HomeMy WebLinkAbout207UilliiN''"41CL+ No. 207. An ordinance re„?;ulatini; the use, keepin1-.,, :,torag e and handling of explosives within the City Limits of the City of E=ent. TllE CITY COLI CIL Cl',Y GF Y:I;Pdr h0 Oiu�1'a'i '_.` FOLLG�'iS: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to keep, store, use or handel within the limits of the City of i�-ent, any dynai-Ate, nitro-L,lycerine or compound thereof, hercules powder, giant powder, sporting or blasting; powder, or other explosives, witT1 out first taking; out a liven- se so to do, to be knovin as a "Powder License”, such license to be issued by the City Clerk upon application therefor and the payment of a fee of fifty cents. Section 2. Evey person, firm or corporation, while engaged in the use of explosives or any of ti -tem such as are named in section 1. of this ordinance, within the City Limits, shall keep posted at a distance of not less than 2�0 feet from the place of use, on all streets and ,other public approaches leading; thereto, danger signs printed in white letters at least three inches high on a red background, loearing the words, "Danger -Explosives". Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep, store or have on 'nano! within the lir:iits of the City of X�ent, between the hours of 6 o' clock and 7 o'clock A. r1. of the folloviint; clay any d*namite, hercules powder, or explosives of any bind whatsoever, containing more than thirty five per cent of dynamite or nitro -._r cerine, or any black blasting or sporting powders that comb dly,count ing all canisters cases and keggs shall e�,ceed one huna.red pounds in weight. Section. 4.It shall be unlawful for any firM, person or corpor- ation, licensed to sell, Veen, store or use the explosives mentioned in section 1 OL' this ordinance, to have on hand or keep or store at his or their place of .)u;_iness or storage, between the hours of seven o' clod ,.i::.nc'six O'clock P.l:i. of the same day an amount of explosives includiin`, all grades and qualities, whether nitro-glycerine compoL:nds or black powder in cases, kegs or canisters to exceed tour hun6red pounds, and such explosives shall at all times le placed in a conspicuous place within the license- building; or place of storage, where the same is open to the vil.w and inspection of the city officials of the said Olty, and ::hall keep conspicu- ously posted thereon a sign in white lett:-rs printed on a reel background, bearing, the word "powder" in'letters at least three inches high. Section 5. All dealers and, cQnsuraors o1' u_<plosivsh, licensed as provided in the pr eceding °o bis or-:inance, shall no f each 'Lay,be t�en than six ,o' clock i'. '�, or' s -; to or place or removed from ti:eir place of busirleSs or toraJ �rhere powder is bein; used in the said City, and conveyed to 11aynal�ii to some suitable place outside: of the city 1-illc��rine forms more and. explosives what ever, !:herein nitro- Y than thirty five per cent. of its comport-nts, and also all ialaek blastingand ;porting.; powders in. E :sc ss of one hunc:.red pounds iri the a�;,YeEate, countirzsu all cases,I egs, canisters and other packaFes. Provi4i(;d that this losivesctw�ilehinlno actual apply to railways handling such exp `� , transit, or while necessarily awaiting ipment or delivery ,s - at freight seeds or offices. l ces. Sextion G. pny person, i'irm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of tris ordinances ahall be deemed Luilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hung d collars, anti in a&clition shall have his license revoked at tile dina.lthe lCouncil; nceof such violation shall be and the continuance, or de( med a. new offense for eacl: clay so continued or maintained. Passed the Council (-:rl the 2O_d<jy o ' )cconber Approved this jLday of Lee, �,iu"r t .L. 1909— ✓� tdlaY or . ,attest, Gity Clerk.