HomeMy WebLinkAbout218tho proviolors (J- Am,, -ordir-ance proviaing for the ks�vnee NOW() I COO. epee &I bcnds of the City of kelt,to W a chorge a6zinat a Glacial fund creatad for,the payment thereof by actting avor §4500.00,yzurly from the revenues derived from the City water Tbrks andswater 5ystam,pursuant tc �vl aleation held on janvary 28t5 ..1910,and of ordinances lo.211 and 21yrof said lity of Xent. T'_E::':E�_'C":,T'Y O -Z' T],�� C'ITY OF KENT DO ORDAIT AS MIMS: Section 1. That pursuant tD M prtvisians of ordinances To,211 and 4115herotoHre adopted and assented to Qyr f"'Lft3am" of the lognily qualiled votera of the City of Kant,vcting &v election MIA tKarein on thz Qth,day of 7annaxy j,JI910,thore be Insued syscial bonds of thezaid 0ity in W-,", of rr dollars,te be a charge uron nod ...:%t x., a zoncial fund cromted in tho t7saarr,-,, of `tha id city, by satting over into the a a it V no,L the son of Isr. MOO.Yearly from the gross revenuou of M water ayatey and rater =ks of thusaid o _,ends tc to for tho gyr,me cf alditions tc the oxisting water systc= and water 7orRs of the hall %tylail to be owned bj tha municipality, aM all ac pro- vided in the 73 aid oralann.cos Yo.23'.l ;_ the Wd My,, Sectinn 2. That sveh MW be nouDon bondsnn, of the dancoinatiaL of one Mouzand Vila= each,numberoa from tearing data yebroury at.111o,ama payabis az fonova: no.11f or Vc,2 and S. -for. a years after data, To.42fcr Q1000.50.four years after date,, To.5 and AM 01000.00.cach,five years ofter date, VaQ and 8,far 11000moh,211 years after date, X0.0 and 102M years afterdate, 7c.11 and 12,fDr years after date. Yo.13 and 14 for 0100C.each,nine years aftor date, Tu.15,16 and 27,for 01000,aaah,tem yeaze afterdate,, ToM and 19,fcr after date, 7o.20,21 and 22 for 01000.aaah,twolva years after date, Ne.23,24 and 25,M, 0"1000vach0thirtacn yo.,- -,r,,,,,-, 7o.26,27 and 281fer 01000.arah , fourteen ".after Vc.29,rip 0 anE 31,fcr 41000.anoh,fifteen year2 after date. Y0.32,33 and 31,xur years afterdate, To,35,36,37 and 581fer 11000.eac5=,seventuen ymars after date, No.39,40 and41 for01000.each,cightcon yeaws after date, No.42,43,44 and 45,fir 01COO.each,ninetean years after date, M.40,47,48,42 and 50,for 010M,era ah,t.en ty years after at They stall boar Interust at the ratc of uIx -,,-,er soviannuMly upon the lat.day of Fuhruary an! August of Mob ysar;that the interest accruing u�cn thssaid bondo be evidenced by coupons maturing uyon tho sw-v-aral dav8 -v;,',,.hon avahirtarnInth becomes payable aAd tha� zuch boMw and each aoupozzhall be signed bY tis naYcr aad attestcd V the alerk undev .2_ "1 of thazaid City,, SecAon 3. That such bonds and coupons shall be substsof nti,11y in to followfn form., W (lcrm ef han?) P first says of vcirr=7 u,,�-,s,t of each year upcn the yresentation. and surrender of the annexed intarost coupons matrro;bcth principal and inter- st psycile. at This bond is payable from a sVecial fond oreatat in tAs, treazury Of t>W 00 Of 7entjbY Settinj Wer iems tO thesaid fnnd the sna of four thwousand five hundred dollars annually from ths grosi revomuss Of the water systan andwater works cf the s sAid city� f ro--,such fund only,such fund to be knoq,-,--,j as ESpecisl VIter Bond itmdRI and thesaid City hereby agrees and obligates NOW to got over into th a s a i d f un d t h e a uo .,ate_ f ou r t h c u, -z, e, :7i -,j-e s. ro d D a 11 ar a ; a r a""- num fram the gross ravanCi, es of its -water system and vv,' 'ar'e'am til all of the obligations Outstanding against the said fund are fulQf paid and aQdhvrgedjcth principal and interosttand to pay this bond and the intersst accruing upon it Pramptly frar,,sthe said, fu-nd 'iwInen- the same shall mature. This bond is issued for the purpose of s4pplying the said City with additic.--na.I"TTe-tor 5U, fitly and additiD nal water works to be owned 77ITE5,D 1 r5 1.A i. i 0,!7, AL] ICIfit. STATE OF OF E -11 G. OI57'T f�F 1,77� =7 BY TME PRESEFT, : '-- 2 "7--,Z,,t 'U' a City of Kent, in -11y King Count. Stats of Whshinztom,hereby acknonledges itaself to owe and for val- ve received promises t0 pay to the bearer hercof the su,-- of crc t��,joji �7 -a- and dollnrs,lawful money of the 7nited States an the Ist.day of Feb- ruar7 A.D,19_,vith imterst therson at tho rate of six per cent. from ths date haneof until paid,payablo saWannually an W-4 first says of vcirr=7 u,,�-,s,t of each year upcn the yresentation. and surrender of the annexed intarost coupons matrro;bcth principal and inter- st psycile. at This bond is payable from a sVecial fond oreatat in tAs, treazury Of t>W 00 Of 7entjbY Settinj Wer iems tO thesaid fnnd the sna of four thwousand five hundred dollars annually from ths grosi revomuss Of the water systan andwater works cf the s sAid city� f ro--,such fund only,such fund to be knoq,-,--,j as ESpecisl VIter Bond itmdRI and thesaid City hereby agrees and obligates NOW to got over into th a s a i d f un d t h e a uo .,ate_ f ou r t h c u, -z, e, :7i -,j-e s. ro d D a 11 ar a ; a r a""- num fram the gross ravanCi, es of its -water system and vv,' 'ar'e'am til all of the obligations Outstanding against the said fund are fulQf paid and aQdhvrgedjcth principal and interosttand to pay this bond and the intersst accruing upon it Pramptly frar,,sthe said, fu-nd 'iwInen- the same shall mature. This bond is issued for the purpose of s4pplying the said City with additic.--na.I"TTe-tor 5U, fitly and additiD nal water works to be owned and controlled by the miinicipality,and purs-riant to a plan or system assented to by more Vr an three fifths of the qualifi ed voters of said,, City at an election held for that purs,ose and i full compliance with }gaper ordinances duly pa.3sed,aj.proveu and publlshcd,und an act of th legislature of the State of 7ashin:;ton,entitled,"An act a thorizing cities and to ms to construct, condemn and purehase,purchase,ac quires . add to,ma.intain,cond.uct and operate cartuin public utilitiesVpravid- t e ins for modes fdr pays ilk therefor,rcpealing all acts in confliot her,'- i th, and declaring an eruer,;ency", a.pproved T arbh 17th,1909, And it is hereby recited and certified th.a,, all conditions, things and acts required by law, to exic;t,to be,or to be dotie,pr6ecedent tab to and in the is ;uance of tl.is bond,have been have existed and have been performed in due form and tima,and that due , rue,corre:ct, ; and complete copies of said act, of the ordinunoes directing the sub- mission of the said plan or systom to the gruli$ed voters of said Cit: for ratification or rejection,a.nd of u sii ne3d statement of the mayor" and clerk of said City,showing the result of said election,are printdA he,,eon,a.nd such copies are I.are:by duly authenticated. In testimony whereof the 3 aid Cit;; of Irunt,by its wgyar City Counok has. caused this boric. to be sibned by it.:.- mayor and .attested by its clerk under theseal thereof, this 1st .day of Vebr:iary A,`}*1910. (L.S. ) Attest: C er1C, or„ " (For,! of Coupon) w NO, .;2: ,00,, 0n the is t . &,y of 19 they City of Ken t, in King County,State of Vfa.;hin. ton,willpuy to the bearer I,areof,out of the Special Water Bond Fund,and not; other ise,the suin of twenty five dol- lars at for inter,,,nt due that day on its special water works bond dated February let,19 .,No Mayor. Attest: City Clerk. Section 4. That an act entitled,',g act authorizing cities and tow" to eonstruct,condemn and pure}iase,purc'ase,aequire,add to,maintain$ conduct andoperate certain p blie) utilities,providing for modes Of payment therefor,repealing all acts in conflict therewithtand deolar- ing an emergency",approved March 17th.1909,and of ordinances No.211 and 411 -6 -of thesaid City directing; the submission of' the plan or sys- tem of additions to the existing City water works andwater system, to be paid for with the proceeds of said bonds,to the quE,liffed voters of said City for ratification or rejection,shall be printed on each cf, said bonds,together with a printed copy of a signed statementt:by the mayor and city clerk showin- the result of said election,which state- ment shall be in practically the following form: STATE OF WA:STTINGT CN: SS. COUNTY OF KING. do hereby certify and state,that the result of an election held Tan - nary 28th.1910,for the siibmission of a plan or system for additions to the existing viater works and w ater system,of the said City,to the qualified voters of the said City We the un ersigned, !''// 7W 7�Ltf-m-�L and_ Z , L _Q�__� . mayor and clerk, respectively of the City of Kent, in the courity and state aforesaid, do hereby certify and state,that the result of an election held Tan - nary 28th.1910,for the siibmission of a plan or system for additions to the existing viater works and w ater system,of the said City,to the qualified voters of the said City was l7f votes for and 14P votes against the adoption and ratification of said plan or system, and that the votes cast at said election have been duly canvassed by the City Council of said City and the result declared to:,be as herein stated. Mayor. �e That a register shall be kept of all such bonds which shall ahOW the number,date,amount,interest,to whom delivered,and when and where payable , and each and every bond executed, issued or sold under the pro- visions of section 4 of the act hereinabove referred to. Section 5. That thesaid bonds shall be prepared as soon after the, p �p�►S#aB a �e ad pu .i at.� ox ear.*off'+�,m4y he ► rind upon., ,: Wy i 4th delivered to r The purchaser hereof# upon receipt of the purchase price heretofore `:. agreed to be paid therefor, t`- _- - f amassed the council 2-/ 1910. ` 4 Al:proved by the ma-ror ,� �Z 1910. Attest:- - ty Clerk,