HomeMy WebLinkAbout199ORDINANCE #199. AN ORDINANCE, proposing to the qualified electors of the City of Kent, that the said City make certain additions to the existing water works owned and controlled by the City, specifying and adopting a plan and system for the proposed additions, declaring the estimated cost thereof, also provid- ing for the construction of said additions in case the said electors assent thereto, providing for the payment of the cost and expense of thessid additions and establishing a fund for such payment and for the payment of interest on any obligations that may at any time be outstanding against said fund, by setting aside and turning into such fund seventy- five percent, of the gross receipts from the revenues of the said City W4ter Works system, and submitting to the said electors the said question and the further question of be- coming indebted and issuing bonds against the said fund in the sum of Seventy Thousand Dollars, at an election to be held in the said City for that purpose 'ddHEREAS, the increasing consumption of water in the City of Kent justifies the acquiring of further water rights and a larger supply of water, and the construction of add- itions to the existing gravity water works and system now furnishing water to the said City, and 4HEREAS, the said revenues derived from the said gravity water works and system, at the current rates charged therefor, are sufficient to pay all the expenses of operating and main- taining the same, including the operating and maintaining of the proposed additions, and to further allow the setting as- ide of the fixed proportion of seventy-five per cent, of the gross revenues of the said water system of the said City into a special fund for the payment of the cost and expense of mak- ing such additions and the interest on any obligations that may at any time be outstanding against said fund: now, there- fore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, PROPOSAL TO ELECTORS. The City Council of the City of Kent hereby propose to qualified electors of the said City for their ratification or rejection at an election, in Section 3 of this Ordinance provided for, to be held for the purpose, that the City of Kent make certain additions to the existing water works owned and controlled by the said City, as set forth in Section 2 of this Ordinance. Section 2, PLAN AND SYSTMI OF ADDITIONS TO �4ATER 'XORKS; LAND DESCRIPTION. The plan and system of said proposed additions to said nater works of said City are hereby specified and adfbpted, and the estimated cost thereof declared as follows; It is pgrpposed that the city acquire by purchase or by appropriation those certain springs in the S.E g of the S.W. 4 of Section 33, in Township 22 north, Range 6 east, in King County, Washington, and all water rights therein, also such 1. lands as may be found necessary for the protection of such springs and water supply from contamination; for right-of-way for pipe line hereinafter provided for and for site or sites for storage reservoir proposed for the said additions; it build, construct, lay and complete a water pipe line of a diameter of not less than fourteen inches from the point of intake of the said water system at the said springs, being about 300 feet west and 800 feet north of the S. E. corner of said S. Vd. J- of said Section 33, through the most feas- ible route to the present city reservoir of the City's ex- isting water works, at the north part of block 13, of the Washington Central Improvement Company's Knob Hill Addition to Kent, in said Kinn County, the said water pipe to be a gravity supply main for the said City viater Works; to con- struct at a point in Section 28, Township 22 north, Range 5 east, in said King County, which is near the heighth of land crossed by the said gravity supply main, a storage reservoir of a capacity of not less than one million gallons at an elevation of approximately 400 feet above sea level which reservoir and the existing reservoirs of the present City Water Works be connected to and with the said gravity supply main and supplied with water thereby; said gravity supply main to be constructed of machine -banded wood stave pipe, provided with suitable blow -off, air and gate valves, cast iron angles, automatic discharge and pressure regulators, and other necessary fixtures and appurtenances wherever necess- ary; The estimated cost of the said additions, to the said City Water Works and system, and the lands necessary to ac- quire for right-of-way, reservoir site and for the protection of the source of supply from pollution and of the said springs and water rights therein is declared to be the sum of Seven- ty -Thousand Dollars. Section 3, SPECIAL ELECTION CALLED. A special election is hereby called and shall be held in the said City of Kent, on Ygnday the 12th. day of July, A. D. 1909, at which election shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the said city, for ratification or rejection, the proposition of the addition to the present system of water works owned and controlled by the said City, by the acquisition of necessary additional lands for the right-of-way or other necessary purposes, and of the springs and water rights and supply, and the construction of an add- fUIl gravity supply main of not less than 14 inches diam- edt4ft from the said springs to the existing reservoir of the said City Water Works and the construction of an additional reservoir, and the connection of the said gravity supply main with the said reservoir and the said proposed reservoir and with the distributing system of the said city now in use, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Ordinance; together with the proposition of incurring a special bonded indebtedness, bearing interest at not to exceed 5 per cent, per annum in the sum of Seventy Thousand Dollars, to be an obligation against not to exceed 75 per cent, to be set aside from the gross revenues of the said City's Water Works, into the special fund created and established by Section 5 of this Ordinance; said election shall be held at the City Hall in said City, and notice thereof shall be given by the City Clerk of said city in the manner provided by law. Section 4, OFFICIAL BALLOT. The ballots used at said election shall be in the 0 following form, and shall be printed upon white paper: O"ICIAL BALLOT. In favor of acquiring the necessary additional lands, water rights and springs, the construction of an additional gravity supply main not less than 14 inches in diameter from intake at the proposed supply springs in Section 33, Township 22 north, Range 6 east, to the exist- ing reservoir of the City Water Works, the construction of an additional reservoir, and the connecting of said additional gravity supply main with the present and proposed reservoirs, and connecting the said reservoirs with the distributing system of water works owned and controlled by the said city in accordance with the plan and system specified and adopted by Ordinance No. 199, of said City; and authorizing a special indebtedness of Seventy Thousand Dollars, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent, per annum, which shall be an obligation against a fund cread by setting aside 75 per cent: of the gross revenues of the City's Water Works and system, for the payment of the said obligations and the in- terest thereon, until the same shall be fully discharged. Ar4SNST acquiring the necessary additional lands, water rights, and springs, the construction of an additional gravity supply main not less than 14 inches in diameter from the intake at the proposed supply springs in Section 33, Town- ship 22 north, Range 6, east, to the existing reservoir of the City Water Works, the construction of an additional reservoir, and the connecting of said additional gravity supply main with the present and proposed reservoirs, and connecting the said reservoirs with the distributing system of water works owned and controlled by the said City in accordance with the plan and system specified and adopted by Ordinance No. 199, of the said City; and authorizing a special indebtedness of Seventy Thousand Dollars bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent, per annum, which shall be an obligation against a fund created by setting aside 75 per cent, of the gross re- venues of the city's Mater Works and system, for the payment of the said obligation and the interest thereon, until the same shall be fully discharged. Every qualified voter desiring to vote upon the said proposition shall place a cross in the square following the clause commencing with the words, "In favor of," upon the official ballot, if he desires to vote therefor, and shall place a cross in the square following the clause beginning with the word "Against," if he desires to vote against said propos- ition. Section 5, CITY WATER FUND CREATED. That there be and is hereby created and established a special fund in the treasury of the said City, to be called the "Uity Water fund," into which shall be set over 75 per cent mt. # W gross revenues of the City's Water Works and system, `v&1`6h furid shall be for the sole purpose of paying the costs and expense of construction or acquirement of the said add- itional water supply main, reservoir right-of-way, site for reservoir, water rights and springs and other lands necessary, and the cut-offs, blow -outs, iron angles, gates and other val- ves, pressure and discharhe regulators, and other fixtures and appurtenances necessary to the said additions to the said City water system as contemplated and set forth in this ordinance; the said 75 per cent of tree said revenues to be continued to be set over into the said fund until the obligations outstanding against the same and all interest '.thereon shall be fully paid and discharged. Section 6, PROCEDURE AFTER ELECTION. In case a majority of the votes cast at said election shall be favorable to the proposition submitted the Council shall forthwith proceed to acquire necessary Water rights and springs, lands for the necessary purposes proposed and to con- struct and complete as soon as possible the addition to the water system contemplated by this Ordinance. Approved, June 7, 1909. 4.