HomeMy WebLinkAbout2270RDI 1, ANCE I!o. � An orc_inance a;proving the assessment roll of Local D,-provei:lent District Nc.103,for t_Ie' iy:.^prove�e nt of Jason Street and Titvs Street in the City of Trent between tete intersect ion of Jason and Temperance Streets,and a point i t' e east line oi' Titt-4s "tree . w-ic!^ 415"r rods 8.5 feet soth and 27 rods 7.5 feet ea,, -,t of tl.c nor-.-',,- west corner of sed. ion 19 in townshJIP 22 north, range five east in Kin:Coun ty,Washin ton,by constructing along the east side thereof a standard _'wooden sidewalk,cc*.plying with the pro- visions ar.d r e�-Lulations of the ordinances of thesaid. cdty,and_ assessing and levying the amounts t",Iereof a ;gins t the lots, tracts and. parcels of lard shown in said assessment roll,and creating Local I- proveriel�t Fund m No.103,in the Cite Treasury. THE r I TY C 0,17C IL 0IF T -i E C ITY 0,74 DO ORDAI? Ac T OLL07S : Section- 1. Twat tl-ie assessr ent roll for Local I.chroveruent District TTo. 103,for the improvement of Jason Street and Titus Street in6aid City from the intersect ioni Jason ar_d Temperance Stre::ts to a point in the east lAe of Tit1_7s Street wI-Ach is 107 rods 8.5 feet south and 27 rods, 7.5 feet east iron_ t _e norti, west ccrl..r of sect ion 19 intc ;,reship 22 ncrti,.. ran�-e 5 east, in Kin,- County,Was ':_ir >ton,b7, construe ' irl, �lon�, + .e ens t side t'_�.ereof a standard wooden sidewalk, complyin with tl e reg ulz�L dons and p-ovisions of the ordinances o� tl_e said City,under ordinance N10.Ps4—an ,as t -,e s argyle has been l:re .erred -by t .vCity Clerk a.nd as t_ -,e s arsenday be,a.1d is l-iere-hy approved ar:Ld confirmed it L,11 ti it J.s. Sectior: 2. That eac : parcel and lot of land and ;;art t- ereof nar:Led in said w-sess-ment roll is sj.eciI�.11y benefitted b r �^i�- i lyre ment in an amount tir _icr. is .-;reatly ire excess o_' the araount wssessed agatnsv the swne, tll.at there be and is here -b-,, assessed a l ainst each parcel and. lot of land and part thereof cont, -Lined, in said improvement district,as shown upon said. assessment roll,tl�.e respective aaj-ount therein set against such parcel and lot of land and pz.rc t::ereof',bet::een tl-ie termini of said improvei-ent and abutting upon ti:e s��Ilie,a d said w-Lioi,,ants are 1-_ereby de- clared to be a f irst lien_ attains t each said r�L,,rcel and lot of land and part thereof a,_= ainst VVI.3ich t7 "e s ai:ie is alse-sed it said roll; t, e a.rLount herety assessed }Zd levalpst rile prcl erty in said T,ccal I r vement District is tl,e sta__. ff .�Gv,.����!.1-�`rz'-'a-r'= Cl ase) Doll,::,rs,0 Sectior. 3. TI -ere is hereby created Luid establi lied in the r,it� Treasury of 1"�-e City of Trent,a fund to be knoll as Local Improvet.ent Fund No.1031 into w3h.ic:1- sl�al.l be converted all all moneys collected from the said aseessra ent xv$$,and from. ,Lich shall be paid all 7,,iarrants drawn in pay- ?Terlt of t'' e costs ar.d eXytenses of said i _-prova�T-ent. Passed the c oi.:nc it 'Y 1910. Approved- 1)y t- e mayor "'�'rayor A test 9 ty Clerk.