HomeMy WebLinkAbout221oRs�Ir,�t:C� i,o. 1 An ordinance 0.1 t1le Oi Uy ofI �provIdinU c)r the is>prove Lent ,of TaBou Strout and Titus Street in the s idy bat c)n the intermoot iooa�tt�`ee#� CC Jugon and Tatiperanae Street and point whioll is 147 rade 8,5 feet south and 27 rods 7,5 Seat seat Of thra N,*'W# comer of section 19 ta�mshipp2,y thetmstaa yde Vietreof a standard VV*Ode� .`,"8.shingtonsby amatructing, - nc, r .���la s idowalk a arnp ly t i ens of t; i o grd xxa t c€ee itt oritla. the p�'ctiris .cz:.s ar'G:, t,. providing Of Vo d City�arQatixz! a loe�llJ tl�argizzcnt -( pay fortt;r saxA �id ia::..pr tyVOm", for an assessment o.� t3.,,, pr p '1'i C IT�1 C OUNC I?, OF ' . a CT TY oi? -DO ORI)A:L 1 &,-,' F O.0 O I $actian 1. T,,e follvaain� porti oxo;. Of :1"aO01l �tx'a€3t az�cl �itl,» 1:r E3 C3�i in t A. t►f' ; eY,t alp.i.1 k)E i��:proved by layin aid apnst, I tine; a 'moo on sidomalk along t'le a a.�st ;gide t-,croof,,:auplying with thO provisions arl re,tzlations of tile* ordinances Of V`0 s ai-d of ty: 1ieLln-ning at tl,.a intersectio-: c>f said JL,.soa ,truot with T GtQA** Streetsr= t1tence ootlth alar JF-5()3I ,. tro: ,tj tc, ar7d acroo'.1 MAth str et$ thenco contimiing 13ot; it3-? alon t':e c.3t ,sides csf Titus C43treet to a point in tT:OaL6t line thereof W111c31 Is 107 rock, 8,5 feat south and 27 rode h".Ii 8 7.5 feet east Of tilt) :.'',� r�nz'�i�, r:�xt�e eazitin "rang County Wail" ;ctm� ;s.,i.cz �: ,,,, xt t0 zy(1 [ p ;yie on p1�,'�; ;zr;ci ss:e Qificat:'io..a� �rExG7a.rerI-� t�. tri"�; s 3n t.; ,.ci icc n'� t �:u:r',r:k.,i•Led,'+" file ( Cr�1 .p�q��,�+�y ted f or thO WF+ u]i�,'.'� i tion plan;; ozid c pec-1-if i( 11o aie £:::clot f3 ?3 of l� x�d obu�:4�in ; upon f',;: .E�rL3c7r:i.s of s ,.icy tracts to bo is.;!_)vovodjwid Ar A t., ,: ca.c;t : idc t ...; :of )and T)onaflti:eit 1:); tha4s aid L,-VO Ing, o:; Of the aid bylawyruoided,fi�r , f3ectiaxJ 2. Thera i.,i::prcnTel"z�;nt district to bo ivseludc a,1.3. Of known Lr�provE::�;on` .tom property abutti�'E: of t,je :j �:.id Titus and to be uo i.raj:r•<;qods t;c, 1:1mck 1°s•mi the estreat lina�,ta t;s,cz r.:iddle of tlio blocksea' ;r;; �)l.:r tt:od in blookffi;to tila oex�tor U;: i ,.0 lots where t,latted i�. lots oj;ly,c•�id to VA-0 ui; tazica of 120 feat where zlot pl,.,.tted' and t :'e t,: t:&.1. uo. ;t of €: e ;a lci ii-aprorvex:axst :3ma 1 be taxed and a..sessed u ;on c:,:�cl a,:;c� i��st .� ._c, t;ro . �:r t;. includod in the said biiprovei;�erlt district Section 3. ITpon Vie ciil,in,,, effect of lice the City Clerk shall publish a notice ca.11ing for bidb ul• proposals for r;,uking the said L_i�rovoruntj,4,rhich notice shzUl bu, J�Llblit;hucl Li brae UIXCC88�31ve is - or B".ez of the City of.: ficial 1,11'evispaler,und 114),Ilie jti &I, (,e on,,before which,bidE; will be received 'b,,y tj:e (,,i.ty tire ijaid im- provej,Lont,wliichi date shull be brzltwc;uni t1ju delle ol t1he last publication of said notice and tlie naxt jiueeting of Li c City co­oncil thereafter;i3aid bids t3ll.,.11 nwie a price f Or :3ai(l iL..j,rC,_V c11; nt , to be maid f or in warrants drawn against tjjc; 10,3al fund of said local :Liproveor ment districtlarld --,-t tliu next o, Li.0 city cowicii iixter the &Ae of t,3,e lust Public"Licli Otj,;'; liot,ice, L,,;u CiL,/ CoLi;-icll &.iall 1xoc_-ud to open and ooio:Adaj- tho bias ruckAvadjaiid up,n nUak considem- tiall shall thun or t.lierafter proceed to act llpolt the eLtid 'bids and if azir bid bt, fowid that i::5 Li.Ai6fact-.0ry to j.,i ovntrewt to wake Jj,.yjrovc..Icnt shJl, be a-wo,rde.,.i -tc, L`{u pw*60r, such bid; if no 5,_Ltis*,�....ctory bid be f oviidl �j. jE to cb.11 f or bids a.,,--ain 'i rs t in.; Lance. ection 4 U Ti,iiii. clej-ic si.ail pre— pure, aii asse:;siacnt roll,W_.arLjing up L(.-, ifl said local. p r Ovemm-ld ,izscu,: sink eacil lot ­11CLtO j,, iu u -L, trict ecce r<xil}L tl,j-u be-fic:fits dUrilv-Od, U,U ac, bou, a;, roll iL blish in t-iu �,;itj -ti Oa P -LI �; c�fj*ect , id asseagwient roll is ruparua acid wi fiio ai'zice,and thL,G UU0 SaMS wil1 bo heard wici a a Leriai_.,ed b-,.1 t� k; A a, L a ru�;A"r I-ecting therdof the date of vihic-il iLli3ttill,, aillu ll u -,140".c in ., said. no-1161cevalld JL L_11,esuiu Ole& that protests "t:,ainst 't on or bet Oro t.,�U 11,UQ11 )IOUr Of tj,L;cii,.Lu Oil yohiclt ;j"icj jjc;L4rjjiL; -will be had. T;peri tiled" -4,;e nauwd in L;ieutLid notice Or OLL soiac; later date to Mich the oo,,j,,Oij may adj:urn, the cowrie i1 Shall proceed to hour and determine k I _L a arw I ai a di all by the s aid asse, � smant roll and tire; 0 GliO tilur to if ordiwalice duly p&3sed;acIc)jjt tlie ;_jj,ujjt ,oil LA,,,; ruported oy the Clerk or as a,,iended by Via conic iljif ajo wiuYidadjw.ja jLjElJLe aa,id levy the aszeu,_i,:jj-L -.a therein provided. :_yard ;a 1ilc�at inckl 0 nt 1-011 11LINo b�;-en Soction 5. Wren the ask;c: =8 &j,(j duly IQ-viodju covY as 'Lila 13 wi1u mude tjjo City j2j,oasurarp and cort,iff ad 0ur v, 31 tat ai Ywr;z,11.3.11 roc.: t.A �.i aid .0t: idc; f cr 4: roll -hu 44 of,tl,�e fin"t, pvblioa�-ivn C. -�j from b'e-oo-DIC of the C, ai d t b Of.tiCial paosed !7. ._... t.i G� �.i -� �-_ _ _.. 1 : '_.1 _.�_ ,..__ _.._.....,� J.1. i • ..' !.� ."Yi .7' i. Iqq, rove A