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An o ri i r cv,! of the C1t9,,' or fc.r the Ivi'ircve-ol'jt of
portion of Meeker Avan-uetlie - ;,(-Jr. extending, no,,n the trackg
r 11 e Intorse,
,,f +i,e Tr-terurb. r. ,*,c 11li
c; f f ri Ren!,-er lorertue ,,pith "Wasbington, Streetby remvin!- tbe, pres-
ent surface c;f the rna.1 rie� v to mrade rnr -,, wilth of ISIXtOOr fOOt
ly. trie center cf Said q. tree t eoverlr;the ZUA'd 16 foot wide
til ir.rslnor,,:rc 1
dc -nn 1,,wa,,ry rollar ocateti vilth erlice cJl .!Lrd tar*
7717 CIV COUTIRCUL OF V'7, : CIV OF T- n,*T r10 ORDAVI AS P0111WS",
Section 1. Th -DA portion. of A,.rer.Ue In VIP CitY Of
extend ir g frov.n Vie track's of t1le 3e4attle — TaccT.1a Interurban
Is 'rton sh,,;, 11
pailway ries, ' tr, -,Me Interse ottor of ue witli h1r,'
be, +xcved by rertovirf2,, ne. -oresert siirftace of the roalwo.y to
,:L wid
vi of 16 feet Ir the center of the ealm Meo'ker
xvenue,ai.A coverin.- U -i -e �-,,,Ad 16 'loot wide tYroiijY
,), thc center of
the A,,"erue bnt7;,-., .,r, V,.e roliitS atcve
v i tjj ,,, -P
grrj.,rel tc tiie 4eptil cf six irchentirr-., �"ar.n to
lie ti-!oroup
jily rolled witty a heavy rclier,aril ooatec with a ocating
of crule netroleur" cill -;,rd tnrn1xer1 lr
1cno prep.!'.zed by V'le
ity .wrj p,,ineor ca'i 46'11 fl 1041 0",' the I tY C lerk , TwarX e C *Filed
;bypted,af�,• Ca. fcr V10 pltan-s '-.,nrl. f('!' Vv! CM-
striletlor of tIL-p"SaId
action 2* br3 made upon or the lands
aill lots ablitting Up'l-Ir the 1rprrvprent and bonefitted t1f.ere—
byt,iis prcvidel by tl.7O V1vtj 0,1, tj,e state of
p .yrr e r. t 0f t e C 0 's t S "1 1 ex 1P e r s o m p r wy e r. e r t r A. f r, r
the paymert c irrq,,ror��,Yr,,crt Cl^trlct b-nds.tn '11,13 lw"Iled as
sectlr,r, `."erre i!--, hereby a locp,,l ii.a.prC.Verent-
CiFtrict to be Irprovenient District -2110#10810"Iftleh
sj,.,jj Includo. al", of V';e property al&ttlng upon that portion of
said hp.eYer Avenue so tc,. be 1nprcved,1.-,y sf,li'l Improvement as de—
1 of
ar: il.be V`eneftt-
ted by
ti -,,,e
back from
the said Avenu*
where P11-Itte.d ft b.1cakS ,tc) the Mrter Of the blocktwhPre platted
in Icts crly,tc, the enter of. the, jot8s,%nel Where Unplatted to
the Its t -,XM baCk '11? ;rnm the street r 120 'feetl 7PIP total cost
Of t?teSall' lrn'nro�,erert 1rc'j1.uej!.r,g tje cost 0r tre r 5 (�t C O.S., s Ipga
and IrtersecticPs 81"ki-11 be assesseej t1pon
I ae, t x.11 of the
prc:perty irc�.tj(jn� jr t1le �z,id litr. ictlar.d inproveinep.t
Mistrict,in proportior to the beref Its derived, by apd from mi i d
1ctinn ';,Local Inprovement district bonds sho.11. be Issued
as'air.st irnrovpnert lifitrint IT, ill 1,11iownt sufficient to pay
for Ve wliole of tree MSt cf the iAU ftlpror:miert larXd a inci-
dental ex-penses tiivreof ,iPS7 euch ccs Sh','>M. be paid 1p
�1 11, , A.".
the prior to VO tIMP, Of "'T,, of the V-1id bondso
7.1,10 ma'11.1 bond's T)e
,, -vabic., on or 'oefcjre five V �' " er ; rs a f t. e r
tile ri-,.te of interest rice to excep.(l the rate
o-1- eig.tt a r ent i?er anru4-.,'L1,Yi,ipcn all UnP.,.Id por�-
tiGY! 0-3
of dolivery to tfi t` contractor who
imp cvemerit.111cuse his
for pc.,,yre.� t Ln Such bc.nolq
t 'sh,A1 be n,'a4p by or-
dir-,.r.ce here,.-.fter to line by the3sid City Collyiell.
sOctidn 5, Upor tll(.',, t,-, Ring
.-A , effect of this
Cit,,,, clprl sh-1-1 publish as notice Ix, tjje city Offialj
calling fcr bids or proposfals for roaking said Improvement whicb
notice sball be.-oubll.cthod In three cc.nsecutl.we issues of the, said
,and s: 4D narnte a data ar or befcre '-,Ihich qUat bids or
proposals wili- bo rece lVed ' y tic Bid City Clerk,owhtch date shall
be be. twePn the '!,,;,te of ti,,u la -St put tic. , ticr of said notice and
the, re,,,t ragul!..r , nnecting
of me s-airl city cc,11pell, &ild b1de
shN,.11 naze a prim fcr maklr�; said Ir-Proverkentl,if payment therefor'
be ma,ie In cash.and also a price for the same If payvaent be made
In said loe-al improvement district bonds. At the next regular
Meeting of the aid City ccunciltafter the cke Of thel'&St pUblica-
6.ior- Of said notice,tTie bids receivel.1 SIV),11 be opened a d OGnSld+
ored by tint:. City 114 ary Satlefnetory b.11 be rec*ived
the contract sball t en or there,,�fter be awarded to t-.I,,e person or
persons suob bid* If rc bil to four.,.rl sat Is factory, tl�e coup-
c1 proceec! te ]prc.cfac.! ,iV"T4-A v'ic ocnsjr�loratjon
of bids t1!P.re,-,.f*ker submitted F-iiOl Vie letting of the contract as
in Vila first inst,-mce. All bld-) submitt'ed mist be
't7 4+ Ce-rt1r1(1:' ("I' CY*o'p--r; some rfal bo,, bark It-
tc, �Ive er cent. r.;f, ""ne, Faiourit of 41)e bid as a of
tX-b his fallizre to erer lill,f: ,, 1 Fje nd rv-
11CO by lavitwithir tor. the accopt,.--rce cl' h -1f; bid.,
11'.ec�ticn 6, Uper, t'J',e lotting of Vic mnt'r.-et,t):e City.
Cler'K all, I'. prepVre Ur t.1.1S,,,,efjf3ment rcll ch."..'.-rglng up to arni axilnst
tho Property In the 8"Ia ilipcovLeut tctul cost oftb*
suid a9sessing eacl, lct .,-:."A P.:,rcel o-lf* la-r(l in
said cllstrlct� jpropoirticri�.l tc the ben.efftts ilerivefl frrm t1te, Ira—
p�overrent,arl as soor. as at�A(l asiessrpnent roll shall be i)rfap,,ired
91'iall cause a notice to be publisherl in three successive. issues
of the (1,jty Officic,.'1 Nowanaper,tc tle affect tbat sueb asSessrnent
roll has beer. pr,:pa'i,ed �rd Is or, �!'ile Ir. vie floe Of the (71ty
ler w,az�ci twat; protests ims,4,y be made and filed miltl+ the Cit;, Clerk
;Ltt tire- on. or beffore. Mate tl-,,ereir. s)mll
be betw.",n Vie atate of the lvsf"' publ", c,tion of Vie m.tion,and
Ul�*,j- Tfj(!'Otjrj.C,11 41311( "cu c1l 'follovin t f
the next the out e 0
such lanh publioationaxiq thzk�,L' the Said -,'i,ssessmort roll will lie
presentel to the City Council t' --t Its next rej;,rular neeting,)Lftp.r
the 4te cf tho last pulhlicatirn of such nctloe,tlie o*.e of vibier,
meetin&shall be given In s,,Jd roticeand that at such meeting
all protests against nald assessment rcll will be hey .rd and de. -
tern, ir;ed by th-e City Council* At tYie meeting hald by the City
Couroll or, t1'-.erAte nw-,e�l In the Laid ncticeor at, some later da to
to i:hjc!,, vlt council may ridj umt)-A onunoil 9 11 proceo.',l to
hear and detemine all objections, It any,to Vie sald ansessment#and.,
ahz%.11 by ordinance duISr pasedd adopt the nald assessment rollelther
the City Olen,
or a,t revised ara ampnded
sr. n3r.erm�d %mid
rfmisedarl vma'n arfl leVV
aes<minnts as therein set f rthprrmiding in, such crdin.znee t1jrit
the salti a8sessments may " ''P.ta. in five Rmual jr,,st&jl*"tg OWA
a vering -iS Well the irate-re-st which will, aceme upon unrmid in—
st'Illner,Ts,tvhlch Interest sIvIll be n -t Jmte tot 'Co exceed eii:tt per
cent*per ti.rrum*
Sectior. 7. Vier the cassossment rclI. have beer made,
heard and d&termlred.arl Vie assesment made ard. levieda cor'y of
the assessment roll 91b!,11 b,:!1by the city clerk, duly cert i'I'led, *and
by hir turned. over and delilrer(!d to t? -!e Clt,r Treasurrt?,kIrjr the
tre,xsurerfs reoei,!' ',t fcr "Me City Treasurei,+tall there-
a mttce t(.-
be 1'r, the City Offici'al
per,in twe,
ItiRues tjjereof.to the Offect
Ve ss -id
as,P,5,r,mert roll is in iii!-, ar-I tiii! lots -Ar.,' of
L':�rd Ir, Irpmverert (!"Ifstrict r"i'%, -n'(� .i'ed'ctmer
I fron �'Uch
aSIP'S'I'meslit at tir,10, ",,'it)Ar t"'Arty ,�ftcr tiA,edote of ne
first of ! c)i not ice C1, to 'Ioe r,11101 Ir vaid
Section 8, e art r l r7T'Ir- Or t SY:J'j be rade: ia,.Oer the
aup"'rrislrr 0" tbte "Iter 77np:'Peervrho si,'*III )-�e Vie Jul",.. of the
ro ilmr'k bo, 'Icne upor VIC q- am*
Un'Al the b-rdv, 108110d If-ainqt t','J� -,.Id brPromen(int Ji,"_;trjct have
beer gold arl Pa.11 Porunlf:s`*, thO pI'.pn,,.,nt c"" V -,c (,cr_tr.,",,ntor In to
be tmnclm Ir. mich bor,,Isir ,,,rhich ca--' t) -i r.rK mni.y be, conmencel. as
f4tocn fl"�o cortractcrls borl. arl(I cont.'r"�!.ct 1 -,re execut,eii. a�p_
IBM* 1"410
2L Z��ZZ�14�