny or or be.. -C re (1,ate shall be bet,,vepn the fl, 1-n of thp 1,?.gt i)ubli -.tinn of s=uch notice,cand the next reslilar meetirp, of tll!, City Cciircil following the dite of of sl)cb last the snAd -ossessment roll will be presented tc the s,Uid Cit Council zat itFi next regular meeting after thedd.te of the 1,,!,qt pi,ollo, t1r)n csucii nctice,the data of which A reeting shall be giver In !-<O.d rotice,ard that at such meeting all 11 '3 'Protests ar iris t s"d asseqsment rollwill,bp heard anddfitarmin.ed by the said City Council. At the mpeting hell by the City Council on the do -to raved in mich noticeor ut a later dn,te to which the council! may adjeurntbe council sli'all. proceed tc her!.r tird determine all ob- jection's,if aylyotc s3r.ir9 "'.9sessnprit roll,arid sli­ll by ordin-ance duly passed adopt said assessment roll, either as prepared by the, Cily Cle� I or as ret.1sed and aonded by the City Courlicilif so revised andamend-!, r? ed,ard maiore and levy the n.ssessment as therein set forth, providing in such ordirs.rce V,-•,.1- sticii ,,eissesqrents n, -,,y be 'wrUd In irive annual inst,111mentsoml ccverinp. ,).q ,-reli the inter est which will accrue *;Mcli Interest q , bp at wal rate not to oxceem 7. assessment rcl]. q' tall Wavo been Made,heard copy t1lereof s b0t1Q.1 tle (',ItY Clerk (Nly corti-l"iev.1. an(I b.%- hirr! turned over --tn(I (a- 11, Bred tr,:,tris City Treaq.Urerq.*ii6"—" i-:, gfi� I receipt they'6' 6 The Dity, Treasurer shall theteup-n clause a notice to be pttblishe the Ci Official ANewspaperjIn two consecutive issues thdreofito [e effect"','that the w2id assessment roll Is in handil! for collSctioni �nd that the lots and parcels of land in said k,,,prioo`dlftnt distr'iet, y be redeemed from such assessment at any tiMeVitllln thiry days �fter the dMie of the first publication of such notidO,Whtch date be named In said notice. Lon 8. The said Improvemept shall be made underthe sUpervis. )f the City Tlmgineer,who ShAll be the judge. Of the materials and be done upon `lie, sartiea untlil the bands C ,Ssiled the trlp'rolreyr.ert ;Jlntrict been sold aMprill fcr ,urs e S s1 pT.1111 e n t 0 " cc.ntr,,,.(,tc,.r is to b(- P1,idrin SU(,,. bonds,ir which the be cor,-,,nerce�j srcn as thp contractors' contrn,.ct noid b(,7 (I tarn R