HomeMy WebLinkAbout217s f„ {.• �� �UUj rA` /i OR1)IlJfiof n NO. (storects rdinance granting; to `i'lzo.nus (;i�av,,Iaxl,his associates, relzopen �rtr tat and as�sirls,the ri}lt privile-e and authority to bu'ilc�, .. 1 ip, operate and maintain a rail_ 8,y' o��ere.ted by elec i ra.c or at�z�- power,but net b,,r stear;i or 1:.orse poo ier)u} an cer i.i� rl p blic 2 vxid highwa.,, s i; t;:;,c, .!ity of r l.l:, ii,c�•l, Of jlaN izlgtGtl. ro ORi"AI') AS ID:%OiE: 4 11E CITY CO�i-NCl7, Ow' 7i I 5: Section 1. There sl all be and is Ile,-oily %;,r.t,;l i;ed to Thomas Ci"!-ap- 6 man mid his asUociates,rc l:•rc:sc; c..tcivc.s andas::>riglit,priv-- 7 ile-e,frailohise and autYlority Lis bu ild, c,��n.; true t, l4zy cloy rl, eq�s ip, 8 operate ai-,td mainta.i4a.nd to use fOr tilu 0�,0ri _ltiu!ij ti,ereof a,;ly PAW- 9 er ether tb.en horse or steam power,a sin,jl, 0-C ,. QU10lo t:r43.c : rail- 10 vaay line,wi'th all nucessar;r s�+ri Li;':Ic=s, tul'.lo cs, r,{)n=_lecf:ic�ns arld other 1 1_ 11 i1F:ce�:agaxy and convonieilt a,j)liances fol- i;i)C; C)_�@jr1'tibll o he sW'16, . �, 12 � .,,.; �� ��d o�;il'��.tizlr, :z:i' i Z:ncl��din_� tie wrf:ocinf�-„:.�,.l.n .�,.1_i��.; ,;�- •�i 70 Il 13 vdire$ vlitil tilcir c�. i dCY3iiiC1'i;$ 4t ,air / be llr�i;:3;i<.,1' J31U C:G]1VL:r110T1t r_ 14 for operating said railzN�Viur) ]:1,O-VU •,alollc a)1c1. ,zc;l'03a u,??e Streets 15 alleys and highvr%'.as in t.10 said Git,Y O rcz,t �, cbc; i':�1 io�vs, rc �tait: 16 Oil Central Avenue fro,,' "0 ��lort:ll bo hd,�xy lini , Of thy: City 17 to tf-�e south terminal of said Contr cJ A-V0n-tf:; oil Ga'aYe ,tr ti,E+t from 18 State ;'Itreet to R:Alroa.d .Av.;rlue; on railroad Av,_;nue from Gowe „traet 19 t , , l�_iih `ltreet;OTl .:;Tnat�, frora Ra.ilt(J i �val�a�; to Central f1 Ave”; 20 AVE)YluQ;­ on RrLeeker i,v c-nua -ol.l 1 .ilroa.ci �v i;_11AF3 �.c) Centra. Ite 21 on Harrison Street in t:te oriL;ina,l k)lo i, of ".e,Jtif roll Second ,Street 22 1 ,rai11.C1 l I'1!: 1l :l iglu ii1 l:ili,ti+ i)1 iiitEt'. GC .ia:"i 4dit'i tiff Sr'(:at line 23 of Central Avenue produced south; Luld O1i acolld `)treesaid 24 original Plat of T"b:31t,fr01u ;i:_:.rrisun trt�i;t�t0 the sol th tarminus 25 of said Second Street. 26 The center line of the tracks of th.esa.id r z.ilway0wh.en there 27 is a sinf�leU.raak s11a11 be Mot lass t�ian five nor l,lore t'san eight 28 feet from the center line of the street;and where them are double 29 tracks they shall be not less than five and n, •'t: -,-,,,ore tlian severs 30 Peet apart, and Vie center line of t11e street shall be .(Adyla.y between 31 the t1.o tracks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 `"action 2. The tracks of this �a d be of standard r;auge, tl,e rails thereof sr!L.l_l be of laid oo tiia"t t,he tope thereof t3ball be as nearlv -racticable imifcx~Li with the surface o:i the ;;trect vll:ert� l�! iA,,'at; t':e e " t �ihli. lie r � � >>f; "j'�, the 5 ci < r 1�, t, .er , U IJv � Fi b V .wE .'Ti t.. G `I•C:Yy J.�..Q :��A.i�l ._ (:I' C1,. ., .. I.� CI CLC side L. Ci rS.� 4f , s.L G4 .Ll be f;l::t7_Gd or ,�aved,so tiLtl� vc,�?icl u1" :.rl�r i 4.11 ��LYi(�8 Gc32Z Lc� ly cro ,; jti:e .- u1Le a.t an%t , aid x.11 poin t.0, and lehenever and eierever the said City `hallcause a-ny street or streo:ts in or on which t1te said railroad or any portion ti ere:of, _ si,:-ll be, to be inq)r•oved l y" p vir,- or plai-king, the own- e:- n -e:- of tl1i; fr ;,nchise ,1 ;,11 at. tlt e :,Gi:..e gime cause the sl;a,ce bet1ween the r�JJJ axi(j i'or 0210 f';�ot oil aide thert,.of to be am'Prov-ed in like irLnner in il;E street es).( re sl�cii 1T,ipr•ov n­,,nt is Tr, ac,e. M'ier€:vcr tlLe tr�.et, or Lruc':L:, o -l' ".l,t: i r .i:i ,y sl..=,11 be eros by yor/ sliLll cr0<�;s tho' l i"czL:l _Ott1" trF%Gk i O{I c (2.>�",',. 3I` r� ].1:6rL31 ty}v rails of E'acb i%f all b€; so alt a:i 'il 1., G !yC c,;.rs of each � s �T"� :� t" i t:7'i111 �, �c.�ll t�. 1�}cvS itv j lGlio-Il't obstruction. - 'the owner of tld 3 fr :cnc14de irivclonstrac-' 1.I4L�;, ;t=.1_n t, .ininF and c�i,Qr .cin•: the said r ai lwbysl,a,ll avoid so far as possible, consistent with the practicable o4f Nvork,an-d ro-sonable operating faoil itles of the road,t1je up and obstructioij of streets and alleys. i jid all itrets .,;1c:t allays dist-orbed or obstructed by work of construct' -Ion or rc;Z1t,,ir,s;tT;wll 104�: Vla,,ed and left in as goad con, -.inion after the -�iork i;• c anuleted,a,s it igaB in before being so disturbed. All pales umd wires acid a.1.1 appliances connected t?herewith,and all T•1iat:eriEals entering; into tre construction of the said railway shall. be of first class mal"8•-ia,l,a.nd -.11 construction si-all inter- fere a; little a-, practicable wl tl3 t_ e ordinary use of the streets and :;.11eys by the public. Section 3. The City of i'er t, slla,ll retain all right to the c antrbl 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Is 16 17 18 Of t"Plesaid streoi;s over vi-Ilich V).O�----.id si-lall. pasqftJ)nI- are nOW' 01' may hereafter be Aven ic b--1-aw for the control� -01f zany of its street,-, and -,),I-Le.-%7s;provide(I V -).at Jn the improvement of streets or tTle -11a,cing or removim, of any vbj.Io r-tilitJ.eC3 i,e wires or so other cobvoyors of �,Inly kinfj,or' wh,,,.O,,>oover, duc c --,re used to as littln IWr!tnce or obstruction to *!0' oj.1er'-'J" ic 'I'l 01 t],(, ,,7A(- r,-:-Al-.,-7,y v,.1 o-'1-11 be practicable T.,ndrr the in nti-sr: I 1),7,coria necesoar.-v 01' conven- ient drirf.- the progres.- of %.`.rork for the :7 yid railmay to shift its tracks temporarily,it b.tvvo; tl�e prIvileF.-.e of so doing under the SM. - I ervision of t7,o qilly autbrril.,jes. Section 4. The said Cll.�tprtm by Fv. cepf;inf-: t'Pi.e benefits of th4provisions of this ordi-rin.rice,covenarts, to a, -,i -d with the said City of by reason of Lassicms,t1r.,-at in t -e he %villand they shall keep and save t. --es aid 'Ity Tarriles- at all tirles � r o-,, I -tn d at-;ainst any a -id. all. los.9 1JabMty2dvv,i,-tCr _,es and costs,whi(3h j; -lay ,-,,t any ti,ic arise by reason of ncrj*ence in t -e construction, maintenancelo-peration I or roprdx o-11 tl)o P,,-).J.d rtailway or/� yany 1) ar t jor portion thereof. 1 2 3 4 Section S/ The City of siert, reserves the right at any fu.rture time to grant a franchise to any other railway over, upon, along and across any and all of the streets and alleys na:.;.ed in this. ordinance, and. railway upon receiving such franchise s all have the r ht to VaO 5 powaon uqt$ of the tracks of of the onner of this franeh6,4e,upO 6 paying to him or theta a reasonable rental therefor,and omplyi.ng 7 with any and all reasonable conditions of thesaid owner of this franchise as to the operation of cars upon the said traeks; and in g 0. 9 Case of f ailure to agree a.s to what are reasonable rentals and rea- 10 sonable regulations for the operation of cars and tra.ina, then the 11 quell, ion of what is reasonable under the cirotzasta.nces shall be 12 submitted to arbitration by a board consisting; of one member appo n- 13 ted by the owner of this fral'Ichise,one appointed by the railway 14 having opposing interestsAxId in caso of failure tU agree by the 15 said two arbitrators,then a third to be appointed by the City 16 Council of the s aid City; and such board shall have all the powers 17 and their acts anddeeisions shall have the same binding effect 18 upon the parties to the controversy as provided by law in other 19 cases of aiitration. 20 The City ,of yent,further reserves the righ6 tolregula,te thespeed of 21 trains andoars upon the s aid railway .and railway tracks within the 22 City limits. t,L 23 Section 6. The fare f, -,r one a3 ntin-Lioios passaj.,e over the said 24 railway shall nevere exceed the sum of five cents from any p6nt 25 in the said City to any other point t�ierein,and the payment of faro 26 by the passenger shall entitle hiu. to a. trassefer to any other 3.ine 27 or system of r:-ilviays v4thin the said City,which may give and 28 receive transfers to and from ithe system of line operated under this 29 franc"Se. 30 Section 7. Failure: orL the part of the owner of this franchis-4 to begin construction of thesaid rai.;way within the limite of thesaid. 31 City within two years after the✓pe.,:sage of this ordinanaosor t0 complete and operate the -.,aid rajlway within the said City 11mits within three ,years after the a,crd.e7atanoe of tl is franchise, . 1 V- 2 . 3 4` 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ,'�O 23 24 { 25 26 SM11 give thesaid city the right to revoge the swie,upon dy;s notice in writing �f first given to the crier of this fsztt G-•' :r►u$,why quoh,yevocation shall not be made, on G. This franchise may be assigned try the s aid ThpInas Cbap«. men#but before ouch assi.giruent shall becorUe o-perative, so far as : interests of the said City are affected tnerepy,notice thereof in writing shall be filed witii the Clerk of the ;mid City, Sootl:on 9. In case o::' failure to operate the said railway for a period of side consecutive mon.the,at any time after its completion, the said City may declare this franchise forfeited as to the street#. and. alleys over which such operation has ceased for that length of time,upon thirty days notice to the ovmer• of this franchise to show oausc. w1W:;ouch fOrfeiture should not be declar#A Suction 10. Thu rigllts,pri.vileCeo and l;.0 �iority here by granted shall extend and continue over a period o �A years f. -ora and after the date of acceptuncc of the owiie by the said Thonas Chapmarl his reprcoentativeo or SeWtion 11. Thesaid Thoiaas Chapiion s , -all be deeraed to have abandout all rights and privileged granted b✓ this ordinano�.0nless within thirty days .after its publication as ;,y- law rV411Ared,he; or his asso- oiates,reprssentatives or aosigns shall file his or the acceptan40..I In writing of the same,subject to all t} -,e 1.1rovisions and conditions of this --ordinance. Section 12. The ri;.,ht -to wiehd this ordinance at any bins is resew ved to tI-iasaid City,subject on1"- to .Fie condition that due ragard shall be shown to the rights of persons intereoted and to the in - 27 teroOsof the public. 28 Faa()Od the co. ncil _ 2 -. _ __.. -1910. 29 oppx'�ved t,�J the n�-�yor_ 21- 1910. 30 31 _ yo Attest _ .. r a r �,�,. City Clerk. r. -P r #r I