HomeMy WebLinkAbout210ORDINANCE No. -12 --.Ll!—
Section 1- The City of Kent, King County, Washington,
does hereby grant to the Chicago. Milwaukee and Puget Sound Rail-
waV Company, its successors and assigns, for the term of fifteen
(15) years, the right, privilege and authority to lay down, con-
struct, maintain and operate a track or tracks of standard gauge
railway together with all needful crossovers and connections
between any of said tracks and any other thereof, in, along,
upon, over and across the streets and alleys in said City herein-
after named, and upon the rights of way hereinafter described.,.
and the right to operate locomotives and cars upon said tracks
or any thereof. The construction and operation of ane or
more of said tracks under this ordinance shall not be construed
as a waiver or abandonment of the right to thereafter construct
and operate any additional tracks herein authorized..
Section 2- The rights of way hereby granted for said
tracks are described as follows:
1 A right of way sixty (60) feet in width, for the
construction and maintenance of one or more tracks,over and
across Third Street, Fourth Street, the alley in block one
1 and the alley ,1n Block two (2)9 all in Ramsay' s Addi-
e; ( )
tion to the Town of Kent,- as shown by the plat thereof on
file in the office of the Auditor of King County, being
Ij thirty (30) feet in width on each side of the center line
of said right of way, as surveyed and located, which
Kent ( d2
center line of said right of way is described as follows,
towi t:
Beginning at a point in the west line of Fourth
Avenue where the same is intersected by a line drawn through,
the center of Lot three (3), Block one (1), and produced
westerly over and across said Fourth Avenue thence +ua
in a straight line a distance of three hundred ten (310)
feet more or less to a point which is the beginning of a
curve to the right having a radius of three hundred eighty-
three and six hundredths (383.,06) feet, thence along said
curve a distance of two hundred twenty -taco feet (2220 more
or less to a point in the west boundary of lot nine (9) block
two (2) distant twenty-seven (27) feet northerly of the
southwest corner thereof measured along said west boundary.,
d'2 A right of wavy fourteen (14) feet in width having
seven (7) feet of such width on either side of a center line
for the construction and maintenance of one track in Shinn
Avenue and Second Street, said center line being more parti-
cularly described as follo;rs, towit:
Beginning at a point in the west line of First Street
seven (7) feet north of the south line of Shinn Avenue,
thence west parallel to and distant seven (7) feet northerly
from the south line of said Shinn Avenue a distance of sevent
seven (77) feet more or less to a point which is thebeginning
of a curve to the right having a radius of three hundred
eighty-three and six hundredths (383.06) feet, thence along
said curve a distance of two hundred sixty-seven (267) feet
mo-te or less to a point in the west line of Second Street
ei distant thirty-nine (39) feet more or less, north of the
north line of Shinn Avenue, measured along said west line..
% 131 All that portion of a fourteen (14) foot strip,.
I� belt or piece of land having seven (7) feet of such width on
either side of a center line lying and being in the bounds
Kent Ord D 3
of Second Street as the same is established on the plat
of Yeslert s First Addition to the Town of Kent on rile in
the Auditor's office of King County, the said center line
being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the east line of Block two (2)
Ramsay's Addition to the Town of Kent, distant twenty-three
(23) feet more or less, northerly from the southeast corner
thereof, measured along said east line, thence southeasterly
on a curve to the right having a radius of three hundred
eighty-three and simhundredths (383.,06) feet, a distance
of two hundred twenty-three (22Z) feet more or less to a
point where the said curve is tangent to a line drawn parallel,
to and distant one (1) foot westerly of the east line of
sSecond Street, thence along said tangent a distanc-e of
three hundred forty-six (346) feet more or less, to the
north line of "ieeker produced across Second Street.
Section 3- The grant in this ordinance contained is
made expressly subjea:t to the following conditions and require-
ments towit:
1st. -- The City of Kent shall retain the same control of
the streets in and across which such railway tracks shall be laid
down, as over other streets, and shall have such further con -
trot over such right of way as the laws of the State of 77,ash-
ington, now or hereafter permit; and said city reserves to
itself, and its grantees, the right to carry water mains,,
sewer mains, gas pipes, conduits and other public utilities,
underneath, or wires above, any and all of the tracks herein
authorized to be laid in, upon, over and across such public
streets, which rights shall be exercised howevery.. so as to
interfere as little as practicable with the use of the said
tracks, and so as to leave the said right of way occupied
Kent Ord p4
thereby restored'to as good condition as may be, consistent
with the reasonable exercise of such rights by said city.,
2nd. ._..... That in the operation of the tracks authorized by
this ordinance, said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall
have the right to use steam power, or any other motive power as it
or they may deem suitable, subject to the lawful and reasonable
control of the City of -.Kent.
3rd. — That the grade of the tracks to be constructed
shall conform to the established grade of the streets where laidx
and said grantee and its assigns and successors shall construct
and maintain good and sufficient crossings of suitable planks,;
wherever the said tracks shall cross or run upon or along any
such street or streets; that the tracks lying in, upon or
across any streets shall be planked between the rails and for
two (2) feet on the outside thereof on either side, for the full
width of the street where crossed, and for the full length of
the track lying upon and along any such street; that any and
all frogs in any track must be of rigid construction.
4th. — In case the City of Kent shall at any time here-
of ter, grade, improve, or pave any of the streets in and along
which the said tracks or any of them shall be constructed, said
grantee shall in like manner grade, improve and pave its right
of way and the whole thereof lying in such street or streets
so improved, and shall maintain such right of way so improved
in a good condition of repair so long as such tracks shall be
used and maintained.
5th. -- In the construction, alteration or repair of said
tracks or appurtenances, the said grantee, and its assigns„
shall cause as little obstruction to traffic and travel as ros-
sible consistent with the practicable performance of the work,,
and shall cause as little disturbance to the soil and property
as is practicable in all .such work; and upon the completion of any
:nuc,:::.., '' c '",.., the b-Ureets J alleys shall 10�e at once by the grantee
to as good condition as they were before, such work was
Jtri• That the &aid ci,u-y at all times have and retain
riuC.t rc�Ito Mate the speed of trt-Lins an -i loconotivos upon
the aadd track or tracks, shall hav,E) 15'nc to fix the
t 4 #A e, .luring which any train Or 1000I-10ti*O PI. -ay blockade
-E; J�trOt crossinanyoint ao6 _t1iaSuch further con—
trol anA . blice o
r a:c ,ver ov8t,Lij right Of viLty as by law provided;
Rro'vi it .it1lial all 5izct ,.nd control sII,)ll t)e lar fully
an.! oxerciee�,.
The ci-Gy of 'Kent I -i:rj11.t to
?le reserves ti e
to ally Oti)0-r ruil-,;,--Y constructed for 'Uhe
oses of carry—
ing freight
L V ass
#(-, P, Z8 froi-,� some point nutoide of tho city
of Kent, to aaid city, a franchise for the use of the ri-hts of
y -ranted in this or,: :nJ. tho Lrantee, bY acce;�tJnC, this
jq;rees to submit, to the use by such ot'oer r�Alvvay
Of ;111 that portion Of its .11.rOfOsOd si. ur tracklying oast of the
Seot line of Fo,,trth ,-rect; subject, � . however, to such reasonable
rules and regulations as =,,,y !)e consistent vi -ti-., the ri6hts of the
sante,; h a r e i n , n, tO the; or. I- f r
U Erlich rentxl Or other ocmren—
SILtion to the grantee, its successors' an,-. assigns as may be just
and ellLiitable, for the use of such portion of saici spur torack,
--ind if tho `-,ralitee and such other rail way ccra�.)any shall not Ije
a0le, to agree ao, to such rules :ind regulation, xental or cor:—
,7,ensation une s.a. io shall u�. subiAttea to arbitration in accor-
J an c e w i to !-j 1 WV; of t a p e of W, i s I i 16ton.
2ec'u-io!I 4- The daid gr,-tntee, its suc(l,ossors, t assigns,
by the accepta.-rice of the fr-anchise agraes ch'at it 1,1,i y ::ill
fcrever -'rot"CL CnAl thr Sid -I city of Kent from
all claims, actions Or iamagos Of arty 7Lnd evory hin(i .ihi,-,h may
accrue tijo or be, szil`f6re:A I)y any rerson or r-ersons by reason.
of any defallctivu Ccns-.-ruc.;ion or maintenance or imprC4l."er OCCU-
ut-ion of said xi it 0 "' v y) or eU,
L L)" rson of the neglis-70M'n
-tion of a_.cjy r--Lj;ay trin�, or locommltlives over. 'l w17
an, , �066 ;any Of
trjc_ fit -.fits of a,j.ly her -cin granted,, ani in case -any suit or action
lama- arising out 0
aj). -,inst the Sui, p S �3 a J gy Of r
_I city for
by reaE,cil of such jefe(.,tjvv, aonstruotion crAnairitenance or i1r.-
'C roC� couption or ner0yliFwrlt OPO-�atiOn, sa.:t grantee its SuC-, _ess,)rs n_j ussi_ns �Iyill ur)on notice toit or t1jeLl of the rot;-
Suit or ac'6iclri, iofenAt-11(� al, its Or U"".'.-"ir
a6ai ne
ud it be rem-lered st the said
cm ri
co S 'U ca�e
city therain, ,,,ill s,,tjisfy t11 s3Lj:J, eii thin ninety ILL Y2
U ,
after tJje, shall h;.Lv(j 5uen f,ALly de�vermined, if le"(3rilinod
.iivarse..,)r to jl'ic sai- city.
c b i on 5 The s_;1drrr,-mta6 soon as ��racticable
L -
but �vithin six monthe after the, of this ordinance cause
the s�.Lj IL Chinn Avenue and saki Pecond �'treet to ,e irkT) roved
t1 -.e full ridth thereof from gutter to gutter on the nort and
west sides of Mock four (4) of Yc?,sl_-r's First Addition to Kent,
including the intorsocriOn Of said soconJ street and Chir m Aven—
in, venicli jrprovem-ent of all L,,e in accordri b, ta s ji e and
sj)a0jCic,LjLon -re-fare-1 i`,6lcity 1 en4-
ifj e c, r an now on 'ilk in
the office r)f Gjjrj clerk mariked "wil ed December 16th, 190."
f,cczion 6. The richts, privileges an.. fr.;�j-jcjjjsos herein
are subject to tj
-cje of Lh�� council of -rhe Braid city
it un�r horo,tLfte, to chari�I.;:e or modify the sLure havihaving;having;due
U_ same,_ having;
reg,:Lrd, howover, to TI,lu ri�jjts of the .,artiee an, iAmi nterests of
the rublic.
Tq * t
or e
, ) --, ;f ;hisfranchise
t 0
CE r 1 7
i'JS Successors
Ken' Ord p T
Clerk of the said city their„ or its, acceptance in writing,
under the corporate seal of the said grantee or its successors or
assigns, executed in legal form, agreeing to the terms and con-
ditions set forth in this ordinance; and if such acceptance be
not so filed within such time this ordnance shall be void.
Section 8- That the right of war and all rights, privi-
leges and authorities granted by this ordinance, and all benefits
thereof shall be assignable by said grantee, its successors or
assigns, as it, or they may at any time see fit, either as an
entirety or as respects any one or more of the tracks or �oart:s
of the tracks embraced within the scope of such grants.
Section 9- This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force on and miter its passage, approval and p,ablication as
required by law., r
Passed the Council of the said City of Kent, this
day of �p -,.�� A.D. 1909.
' Approved:
li Attest: -