HomeMy WebLinkAbout2111 ORDINANCE NO. Z An ordinance proposing to the qualified electors of the City of Kent, that the said City make certain additions to the existing water Works, and water system,owned and controlled by the City,specifying and adop- ting a plan and system for the proposed additions,declaring the estiW mated cost thereof,also providing for the construction of said addi- tions,in case the said electors assent thereto,providing for the paymelt of &6 cost and expense of thesaid additions,establishing a fund for such payment and for the payment of .any obligations that my be outstanding against thes aid fund and any interest upon such obligations,by setting aside and turning into scch fund the suns of Four Thousand Five Hun- dred dollars per year f roan the gross receipts of the City Water works and water system submitting to the electors of said City the question of the construction of thesaid additions,the establishing of thesaid fund,the incurring of a special indebtedness and issuing bonds against the said fund in the sum of Fifty Thousand Dol�ars,and the questinon of incurring a general indebtedness of thesaid City and issuing bonds against the said City in the sum of Twenty Three Thousand Dollars,all for the purpose of covering the cost ani expense of said additions to said City Water Works and water system. WHIPJW,the increasing consumption of wdter in the City of Kent,jus- tifies the acquiring of further water riglits,and a larger supply of water,and the c$nstruction of additions to the existing gravity water work# and water system now fl?rnishing water to the said City and its inhabitants,and WHEREAS, the cash revenues derived from tele said gravity water works and water system,at the current rates charged t]^erefor,are s-L�fficient to pay all of the e x-penses of operating and maintaining the saxiie, inclu- ding the operation and maintenance of the proposed additions,and to further allow the Ating aside of the sten of Four Thousand Five Hun- dred Dollars per annum,out of the gross revenues of thesaid water w.:1rks and water system, of thesaid City, into a special fund for the payment of the cost and expense of making such add.itions,and the payment of any obligations that may be at any time outstanding against the said fund,together with the interest on such obligations,now therefore: THR CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Kent,in King County, State of •ashington,hereby propose to the qualified electors of the said City,f or their ratification or rejection at an election,provided for in section three of this ordinanee,to be held for that purposes that the City of Kent,make certain additions to the existing system of water works owned and controlledbv the said City, as set forth in section two of this ordinance. Section 2. The plan and system of said proposed additions to said water works system of said City are hereby'specified and adopted,andthe estimated cost thereof declared as follows: It is proposed that the City acquire by purchase and appropriatbn those certain springs in the S.E.1/4 of the S.W.1/4 of section 33 in township 22 north range 6 east in King County,Washingtonaand all water rights therein,also such lands as may be necessary for the protectiono of such springs and crater supply therefrom,from contanination,and as may be necessary or convenient for storing water at or near the said springs; also for right of way for pipe line, as hereinafter provided and described and fob site or sites for storage reservoirs at such points as shall be found best suited therefor;that it build,construct+ lay,complete and maintain a water pipe line,of a diameter of not less - than fourteen inches from the point Of intake of the said water system -- at the said springs,being about three hundred feet west and eight hundred feet north of the south east corner of the said S.W 1/4 of said section 33 in township 22 north range 6 east,through the most feasible route to the present distributing reservoir of the City's existing water works system,at the north part of block 13 of Washing- ton Central Improvement Company's Knob Hill Addition to Kent,the s aid water pipe to be a gravity supply main for the said City Water wokks system; to construct at a point in section 28,township 22 north range 5 east in said King County,which is near the heighth of land crossed by the said supply main,a storage reservoir of a capacity of not less that eight hundred thousand gallons,at an elevation of approximately four hundred feet above sea level,which reservoir and the present existing reservoirs of the said City's water works system,be connec- ted to and with the the said graivity supply main and supplied with water thereby. The said gravity supply main to be constructed of mac' -h - ins banded,wood stave pipe,provdded with suitable air,gate and I aff, valves,east iron angles,automatic discharge and pressure regulators, and any and all other necessary fixtures and appurtenances. The estimated cost and expense of thesaid additions to the said water works system,and the lands necessary to acquire for the right of way,reservoir site or sites,for the protection of the source of supply from contamination,and of the springs and all water rights therein is estimated to be $73,000.00.,(Sezenty three thousand dol- lars). 5 Section 3. `' A special election is hereby called and shall be held in the said City of Kenton Saturday January 15th.A..1960,at which election shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the said city, for ratification or rejection the proposition of the making of addi- tions to the existing water works system of the said City,by the acqui-i sition of springs and ,-ater rights,lands for right of way,for reser- voir sites and for storagedwns,and for the protection of the springs and source of sup;.)ly from pollution and. the construction of an additi®rr al supply main, of not less than fourteen inches in diameter,from said springs to theexisting reservoirs of the present City Water works system,the construction of an additional reservoir of a capacity of at least eight hundred thousand gallons,the connection of thesaid gravity supply pipe with the ,aid reservoir and with the present distrih uting system of the said City,all in accordance with the provis- ions of section 2 of this ordinanee;together with proposition of in- curring a special bonded indebtedness ,bearin; interest at not to exceed the rate of 6 per cent.per annum,in.the sum of fifty thousand dollars,to be an obligation a;>ainst the sum of Four Thousand Five Hun- dred Dollars per annum to be set aside from the revenues of the said City's Water Works system,into the special fund created by section five of this ordinance;also the further proposition to incur a gener- al indebtedness of thesaid city and issue its general bonds to bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent.per annum,in the sum of Twenty Three Thousand Dollars,for the purpose the payment of the cost and expense of making the said additions to the s aid City Water Works system. Thesaid election shall be held at the City Hall in the said City,and notice thereof shall be given by the City Clerk of the said City,in the manner provided by law. Section 4. The ballots used at the said election shall be in the followin;- form and shall be pr` nted upon wl!ite paper: n OFFICIAL BALTOT. In favor of acquiring the necessary additional lands,water rights, springs1the construction of an additional gravity supply main not -less than fourteen inches in diameter,from the intake at the proposed sup- ply springs in the S.W.1/4 of section 33,township 22 north range 6 east in King County,Washington,to the existing reservoir of the City's wat- er works system,the construction of an additional reservoir.with a cap- acity of not less than eight hundred tpusand Lallons1the connecting of the said gratity supply pipe with the present and proposed reservoirs and with the distributing system now owned and controlled by the said City in accordance with t'/ie plan and system adopted and specified by ordinance TTo . ness of said City; authorizing, a saecial bonded 7nr7P1h+�.3_ of fifty thousand dollars bearinL interest at the rate not to exceed 6 per cent.per annum,which shall be an obligation against a fund creat" ed by setting over $4500.00.out of the revenues of the City's 'dater Works system, each year,,for the payment of the said obligation and the interest thereon; also authorizing the incurring of general city indeb- tedness and issuing general municipal '.bonds of thesaid City to bear interest at not to exceed 5 per cent.per annum,in the sum of twenty three thousand dollars,all of said indebtedness for the purpose of along said additions to the said City Water works system. El Against acquiring additional lands,viater rights,springs,the con- struetion of an additional gratity supply mainonot_less than.14 iztohes "'in diameter from the intake at the proposed supply springs in the S.W. 1/4 of section 33 in township 22 north range 6 east,in King County, Washington,to the existing reservoir of the City's water works system, the construction of an additional reservoir with a capacity of not less than eight hpndred thousand g llons,the connecting of the said gravity supply pipq with the present and proposed reservoirs and with the distributing system now owned and controlled by thes aid City,in ac- cordance with'the plan and system specified and adopted by ordinance No. of said City;authorizing a special bonded indebtedness of fif- ty th uo sand dollars bea•ing interst at the rate not to exceed 6 per cent.per annum,which shall be an obligation against a fund created by setting over $4500.00.out of the revenues of the City's Water works system,each year,for the payment of the said obligation and the interest thereon;also authorizing the incurring of a general city indebtedness and issuing general municipal bonds of thesaid City to bad/ interest at not to exceed 5 per cent/per annum,in the sum of twenty three thousand dollars,all of which indebtedness is for the purpose "of making said additions to the said City Water Works system. Every qualified elector desiring; to vote upon the said proposition shall prepare his ballot by placing a cross in the square following the sentence commencing with the words,"In Favor of",upon the official ballot if he desire to vote therefor,and by placing a cross in the square fol- lowing the sentence commencing with the words,"Against ac quiring",if he desires to vote against the said proposition. Section X. That there be and is hereby created and established in the treasury of thesaid city a fund to be called the"Special Water BUi Fund", into which shall be set over from the revenues of the said City Water Works system the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred dollars per annum,which fund shall be for the sole purpose of redeeming the said special bonds which are issued as obligations a,,ainst the s ame and the interest upon the said bonds as the same accrues, and for defray ing the cost and expense of such addition to the said City Water workas system the said sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred dollars to be con- tinued to beset over in to the said fund u*til all of the obligations outstanding against the sanne and all interest thereon be fully paid. That all moneys realized from the said General municipal bonds and from the °:ale thereof,be converted into a special fund in the said city tre.asury,to be known as,"Water works construction fund" ,and the same be disbursed only inpayment of the costs of the additions to the City Water Works system,provide for in this ordinance,wh6bLb fund is hereby created ande stablished in the City treasury. That all moneys realized upon the sale of the said Special ftads,of fifty thousand dollare,(if the sane be sold),shall be converted into the said Water Works Construction Fund,and be disbursed only for the cost and eatpense of the said additions to the said City mater works system. Section 6. In case three fifths of the qualified voters at said election shall vote for the proposition submitted,the council shall forthwith proceed to acquire necessary water rights,springs,and lands tow for the necessary puloses proposed,and to construct and -complete as soon as possible the additions to the water s,istem contemplated in this ordinance.P 4 e • -