HomeMy WebLinkAbout198ORDINANCE TTO/f 54 A., c ion and C1 of 1,eJI providirg f;�,r the constriiat hance of t, 'Sy 0 t eTn d adopting aplan maf�it'ifience Of U. of ncv!ersIsI;0cIfYI11E -ITI !a the-reforsproviding f,,r J�,,qriinrce of gcreral bonds V of ., City to pay for trlix.k srT .)-­ or of t';o Be.id s rstcri and 6allIn- an election at Vrbich V"a ql')Gatic'yi Of aclopVorl of Vc said system of be Owing Indebted and .asixing sewers,a­,8_ Vie V1,es'l-Ion of V, a C.i t of twojty seven tl its grerern,l bonds In V-10 SIM p.oii,iand dollars,will be oi?Tni'-fepi to tbv, o1cctor,el of for adoption or re- jection. 77, "I TTY (1,0)FVIT OF (±TTY OV '177T -,)o 0T.II')&I7r A!, VOTTPTS: Tro-,)t (Io lay,r,-onstriietgbi7i1d w Cit Seatior 1, rAD.Int,ain p. systm-i, -,rd witho-111; V10 said r"Ity,for V -r <e off' e ic) 0 1 ty and furnishing purpose a.;' taking; cvrn of .a,r 1� revIsions of the laws of drainage tbereforsin. -rit,11 Vir P Washinf;ton,'­.s set fox'tll ill so(,,ijonn 364.3,3644 and 3645 of Pierce's Wasilingtor Code. SectIon 2. The following, srster. aiid pl_,x of sewers is seecified and a dopted: There W—all. bo P, ",-In trink sewer, con nencing at the intersection qith Stren'and 7�onnnbnck Avenue,r tinring thonce west- erly alon,:, IsImith qtroetland n, -inn Avomielaiul continuing westerly from the western terminus of 51;:1-;iAvewic i%crosspr ,Ivate propertV to the I County Road on Vie cast I.Jdo of 7,I - -Ii ?,v Tliver)at ;D, point in nald road which is approximately West from t',e tcri­ins s of said Shinn north Aver iie , t1-iena6,,,we s Ierly ,.lonrr fairl. coinity road to R point of disel-3ars F, of �iald "7aln Triink Sewer being ,into Ihite Riverstho total Icnr7I,T. 9700 lineal f on L. Mo portion of said main trunk se1jer ex- tending frcffq said Keiinobeck Avenue to tli.e county road at the western tenninus of said Siiin, Aveniiotkrown, as v7tishington 11treetoto be cons* truoted of iron -stone sewer pipejbeginnlnf; at aaid Kennebeck Avenue with pipe of 12 f.nch diwn6tertWhIch &Ulbe increased by successive stations to a pipe Of Awenty four inches dituneter at the said Washing - tan 9tr1h6Apaid main trunk siinll bp provided with manholest and in- II, 'Ity to t',a tho inter lets of vifficient secting stre,:ts existint, rvl. pro.posed.. said Tlashlrgt= The rolllr�Anin�, txl�-411<: sevm :�,,mtd Vfl.�ite River,to be. of "trc .7n,.ster",_y ,trO norll, -;m, r 1. wood construction1for .r ­ tic tank be provided eof approved design "xnd at sono "_"rs j- 1_(, - _,ert of lie neTa 0 f low F j,7 t -'Y) fo prior The 1,11(3, newer syrtm also ln(�'Lilde SYStcm of lator.�-.l sevrem tr 1). 0 9 -by-, -)X - r ',,s Diu aloil,7 s'101" stre VICIRid riri.ln trunk sn,:rer abovn doscri'had nnnnsmir-tr Ionstrole , otber -.ry recc.smxy rights of IT -Y T,in s-,n1d BYS",m, F31-1,111 '_§0 i.rr�j and tl)rl nr,-r1uAreVer1t of c 3 r r i.th.nY 1)y purcl,ase or con- c=omvonlcnt is -Iiiv­nrized. dmnm�tlo-1 9 s em 7 y n n., Sectlor 3. x r is 13 (3- e,,m r S1,Kty flvc ti 0- -rid t1.10 A -tinted Cosi-, of -tile, bo of ti,irtl tboiisAllrl, main tr,,Y11- selvOr alone 3 t dol-In.ro. Ssat:ian t. All latIciral semrs sli.n.11 be paid for by local asSOSS- ments -tipon tl,.^ property 1n ri.1qtricts whi(-,b shall be herep,fter crea- ted by t1le (1.tty Coll.lIc jig wbiclh asse,-,'smeilts S117113. be made in pv_r9u=c6 L Vpe legislatitre of e_�07011(!Rto of Wash - of t1l.e provisions, Of P. -H 71,ct, 0" ingtonpentitled:"An act to amend xx Sebtion loof -%n ect,entltledl tAn act exiending Sect -1.0n 1 Of nD "I_- (%?It Atled:'An act anrondlmg see - 943 of pp.11inger's Code: and 'Itatutes of Washington*rplatinfr to assesments for local 1-,np�-over.I(,,rtq1approve(1- March .,18th'19031'sapprav- ,i ad march 5th.1907. Seotion 5. In ord ar of pny for the said Main Trunk Sewer, the City of lentosi,,,11 irmile and net-roti.P-1`8 its ron eral city bonds in 3 the sum, oftwenty €jevrn dnnaTtinations of not less t')x.n one htxrid.rnc: ��.! l.t�,.r, =>rl.d not. cz c t' xz one thousand dolls, Said 'homis SI-jall 'Lie frm one up in tile; ordr:r i ?, cz t, ny ,,rc i�; �,.ed,,;l,.,z 1. ? e;3r tl,e da'.0 d'.0of t',Plr ir; ttbj 811all. 1:,c not loo'.) nor more than -L; ,rrNnty yo.i.rs aftc�r.thr, dr3te of !0in.11 bcr.x• interact no' tt) excoad five re- nrmtj Per ^.nT„trt�t,:,,� blr? �,,i ��nl a1.1.:; �trith interf�st coupons -1-1_1 bo y.-r.Ly able at SocJ-1lace as bo d(si ;n ,I 7111.e :,h.id bonds and co.1 . ons s sh!,-L1. I-) o r 1.gno('- Ylv }, of tir, City;attosted by the City (11orki and be �?.z�. l r, �.: i. ty; and. { in all thin: ;. shall Com. 1.-vw i. t' l tyle y1 Y' r :�j �e �. CTj c: 0”. � ' { li� Yjs of ti-i.e state of Wash- ir',tem rel_rAin.! ,%ctjon 6. This off i nn,ncc; a?ir,,,11 leo yr bmii ted. to the qt10.11f 3.e l oy rerj:;ction at an alOo- tion to br~ he=ld t?,eroi.n old tjT e /2' ��. :, of Jilno A.1?.1.9091a the (lit;, la,vrs )-r L r. , gtatc of The; ho7lots'"'ua06 at „aj.d olect:9.on ccmt�==.fin the ,mordei "Shall the City of T'.(.rt ).dol t til -e 1�1.^.-1 of s0WOMS set forth in Ordinance TTo. _ of V,e said become indebted in t'he stun of T,,,.,ont;:,- Seven Thousn,nd »oll_,ars,,�v1d Issue its negotiable general bonds t!).ernfor,for tl-e� of ti,,o no st of the TTa.in Trunk Seworp provido�a f(�r in no s o d ordin,-rce? "For ad.option” "Aga Inst Ad_op t j. on" "For 'ponds" t " "Akraln.st -Ponds" ( " The voter e x.11 prop:�ro his. b -0 -lot by placing a arose in the square i`0lowing the T;­.►rds ,"For ado +ion" if he desire to vote for a, the caxr.e)an(? by placini'r,^ orors in Vie square following; they vdords -�.ttthori.zedtand shall 'h_ -0 cond,„c-,erl t,cce�rdan,; to ;� reE�;��tr�,t;iv, o V-0 onoral elec tion la,vrs )-r L r. , gtatc of The; ho7lots'"'ua06 at „aj.d olect:9.on ccmt�==.fin the ,mordei "Shall the City of T'.(.rt ).dol t til -e 1�1.^.-1 of s0WOMS set forth in Ordinance TTo. _ of V,e said become indebted in t'he stun of T,,,.,ont;:,- Seven Thousn,nd »oll_,ars,,�v1d Issue its negotiable general bonds t!).ernfor,for tl-e� of ti,,o no st of the TTa.in Trunk Seworp provido�a f(�r in no s o d ordin,-rce? "For ad.option” "Aga Inst Ad_op t j. on" "For 'ponds" t " "Akraln.st -Ponds" ( " The voter e x.11 prop:�ro his. b -0 -lot by placing a arose in the square i`0lowing the T;­.►rds ,"For ado +ion" if he desire to vote for a, the caxr.e)an(? by placini'r,^ orors in Vie square following; they vdords "against adoption" if iia da sire tc• vote agn.inst ti) -a saineland by placing a cross in t*j.ie square following the words, "Tor bonds" if he desire to vote in f,,,,,.vor thereof and by placing a drdfis in the svuixe fe.,111owing V,ie -1)onds" ifhe desire to vote I' -f agaim, 1; tl,n s vme Section 7. T)ue �,Iot.Aco- of tIt-own.l.d alection sl,*,,Ilbe given by pub�-- lication of mmell not-',.cP� i',l VPII!t3 Uv r being the !�Ity prir%in for t';)e s:,,,id oity),for a oariedt of ton d,�,,,-,j-s,nox,I; to U10 ;,,tao- el -action. n1lowinf, T f, I �ei•r:c>rm n.nv�md per� rxre designatefl appointed as officers of f -,-Lid olectJor, to conduct the s9j-qCstOwj-t*' %tispeotor: .Tud,-es and The polls of V, Ud c2e r�Uon s'i,,1,'TI bo, oponed al" the bour of eig -j, Of I of the suAd day. Section S. T)-) ji- pleet at the City ]tall oil the day of to tlic re tarns of tj)e �,,-tid 0", S. O:L elec., o