HomeMy WebLinkAbout230Z30 ORDI'lli-k-N-C)TI, Nc.iEk-f Ar, tile. lntertic.r of th.0 City Council cf the Ct- of T"'entto lm-Prcvc cert-An..I)trp;,ets alleys 'I)y placing. cri"I'Ang, tho,CPt in P-, P I ti -.e r,,r flllrX',* O1j1,I(!tI.I(,Y6S V,cretc.,viith the (11.t', 7 R 1-1:;, CIr?' kmOU'N,'CTI, OT 'i , H"'(1,11:1y 0�1 T -�DOP DAIN AS POLTMAV.33: Section 1. The Clt�, Coluricil of' Wit City of Kent.dlces hereby ,11.eclzkre its Intentioxi c" In,. --pr as in tIds ordi- streets, rv—tton- intersecticr c' Fc.,Uxth Stree,-t oxd S,',.;Irr, Avev� rue,rur, South .3550 feOt T;?jtj,, terinch sevier -pirie tc. Harrison Str,,ect; c i *A it r.t tiv� IntersectIcE of Pourth Street Harrisc e t Stroet mr, crud.� the ,-jz+,h sjd,�,, of Tj-,j-rrIscn Stre. iet 611 f iW ty.e mest side of See nd Strect 111th ar eip Inch Sewer TAT)e- tre V alley' irtersect-icr a:`°Fourtn 3 et vAth Sl71r)-i AVerUe 13�:,rriscn Str(,.,P.t,rij.y*,, on -,Il ,y 61.1. f et e *,v1 tU h w-, e191,. t j r, cli, s e r Ove tc, tI,'..e me -11* cf Seccor,"', "trPet. All of V.:*fIICTI Improvement Sfi,11 be Ir. accord,. -.!.rice ,°Ith -u-jrl con - fore, t - t P e ti.rri s ,zec c.,+,t I cng. vl)ereof,I cli ,.ixe- or file Ir tl,ie c-f'flce of the cit.N,, cierk,r,rxe"File (I -1('' 10 ,,,,rjj,jcYj a�,d sT,,,evtfIca'IicrB are hereby approVed ard adoDted. ml -,i -t r,( I . , c,-Ist cf V,,e Pstimate,,I said I urcv(arrient is the 700 .-- .59, tne whc1a !-,f s)"ild lm*urcve-,� cm is for ti,.�exlusive u -j berefit of VO crtyatuttlrp, uL-cm. or ,T)prcycim,,tc Valretc,r-r"', Anc porticn. of the Lmpmve- nea-t Is a i-,nain. or trurk sevier. See tic�r, 7. Dri t tic er. re cots. t and expense c L` t h.0, z i-Tmorove- e nt. lrtc; be asfzessed U,,-,rj- ,jj,(j the prc,,)erty abutting upori apprcximto t)-ereto ard benefitted thereby. Sectirm 4. M.,,.t titre; bcurd ry ol" tll.n -()r(,De.rt,,r abutting upon or apprcxirr,�,t ., tc Vne s-!Jfi iT.,,,prcvcrc-rt,tc b.� berle"."Itted thereby, �,Y& jetQrKr5Q by t4e MY Wurcil a8 aro f lxeb nortj went arrrnr nf Plock 7 jr FtrSt AGIMOV W y0rtithen" On" to the ncrtY cast corner of mula bloct 7otherce Scutt " tjo South east corner of bKOX 5 jr soil Yesier's First ,Ad NAor tc Kent*thenCO Weat N the nCath W07t nWrs�r cr n0l MCA 5 thunW It oth tc tho pCint of beKinring,comprisirg bloCkS 9 nrf 7 jr said Yesler's 71rat M— Micr to Tort. Section The UrZ r A Un; : rc torts, Ain 11qt the Ming of rbil 1rprcvPmprtjHt? tie City 01M is flXSd aS QturdnY ,d,1910,,ttho ycnr OV 5 0,clock in tho Jar mcn. TRE COMM JUM irth. 1910. APPROVED TYI; f DW OP jUSE. A.D. 1010 Q YOR A TTTST CITY CLERT.