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HomeMy WebLinkAbout209,an ordinance nr avidin- for the issuance of
$23,000 of the General fonds of the City of
Kent, Washington, pursuant to an election
held June 1R1, 1909, and Ordinance T'o. 19£
Of SLLid City.
TiiE CITY COUNCIL 02 Th - CI'T'Y 014, DO i)TRi) �Il(
Section 1. 1 --hat pursuant to the --)rovisions of ordinan-
ce 1Nere oL' re Copt ,c{ alric7. '�SsenteO to by .fore than three-
fi 'tla.s of tine qualifi -'d voters of said city voti n, , at an elect-
ion: duly called and 1.e16 therein on ,;rune ti r3r", be
issued the � eneral gond s of the Cite of r: nt i n the .,u, of
twenty-three thousand c:iollars ('2 3,000) for the - ur-ose of
supplying said city; ith seo,ers to -0e or c by ti-.e�unici-
pality, as provided in ordinance 198 of said city.
Section 2. TI -,tat such Bonds be Coulon Bonds; be of the
denomination of one thousand dollars 1.)r)0. ) each; ')e numbered
from one upwards consecutiv;,ly; shall bear the date of Septemlx.
1, 1909; shall be payable twenty years froom th it date or at
any time after ton. years from their date, at the pleasure
of said city; shall bear interest at the rate of five (5)
per cent per annus from the diate th �reof untill paid, paya-
ble semi-annually on the First days Aarch and of ` eptem'_)er
in each year; that the interest acCz•uin upon s<ai, bonds
shall be evedenced by coupons raturing upon the savera1 rays.
when such interest becomes payable anc� thtvt suc� bonk,,,s and,
each coupon shall be sif ped by tl.e ,iayor andi attested by the
Clerk uncIer the seal of the said City.
Secta_on 3. Ti -,.at such bonds and coupons shall be substan-
tially in the following form:
GOORi;; OF .601-M)
GI1161011 I,OLl-14 Y -t H114O
i.401i 1�.LL iL-1 LY Ii��S� PR**S�,dT: ThAT the City of -ent,
in the County of iiing and State of ,!1,,shington, hereby aeknowl-
ed ;es its self to owe and for value received promises to pay to
bearer the sum of one thousanC dollars (?.1000) lawful money
of the United States on the First play of c,eptember 1,320, or
at the pleasure of said city at any ti;1e Uefore that c'.ate and
after the r'irst day of Septem ,er 1': 19, «,ith interest thereon
at the rate of five (5") per cent per annum frorl t -he date
hereof until nai€z, payable :-,e ri.-annually on `.'he i'irst days
of ;,larch and September in each year upon presentatio- and
sureender of the annexed interest coupons as -hsy severally
niature; both principal and interest paya' l' at r arris Crust
and Savin ;s )sank, Chica o, Illinois. r'or the pro,^.t nay lent
of this bona, moth principal and interest as aforeeaid.. the
full faith, credit and re,,ources of said city are ?)areby irre-
vocably pled -led.
This bond is issued for thO T)ur pose of supplying -
said city of :, ent with sel.rers to be owr3d and controlled by
the Municipality and pursuant to a flan or system assented to
by more than three-fifths of the qualified voters of said city
voting; aj� an election hel(:s' for t1hat rnarpose an � in i'ull com-
pliance with proper or6i-Ti:.nces duly -arse 1 ap-prov(;f;; ^nd pub-
lished and an act of the Ledr;islature of til , to.t = of gas -in tor!,
entitled "An Act authorizing
cities anc'. towns to con truct, ccn-
demn anci p-�:Lrcliase, purchase, acquire, add to,-iiaintain, cori.uct
andop crate certain public utilities, -orovicaing for morl;,s of
paynon.t lhereLor, repaalin,; all acts in conflict herewith,,,and
declarin an -.-mar ency", Amproved i,arch 17th, 1909.
J'LItiD,it is her by certif iocl an< recited that all con(;i-
tions, thins anc. acts required by lave to c-xist, '_o be or to
be clone, precedent to an(i in the issuance of this 1j,ond, have
been, have existed and have been per. for led in clue-,-or-,-1 and
tune, that the inde+:,etec?ness of said city, inclueain-; thiel bona,
(toes not exceed any liiaaitatio,i i i;posc d by lay,; anet that true,
corect ani: complets copies of sa.'ci
p i Act, of the oreiinancc�s
cjirectin, the submission of the; sai6 7)lan or yst.:m to the
aualif ied voters of said. city for ratification or rejection,
and of a si ned statement by the t,iayor anY. Clerk showing the
result of said. election, are pr-.nted :);croon and such copies
are hareby L-iuly authenticated.
IN TiESTLAOITY -iTj.-REOi-e the said City of :gent, by its
City Council, has causes ,his bond to be signed. by its ihayor
and attestod by its Clerk, uh6er the seal thereof, this First
-ay of Septembc.-r i.u.lOOJ.
City Clerk.
(.010R -,i Ota COUPGh )
ail ,
On the iiirst day of _ _, , 1 �,
in the City of Kent, County, '4'ashin,,;ton, rill pay to bearer
twenty-i'ive collars, at ha.rris Yrust and Savin .s Bank, Chic&, o,
Illinois, for interest clue that clay oi3 its General fond dated
September 1, 1909, No.
1Lr" T .1 :
Section 4. That an Act ent,it' ^d_ f` An :=_ct authorizin
cities and tovms to construct, conderin and purchase, purchase,
acquire, addto, x_iaintain, conduct an�'.i operate certain ptblic
utilities, providing for Iodos of pays -int tl-crefor, repealing;
all acts in conflict herewith, and (Ieclarin�E an -lerhency",
Approved .Iarch 17, 190:1), and Ordinance 1"V of the City of F;.ent,
the same being; the ordinance of tho city r irectin- the sub-
mission of the plan or system of sewers to be, raid for with
the proceeds of,,4Sh*o* bon(ls to the xualiJ'ied voters of said
city for ratifica':.ion or rejection, shall be printed on each
of said bonds, to,;athcr t'- ith a print,36 copy of a si',',-led state-
.ient by the mayor end Clerk shoxvin_- the rc,sult of : ai( election,
which said state:!-ient is as. follows:
S`I'��.i is Or' t� aSr:lIv�'10Td
COUNTY Gs' tiu Q
We, the undersiL ned and. L. 'El.
Price, respectively ,dayor and Clerk of thr City of Xent, in
the State ane'. Councy aforesaid, do hereby certify andstat?
that the result oi' an election held June 10, 1909, for the sub-
mission of a plan or system of sev.,rlra ;e to the qualified voters
of said. city was 110 votes "1.'or" -nd 48 „votes "a,-,ainst" the
theption wnd ratification of sai::- plan or s,rst:?m, anO. the: ^,t the
votes coat at s<,.id ;lection have, bem duleyc<..nvasedd by tho
y the re.>ult rhe,^l-Ir d to vie as
Cit Council of said citami
herein :,ta.teu.
That a register shall be ?cept of all such bonds, which
shall shots the nwlber, date, amount, interest, to whoti
delivered and t,,herl and xhler:= paw able, and each and. evey bond
executed, issued or sold under the provisions of rection 4 of
the Act herein ref erect to.
Section 5. ltiat the sai(.1 bonds sl all be T)repared
and executed as her:,in provi6iled as soon of to -_he passa e. e aff
nublication hereof as rfiay be. and upon o, • ocution shall be de-
livered to Goor e h. Tilden anc:'- Company, of oattlo, varasi in.^ tm,
t -he purch ..sers thereof, upon t}le rec:,i?�t. o_' th- :�urchas ;rice
heretofore a--re:--d to be paid therefor, tine sal -0 t; eine not
less than the par value of said bonds.
Passed the Council December 60 , 1t?On.
Approved, this 2 /_—day of Decenber, 1909.