HomeMy WebLinkAbout225I 01U)INANCE NO- 01 - An ordinanoe of the City of 11;:enttproviding for the i1jproveljent of por- tions of First Street, TituU I.-*ItraetsGowe ;',traatqRailroad Avenue and Me:-:kor Avenue,and intersect ions'lb,,/ paving V10 sal."e �Ath a- concrete paging ,4nd ourb- composed of a standard mixti-ira of Portlj�;SCezent I sand and gravel, ingon either side of thO Mliiu d pa its full lengthowith a ourb a I ght Inc be u #j thj0k#0f like yda-6j..jajs,1 as tl�a said jjaving;,and pl'acIng.0atch basins as follows; Three at thO intersectiir, ©f GOwe ati- d First gtreetop and two at thG intersection of Second S)trect Vitra Lie ker Avenue;oresting 10oal iraproveraent district and providing; for the issuing and salO Of,- t paid loc,.J distriotto rain's l0oal imprevorient bonds "�,ains funds for dafruying theexpen0e of ,.j11011 jj,ij,ruvas;ientgwid furthor providing for tl,.e assesmaent of the pro;,arty included. iii said local Il-proveiA.ent district ,to create a fund forthe PJWaO�lt Of the s aid bonds and the interest thereon. VIE CITy r,,v.jT Ij I , 0,51 1D;L,' CIT',.9V K-IjrvT 0F6)AIT" Section 1. The :pcxtioxio of Virwt *'),treat 9 TitUS o a n U1•'Beations A:`..c:�,.kcx Avoiluo Wild LAA >Lr I.S troot Railroad Avemie ill t1lu 1,uji*t slij,11 bo izinproved lnaludo6 ir.. tj-,.e, portioxis d,�,-.;cribudj „r i,avixig the is W�le with a Oc"Orete of a, otancLLrd ,,ravollsuild wid gravel to be Olean 1"'i mixture of Portland ce,,�,ent�oaiid and washed saild mid gravel, quid paving tc; bu oix jncj,e.,iAhiok when finished ready fi.A* use,ai,,d to extend ix*= curb to curb a1c,11L, tiu portions of strect8 doscr!bodlaL.,o by �j(j oon;jtrijotin,;J' curbs along; each side f 1. 101 r, of the ijuving1said outbs to 04 Litructs 30 JMV04fur 11 1 W T.11 -A po,'Vin6. bo Incheii tbjokt:4nLd of like i;i, �; LC� 1)0 L30 J.,.prGvud are: The portions of Areu.t U , First Straot fl,ola avid ijjcjj,djj-j� i-j's jjjtQj%;uc;­ion with Titua Stract to its intarse,.tion Into-seotion -�jjth Avi.�nue; T A I•U L; with First „treet to its interuoction .lith'Iiz,ilruad AvQnuq; (s,01yo Street, frow ito interaection with •.),izst otreot� o it interseation with RuilrddS Jffenue; Railroad Avnue froi:: i -i L; in -tura uction with Titus 0 StroiA to az-id inoli,,d 7 itlai streot; Mo.;kur Avenues frons its ii--tersoction ,'Jtll PLkilrcad Av(;111-00 to the trttoht� Of thQ O'Gattle- Tuooma Inter-izrljiixi llailw4Y; Aluo by placing, ("atoll ut tl'c I L;o ints * t owit: iliret. :­ixeet w"d Gaye; Street CxId two at the Three at the intersection of( intersection 0Secord Stre,,,t clic ,,ouicor A:�Oznletfc:r the drainage Of the f) portioi,),z of tho ouid olklru,tj SO to be Said improvement to be made and completed according to the plans and sepoificati.ons prepared by the City !�n ineer,on file in the office of tht City Clerk and Marked /, 19100,which % Section 4, tw ,.e off ect of this ardinanao,the City Wil"I"C a notloo in tho City official I,'- r call inG for bilddo Q%a p�,� 0 or porponals for =king said iaprcvwzent,Whiph notice be j9'ablia1had In t3aroa, zz,,�',ccessive issnaz of thezaid naZ e on or before vhiah such bids Opropo'sais r111 bP recoNod by N',, z add CityClerh,which date ahall be between the aata of the lost publiontion of f said notice =1 the next regriar meatimE lof thenaid City Councilpaid bidz W"11 nano a Pric"t 'for za".-�" 111" be, ana alzo a pric"';);or matins Cfi,. wiow a,1 xe if paynen$be made in Oaia 100al Wrcuayent Watrict bonda. At tAs next regular maoting of 10", ''�adc'-k O;Hy counciltzfter the date of the last yublication of zaki n0tiee,thn bids received shall be oponod ant cozzidered by the counola amd if any satisfactory bid be reveived,the contract zhall then or there- after be avorded to the jerson or perpona mating suoh bid, If no bid be 'MmAntisfuntory rcadvertize'and Procoad with the IMOZ of the contract a s in tho first be acsom �mnijhy cash cr a nartfied ahea,17 iz,,.,,on re- liable banki,"a ">..a ;. equal to 2 par cont.of nr.-"'oumt ofas a guaranteo of the goo& With of t., . o bidder,to be Orfaited in came of hN failuro to Wer into contract and fornish bond as prwyided by law, saction A Upon the letting of tha said oontract,the City C;erk shall yrognre an rol+ up to the yrc,arty in said Myravoment 07trict,the total cost of the zaid assessing each lot and-jarcol of !And in said -to the benefits derived. V' iz"""'.', rcvement,and an soon as amid namessmant roll shall be prepjpd Wall cause a notice to be pAblished in trea suoces,ve iszv:,��s cf t2hoa' Olty WHOM Newspaper,trte. the eff om-,,', assessment roll has beark Praparcd and is Onkle in the office of the City Clerkyand that protests may be made and filed with thu City C19rk at any Mac an or before a date therein naned,which date shall be betwean tho di,,to aJ.' tion of the said notice &nd the next regular meatIng of ki thut thesaid assasament roll will be pro at its nezt regular ndc'tsr the M-Lz Aac f tho IM jubliontion of the said notice.the date of Vhich meetins shall be . Vvan lin said notice.and, that at such meeting all protests against the' said assessmen roll will be heard and determined by the City Council. At the meeting held by the City Counc il, on the state narl.ed in said notice, or at some later date to whioh the council may adjourn, the council sha 11 proceed iko ear and ,t determine all objections, if any, to the said assessment,=4 shall �► � � same until the bonds issued ajf'Minst the s::.id improvement dinance duly passed adopt the said assessment roll, as prepared by the sold and paid for,unless the City clerk or as amended and revised by the council if so amended and revised, and make and levy the assessments as therein sat forth9providirl€;,5 in such ordinance that the said assessments may be paid in five annual installments,and covering as well the intersst which will accrue upon � :1 unpaid instalhients which interest shall be at a rate not to exceed eight;, per cent, j:er annum.. .� When the asse:,sment roll shell hwve been heard anddetermined and the assessment made andlevied,a copy of the asse.is:aent roll shell be by -the City Clerk duly cer if ied and by him turned over to the City Treasurer, talc- ing his receipt therefor, The City Treasurer shall thereupon pause n V',,6e to be published in the City Official Newspaper, in two consentive issues there o the effect that the said assessiaent rollis in his hands and that the lots and parcels of land in the aid. improvement district may redeemed from such assessment at any time within tl-.irty days iter the d ate[of the last publication of said not ice,which date shall be named in said notice. Section 6. The said improvei,ierit shall be made under the supervision of the City Engineer,who be the judge of the materials and work- manship,but no work shall be done upon the same until the bonds issued ajf'Minst the s::.id improvement district are sold and paid for,unless the payment of the contractor is to be made in s chi bonds,in which case the work m4Zr',be commenced as soon as the contractor's bond and contract are 'executed and approved. 4"A `� v 1 .i • c 4 . ��