HomeMy WebLinkAbout231o Rn i NAN cr. No An ordinance provi?07 for the imprcverent of portions of Harrison Street,Yourth Street nrO the May bet?p-v Harris= Street and Shinn Avenue in the City of Kent,by placing therein Uteral sewers to ennnect with ar, d1schurpe into the Shinn Avenue trur! serer; creating a local It rovarart district M prnvidUr for the assess— rent cT top ass oT suet 1 znvornit npcn ard anainst the property Included in said lc cul Inprovemori t 11strict. it 1^',I Tv onvion nv -7� 7z7 17 �777 TO MAIN AS FULOW: MOM 1. Woral Towers Mull be luld anC conotructed as it tols nection aescribod,ir oil Mond the portions of the streets and Mays named ::,rd escribef in this ectlor as follows: Vegirrinr at the InOrractinn of Hurth Street jTd Snir? A"Olue rur souty oicng wcurto woet win r ter oev sower pipe 350 feet tc. Ot.'rcct. RegirrArg ot the internertior of YcurtL 23trer�t z'""ract rur east w=7 tPo scut- Wo cf Mrrinar 5trevt 611 feat w'th r etyYt ON sower vivo U toe post site nf NoW Mont. 7epirring at Me intermecOci of 7ourth Street witr the May bet-ner VrOson Strent wi" S A-enuejoy oas* nl=7 r�ll n1ley with ar el7ht Inch se7er A, 611 feet tc Ve ;est side of Beccrd Stront, All rf 7YOR inproverart slyllfonrect nt the points or irtersee- tion -!Q c:Mtinu(-;"S lires Y"th qufvicier, t grnAes frar the Wee ends thereof to ischurge Into the t M sewer In Shinn Mai ue at tun Point ',.,Q correCOW7 Mom -t wy interseVicr nf SIM, WeLuu nod Fourth Stree t,u d uA such sower luterale suliolecharge Into -11 trunX sewer. !C".' P. 'Mwrn brall be w is onroby create, a 1ccal lmprcue�w t MOM to be known as "Local Inmrrvement Sewer Dis- trict 70.105u,Wch ny-11 OPIUM -2? rf VO Wt3, OMM 'V� tracts of loon lying Mtn the folOwing bom WYMS: DegIrrizz :t the rcrl.n wept enrunr of PlacR Seven (7) in Y slats Qrst Adllticnto Kert,ir, King Ccui tywasld; rtr1,runr1nr,,, there e.vt to thi rarTh Pot Worar of rnll MCA 7JInLec s-uth to the nouth east corner cf block 5 Ir suld additionsthence west tc M scuth 7ent cnrner nf rM bloch 5 tjorco ncrth to the point of begirring. End 00 sail Cit. Courell W QnJ ulddOcUra that all V tk-�', lards Included within W solo bouraoxies are approximate tc and Nut uprr nr Pre en3 tl7nunn; ts tic rtz. tr uid i1eys ;nQ onrTions thercof on to be Imprnved. Section 3. The Ocst avdzapenne of the Improvennut pro— vided Mr MUM rrilrarne sholl be qnynsped n7virs- -r! up n Ol o" thn property Ir, the sbid lac; -:I IrproverM llstr. int,tc be le"Ied it necorf roe with tic 14st g�rorl asr2upmant of We land within da'd distrYt for city purposes,exclusive cf Imprcvements,not eX— ceedinr 11..,.1bepofits QeMid Trrp such U'=vwnrt,-YcP rrin-snart tc be a suecial tax uper Va urworty In mid JO-trict. • Section 4. The tru;Z `_ewer ir ShOr Avenue has been and in by tre W7 CnUrnil Mund 11 OcYrM to by 0 ..3 is arm ryffl— cients outlet Or the lawa O lateral seer d n sew Ar district estab. lished and ernAM t- thir crMcnee. SectUn 5. Tho 17yrovement prcvidw for Ir tnis crUnance s4oll ba built,10d ..rd ccnstrucled cccrdlnq tn the plams 7ro spec— Mentiors bprotHyrn alcuted Verefor by tic City Ccurcil Ir, or— dirorce W0,270 of tie sail city. t io' 3- e Jr. this C-ity-*,Vi.11 Publish rcticel it tl',rec., successIV.& Asi.je.r, cf cr -pn-.c-?- V"e iYn-p,.o%rei-nArtn providoi fcr In tM�, crdir.,­,�ce,naml. + UU o r cr tl-'e City or Wl'li(,'b &,te Shall be bet!.Eser. tl,,e d.,..te of tl"'(� last publication of -.4 . mtc?'l mt1cr, ca --'_7 t').c ne�"V'. re"'I ytir '70 111! 0, 11; �iid bift sli,,,11 narie e. price fcr the 9,-'Jd improvernem1u, , tc be paid Ir. t,rito dnarm *r-,m,:tr7t Vie e 1( c 1 Improvenent districtand the next refrainr neetinp, c ne City coun+ cil t"'�'V; I st t)Ubllo' ticr cf n r,t_.1 I - C c n J -e s procee,' said MOB IYft If nxt.v be fnin] s,,tjs_­ cont^ , "set t1c '�`e I)erscn !"qlhing SuC1.1 bid. If nc satistgetor.y bid, be received ,the" clerk sh;�)11. re— d v e'c t i s, P - - r, .1 t1le prcceedir.­�% .tci, ir. the first ip"s V, lice. d s n'*"t-"r. rl. 0',xh cr to ar ,.Ircillrt C(IW'l to 5 z,e,r c n t of t I rcur t. of til bid-asa 7. t U, Clerk r'�Jmlth prpare �o Z,,Ssessinent roll, ch�1'x-ing tc V!e prc�'�erty A� all r C.'f -n-king P-cve,,,,nx,t,-r(,T asser-!�qr,-i lnt r d c c c rd iiig :Y' Cit"�' b ;--noehral. � 1 1e 7, _, T� _ Y. L I r, Cs qtr ,..U�j J�'Ve Sal Oicstrl(7t'excl 707 y(,j 4, Y tl'e benfl,- lei'�Inp it case 10t f' c,!] 10 s c,^, P Os at rc 11. be pr-r".�xeo. sl.-Iall a rotice t(" Iy- tj'N'�� Ne?,'Sr�';,p0r�tr t1 --e effect ti mmu ent r d lo I ,.l 7 r"V zagyn.ir s f" t IEA b d "'ler1K t i)'? rc.ti C", next reg - "'n r the (l t CGIUlcil at it- ox t rc*.,rul.,r i'�i,eeting ^tor L, I : . 1. Ce d pui 1, C,,,t i(�r 'p tf�, t e e 41 ng n -all. 1�e r sa r c roi t e �_ '1 1 -, - ' - , r*i+ At ti�­ Ir t �icTwN ter (7,:t to ft 7,, cown tl,!e t(-� hP �"'r P 'cur objec- t1CTP71 iq roll -!fi b,,. t�'(! r! r a S 'n v t7, P C uT m e T" 03 e d , "L f i t a,,, theroir, J, the ,-tic benr duly R -d 0 p t e dl� prcvided t1 l i 10,71 7 t f tr I c. n) 1 co, t^0v c 7ij 1' certifie! + Y the City IV 4 11 , 0 r''(7 he bli.�Tc n C. ice t 1), 11 zJ I i,� t G P 0 itY 0 f fi C IGriv der in suc('�os ivn t1, e- 4- r C! t sess-Ment rcl,',- Is ir hi ds n rs-esigments will b: come delinquent 11L'A ' 'I t r1,-,, Sixty d,,iys; a fter ne uch notico , yjjcj� 1,st t"(" d,'�.te c -'f' t?;' :f publIc,,,.ti(',P. r, Ir- sa-[cl notice. P"Bod the 0OUR011 July 18th, r4)ZO. A"rOV" JUly r9tft.j92O,.1X Att*St City Clerk