HomeMy WebLinkAbout197ORD IN ANCE NO. F7 An ordir a.nbe f fixing, regrulFa.tinrr of water supplied. btir tl'e Oitj, r­nces in conflict herewith, a and controling the ugd and price of Kp,,t repealinr all other ordi- TTL[+, CITY COTTM.'1IT, 0T, T 7i, CTT'' 07 K-1 ?fT DO WR APT AS FOLL WS: SECT101W? the towlt s 1. >'T;e f0i.lo-v,,i-n' r� les ttnd resa111, -ions gh,,llbe and are b.Qreby es' a•bl ; silecl for' f ixing, rc -tsla.ting a.?lcl C i i:. con- Kent, ti,E ,�sP ,•;'e? T'rj_ee of s.L.er �s�,; i lied b,y tile of Section 2. Alla ;'l c +.tions for t;,n use of shall be rrad.e to ti -_e dupe in.tend.ent of water^rcrks, �a, ` hi:,, ofi'ice, on. pra.ntod forms f»rnished by t';e '"',itis, n,jch application shall be made by Clic ,�mc:r or a. i, or iz©ca. 2: ent of 'Ll le T;ro}?er f;}- to wi.liei�_ the water is to be fuxnisbed;said applicant: sl,,•1]_ stRte fully and truly the purposes for -.h.ic�h the wat.c.r ma.y be re(p1ired,anci itit7s3t:: agree to conforms to Vle rules and. reg-111ation:i and any modifieatidns thereof,t-hat may be made a,ild est,abl1s1ied_ from time to time as #� conditions for tAle use of wlter. Section 3. All accounts for water shall be kept in tre name of tliF_ property ozar..ser,wi,en knownland ail crsar :os. shall be snide s, ainst the pro ert, as well. as V1e oimer thereof;and no change of' �ariers3hik� ar occ:uT;: ircy,;.11 effec . the; application. of this section.. fiectio�l 4. All_ bil_l..s for ;�•t-.er wiiether by fixed rate or ';`titer ralx,are dile sold ;;ay; ble orI t1,o, lst.d i.y of the rrionth,for the 7Month previous,at the office of tiqe s-izperint;end.ent of wat.cr works wi.tl�oiit any notice i^r]� ?.ever to t:,'e conwimer, and if. not paid on or before the 12th.da.-s of the mor.th,a pen-3,lty of fift- ecnts gill be added;and the uvrater ti.rried off from tl,.e premises. The via.ter will_ not be turned. or in a.ny irs a.nce Cantil all cllsa.rges are ,a.id. When the'12th.or last day for payment falls on Sunday or any le, al holidsa.y, tTie consumer will be ­.11owed the next sue- ceedin busi.iies;�, day on vlticl to pa:y,before til.e penalty for non- paynent attach. Section 5. No person supplied wtlhh water from the city's mains shill be entit-.led to u.se it f,,r any purpose other than those ste.t;ed in the application,nor permitted to add, any fixtures; or supply in any -jay or for any purt)ose,other persons or families without firstsectarin a pei'rnit for the same from the superintend- ent of water works. Section 6. In all cases wrern water is to be supplied to sever- al properties from one s^rvice,the city shall contract with but one of th.� owners of t;rie s-i.id. properties,and he and his property shall be held responsible by the city for all eharC es, the same ass if he were the owner of all _ tl e properties bene f fitted by the service. Tile Superintondant of water works may req''i.re se'ara.te services for each 11011se. 'Y Section 7/ wen a• permit has bocn. obtained. for the use of water and the charges hereinafter prescribed have been pai'a to the Superintendent of Water Torkn, the service will be Pitt in as Soon as it is practicable for tb.e City so to do; the "harges for services up to and including stop cock,where stye ts are not paved or planked, s1 ­a.11 be as follows: Por co,-)nections w .t}, wood ma.i.n,up to3,94inch serviQe 5.00. 'car connecting wit' steel ma.in,up tol,$Iinch. service 17.00. bTrade on An additional charge of 'Ai 5 .00. will be made on pa edestreeta�. $* An additional cho-rge of No service larger than 34 inch will be !ermitted withort meter. Section 8, .All service pipes milst invariable come direct from t11.e st,rect rnain,and sliall be laid not less t4inches beloids ow th.e s>> rf ace of tile gro"nd, wi th a stop cook placed one footb.c street ciirb line, except on streets that; are parkedy in w1i.ich care the stop cock will be placed two feet; oljtside the thi outer line of the sidewalk,,?.11 of w1licll will be put in and maintained 11'y tiles City and kept undo- its excl,,,sive colktrol. Section 9. No per.;on except employes of the water departmoirit will be allowed to turn. t1 e vra.ter on or off at the City's stop cock,after the plijmbinc; !;as been completed and the water tv.rned on by ti -e (Ity,exec'pt to ro1:,'--•ir V -,c s-pecial stop and waste cock or tb.e3 pipe b�:tween it and_ the city's stop cook. Section 10. special stogy a,�d -,,step cook with a key attached thereto, in a terracotta or ixrn conscted umer ehallebeeplacedeon.the Irom frosta,nd accessible to t�_ _e , Cit,71 Stop cock,at a distaroe from it Of pipe leading from the not more than twr',,.t�,r feet, and no branch Pipe,bibb or fixture of any kind shall be pla14a tho al;hlybetweon idrr�inkalldpipesthe Ctbroughout� If tris cock does the premisesladdt.tional ones di all be placed in all sage,bends and traps tl,at cannot otbervri se be drained. Section 11. All pipes and connections from the City's Stop cock pense of t b -ed w orwhonear slia.11 bedreaponsiblelbe for all damin agesthe resulting of the owner, from 'b s.ks or breaks. Section 12. I;o plumber or otlierperson will be allowed to make e Cit, ' , r�.-Ilns or make alterations in condlait,. connection with t11 pipe or other f ixt1ire, eonne� ting therewith., or to connect pipes wren they have bssexatdtheeocity's Bttonto turn water eock,without ooff permitfrom on) upon any preniise� the uperintendent of Water works. Section 13. Plumbers or otll.er_persons doing any work.by means the 's of which water may bedrawn from alvani�ed pipe, if iten,make intwritingna� truelandeaccu- g rate report of all work done, and deliver the same to the super intendent of water works,within twenty fouto rhours after ad waste c�ocksland completion;givinr,: the location of all s p all other fix.tures,on forms tb whether thelwater1 hasbe sbeen leftby eturned d such reports shall state on or off at the said prrmisea. 13 Section 14. Pla.unbers or other f ers ons failin,, to perfor.n their work according; to the esta,blir,,hed males arr.d.r egrulations, or exe- cuting it unskillf i Ily or to the 6,'amage of the dater works,may be debarred from makin - connections or doing any work on fix#irez or pipes until tl1ey sl-lall hae pnid into Vie City treasury &'penaijr of ten dollars for .stash violatimi. Section 15. Any person making connections to,or alterations in any pipe whereby wa-;-,er• rra r be dra:.m from the Cityt s Mains,or taking water from any fire lvrdrr;,ii%,bibbIpipe or fixture of any kind wi thozzt f first having :secured a permit for the s ar).e from. the 1,1ra,:,er superin"end ent,s' >7_:t he d.cc ped fr,zilty of a, mi.s(le-!teanor,a.nd a:aPon c-nvietion V` ereof, s':..all be.t'ined not less than �?1QO0.}aor ,71orc -th n SC.n ,. or im.; irisoned .f Pr not more t',,.an thirty d ,ysf 0,11 fi`iem collect; ed un& this; se,tion. to be placed to the cre0if. of t ,e �i ,,tc: �.; d 1i. ', f,,:.d.. Section 16. nlzo ld it: ':,e desired to a -e tl,.e water ti.,rned xft on after it bas been. trrn.ed off, or where new services have been con >l.et;ed,a written order from t'Fie Ouner or his authorized agent, Trust be given to the :si.aperintendent of w,a,ter worka,after which water will be turned on,provide,(: t',ere are bio defective or leaky faucets,closets or oLl er fixtures, and when such may be discover- ed tl e water will be tlrrnec3 off. rect:.ion 1'7 S}�.oul i i;' F• f:.er leo t-,31-11001 ori to' tho-prop--Ai-Ies by -any one other than an employee of the water department after it has been ti7rned. off at, tl-..e City's s -('.op c(�ck,it will be t:1 rned off at the main a.nd will not be turned on a ain iintil the cli.rt.r(-es as i:rescribeO In sec tion � c, f. t;1 :i;; ord.in ince 1s re bee71 ,id. Section 19. 7)hoilld It -i_ e desirn,l to discontinue the use of .;a.ter supplied to va.cFa.nt, prenises for a period of not less than. thirty dalTs,notice in wr-ii: _rn,.-; i -;-,t: be -ivcn to the Water r,?j�erintendent, the water will tl,rn bn turned off and tilrned on again on written application e�.trak chc�,.rf,-e,but no of c1ar�;eet will be made for a, less period. than 30days,or withoil- the said nae - Lice. Section 19. it d_o^iron. to disconi;ini-e the use of -,pater for any purpose,whether for closets,bath tubs,hose connections or other fixtures, t,7 n faucet mu t T>e reinoved, t?,- branch. pipes or ser- 'v'ice suppl.yini: the fixtures pla.z;..ged.,and notice given in writing at the office of tl,e stqperijitendent before any reduction Will be made in the rates. Section 20. No reduction in charres will be maAe on premises,a part of which riay beco-,me vacant,until written notice of such va- cancy shall be served on the Superintendent of water works,and then a. reduction will be <<llowed only when such vacancy contin- ues thkYty flays or more from th.e d ate of service of s>>ch notice, There shall be no red,l.ction wha.telkver,for vacant rooms in houses which. are rated for one fnniily only. Section 21. No remission of char=es will be ade when water is turned off from occ>,pied premises unless the same is t„rned off at the main,by order of the owner or his agent,for which the reg- ular charge prescribed in section 31,of this ordlarmoewill be made; said ther-e to be pr,.i.d at tri time the order is given to have the water turned off,torrether with all arrears,(if any),and current charges. Section 22. The water may at any time be shut off from the mains without notiee,for rep_>.irs,extensions,or other necessary purpos,ees and persons having boilers sii.pplied 'ray direct pressure from the mains are casitioned a,,-ainst danger of explosion or colla.pse,and whejf meters are in use or to be used on such service,a saftey ve shall be placed petween the boiler ar` such service,an.d the meter at the owner s expense,who s ale held responsible to t;lt- ("i.ty for am ).r;d s.11 damages to meters caused by hot water. The city will not. be re,,po-sible for .fir the safety of boilers on the premises of an;ST wf3.`.er corrsurr�er. Section 2.3. Die right to make aii order, in case of sh.ortape, or for any rood and suff -Ic lent reason,sospend.ing the ose of water for irri acion and sprinkling purposes,is resorved to the Water and light committee of the City Courni.l,at its discretion,which order shall take effect fromand after its publimn,tion in the City Offf icial 11rewspaper. For a violation of this order a penalty of ten dollars shall be imposed and taxed a--ainst the person and prem- ise4suppli.ed,a.nd the vi! f-er will be turned off and so remain tial :said penalty and all ot).er charges due are maid. Section. 24. No �;erson sh, 11 use water for prinkling or irrigation diirinf ti -,.e progres of any fire in t13e C ity, and all irrigation and sprinkling shall be immediately stopped when a fire alarm is sound- ed at any tima. For any violation of this rule gpenalty of ten dollars shall be imposed and taxed a�,ainst the person and premises supplied,and. the �ra,ter sh.Jl be tilrned off and so remain until said persalt-,- and a.11 other crr�.r:-es are paid. Section 25. Employees of tine , r; ;er and light department shall have free aece,is at -11 times in the day to all parts of bi3ildings in which water may be delivered from the city maine,for the pur- pose of ascerta,ininr; the n.urnber of rooms a.iid families in the house or in.snectin,­ the c(ior i.tion of t1he pipes ).rid fixtures,and ti,e man- ner in which tl,.e water i•:, rased. Ofiotion 26. The water superintendent sliall4 free acces � to the stop cooks and water meters and covers. All. persons are prohib- ited from pilint,; rubbish of any kind thereof. Section 27. It shall be the duty of the watr superintendent to report to the City Couzicil within fifteen days after thho ordi- nance takes effect,all buildings in procees of cE6nstruction in the City,and thereafter the amount of tvat.er required to be used in the construction of buildings hereafter to be erected; such reports shall contain an estimate of the amovrnt of brick,stone,conerete lirne,plaster and other materials requirintr the use of water,to be used in the construction of such,,�uildin.gs,which shall be certi- fied to be the architect or contractor in charge of the building when practicable. Water for building purposes will only be fur- nished upon payment in adva.nee,and at the rates based upon such estimate,and no water s}r.all be fi.,rnished in excess of the amount ► advanced therefor,without further payment; provided that all s__� of which the estimated cost thereof exceeds five thousand dollars„ water shall be filrnished at meter rates,unless special rates shall be given therefor by the Water and Light Committee of the City Councl.1,and payment in. such cases sli.a.11 be made as provided in s section for meter rates and as in this section provided for xppcial rates. r -- Section 2S. Water for sidovm1ks, street or lawn sprinklers) irri- gation,r.ose connectiox,n,e108ets or will not be fl-rnished to persons who do not also pay for the use of .-rater for fsz iliONI stores or other pug pores to which itms y be ssapplied,and the water will be turned off f roes the prc ii.ses a., soon as such. payments are discontinued. Section 29. The t1se of h.oso for sprinkling, irrigation purl.)osesi and. wn.^hing vrrsa.lk�-, or strents i:s prohibited except betwoen the hours of six and ei' h.t o'clock J.'%, and five and. Hina o'clock P.Atl.,exceptvr)�en r,zeters arc' raged..;a less n�runbor ofhours� may be ordered by ie Wf,,ter V)d. 11;7)1', r;ow,ii iAttee at any time when in their Viedi scretion it appears nonensa.ry or desir=able. Any violation of of tris; rule or- of s soli. order of Via Vla�t-er a.��d 1i�ht o�..-- t r ittaa shall be: pt�nisrer71.f;— of one d.ol.lF,.r teimposed and taxed e.-�airzsi; the perno-o and, prn rises szq)-lied ,and t),e vmter shall be turned off alid so re -,c-.in ;,.s.t3.1 t1,0 raid .seen^.1ty and all chnavgcs due are psid. Section 30. All per ­,ons ha.vin, colmeetions or a hose bibb on the proniisens to vrhicls a hose roa.,y be • ! t;i.ched,for the purpos of Ir- ,rit;a,tIon,wi.lJ. be cli.?,rk-ad l;Iie ra!­:,11,i.r sprinkling, rates between the lst.da of Jane and ;1i_e first day of September ,unles, notice is given in writing at tho 0 -'fico of. V)c Sti.perintendent of water worksa,to the effect t}sa.t no sprinklYr, , vri.11 be done. In order to Jvre s aid cb.ar:-e r�r.ivecl, the hone ribl) or branch pipe supplying said fixturo_ must be lu; :;ed. `.i.'he placing in any place wl ere it ca,n be used by tl�e ptt lic, of ,,yy fa.t,(-ot,fixtli.re or, opening of any kind ot)i.er t}l.a.n r7, hose cnnnoct I on for, s prinklingtwhicji. latter mast be kept under ecnrer,by an iron box,will not be allowed,except where meters are used. ITI e water will he t-rued offt for the violation of this rttle2-Uld. P. penalty of one dollar imposed and the vrc.ter s},alJ_ rc7 ? ?.in t,lrried ofJC till Vie penalt: � and all el),nrges Se,iti.nn 31. T1.,e. inside (Mmmntor of hose is!sodfor sprinkling pur- poscM s},all not be mor t1lan 314. of an inch,and the inside di eter of the orif ice to t1ic nozzle of the r s� ne not more t an i' in.ch,and the orifice for lawn fosintalns not more than 18 inch. The use of hose -ri t,Iviit a no„^1Q, or :+.flowing any faucet,pipe or fixture to rum opon,(thtas wa.rtingwater),is prohibited$ except where moters are used. For violation of this rile a penalty of two dollars for each ozfensete or�11 be imposed and taxed. against the perscin and prel�d sori supplied, and the water sh.ryll be tnMed off from tre promises and so re-r,..in until s,ich pona.l.ty and all othor charger dile are p~!.id.. Section 32. T),c for t'i rning vra.ter off at the main sba.11 be as follows: In streets not paved_ or p1r,.nked, 2.00, In pkanked stroets �1,51006 In raved streeL-s 15.00. Section 33. monthly water ra "es1where meters are not used shall be as follows: No rates less th=-,n "1.00.per rrsonth. Bakeries $2.00.per month. Barber shoes,lst.clinir 1.00, additional chairs 25OEaah. Bath tube,in private. residence,each faraily,25 g,bojirding and lodging housespr ivt .te schools and barber shops 60� eaeh. tub. Blacksmith s bopo l f first fire "1.00. each additional f ire, 2r�l. Boarding and lodging houses in a6rlition to fwaily rates,per room 10 Book binderies,five person or lesq,"'l.00.eaeh additional work - man,10 g. Building; purposes: For plastering each 100 yards, 20¢x, each 1000 brick,or each cubic foot of stone wa.11,or concrete, 15y..for wetting, enc), barrel of lime or cement for other purple than plastering or btailding walls or founda.tions,10�. Cisterns: f r fillin.g,1000gallons or less 11.00. each additional 1000 gallons,50¢. Elevators,hydraulic,from $20.00. to ',,40.00. per itonth,to be ascertained. y the water ar_d light committee of the City c oiinb il. Family rates: each f ijnily%]4�0. Fish. and. meat r.ia,rkets or either, $1.25.each. Lawn f ou.n (.wins, with 1/8 inch nozzle, $1.00. T,awn sprinkling,and sideyyalk washingr,for each lot with a frontage of 25 feet or less 2.5 �. Live stock,10y each. Sewer work or sluicing; char,-es to be fixed by the water and light committee of tTle city col?»Cil. Street sprinkling, pu.blie: clinrFeg t.o be fixed by the water a--,d light committee. Street Sprinkling, pri*xte,when the full width or more than one half of tris width. of tTie street,2 � per lineal footl/2 or less of the street, ly per lineal foot,minimum charge of 25�. Stores, ret<r,AT of all kinds, 11.25. Restaurants $2.00. Water motors for family use in washing,$1.00. Irrigation, other than as herein aroves edif ied�per 100 square yards or fraction thereof., 20;. Urin.a.ls,self closing,25y.,not self closing,35�,constant flow $1.50. Water elossts; private residence,25� each;public tank closets $.75 . each, pan or pliinger,1 1.25. each. Sectton 34. Tater for oVier rises or business than those mention- ed in this ordii-)anee,eha.rges shrill be made by srecial rate as or- dered l)y t1le :,rat.e.r )d ligIO committee of the City Council. Section 35. The rigl-t. is reserved to the water and light commit- tee to place 9, water meter on any s ervice for the purpose of measuring Vie, -).ter supplied. to the premises by such serviee,and patnnent for the s ame shall be made at the sanne time and in the Sam m�­nneras prescribed in section 4 of this ordin-mce. Section 36, A water meter may be placed on any service by the ap- plication of the owner or his agent for a period of not less than one year,for the purpose of measuring the water supplied. to the premises by mach service,but in no case shall more than one meter be placed on any one service. .All meters shall be and remain the property of the City, and may be removed and replaced at the pleam- ure of the Pater and light committee. Section 37. Where water is supplied by meter for manufacturing purposes,and then is used in part for other than manufacturing purposes,suoh as for stores,families,barns or houses of any de- scription,all of the water furnished shall be charged the regular meter rate,and will not be given the benefit of the rate provided for manufactories. Section 38. The shall be anal there is hereby esta'blish*& a man- factor%y's meter rate; said rate to apply to such establishments only as are rsinfr ma,clilrery for the pv.rj ose of are employinC not less than ten per^ons; said percent of the rogii7.ar meter rnt,e proscribed i Z' mp.nuf !). (-t>>ri n, and rate shall be eighty n this ordinance. Section 39. Tb.at tl-,,ere shall be and is hereby established a t*at• applicable to public scbciols,hospita_lr, and other kindred eharita- v, ble iristitiations, r' -1..d rn.t(sly^.11 be. fifty per cent of the regular meter rate prescribed. in -di i sordina.nce. Section 40. 1.111-,.e followi_nf; est(.blisbm-Fnts be f rnished water by rnc�tQr only: by mon houses, barns, (Transfer) yards, Bottling works,brew- v or•i.es,factorins,f.oilmT-i.es,fa.r Tnr?Ts,green rel�ses,hospItpl-s,hotels, labvvatbries,ia.iindries,machine ,llops, m.ills,packing boos! s,publ 44 buil.dinf s,rest;s.iira.nts, saloons, se'hools, sod.(, foiirt(+.ins, stn- bles, ( (otl,or t1!.ar, pr tvjt,e},sta,ti.on house ,steam ebl7ines,,Yi i.ea.tres,wa,ter motors,wat.er p:l.;-,nts. Flection 41. Ir t;he cvc'nt of t1ie meter gett4n<- out of order and failing to ref -;i,,1 cr, the consumer sh.�,ll be chvxged at t% e average rrtte of dr)J.7_y oons"ription as sbown by thin meter when it order. Section Pert br char eci for vater meters at the f011OW- in., rete per gi.-)xTorly in adjTRrnce: V/1 inch. meter,�''2.nr,� 3/4 i.ncl, meter,'�3.no 1 inch meter, A4.00. 1 and 1,4inch meter, 6.00.,2 inch peter 9.00.13 inch. mnterv$15.00 4 inch. Tneter h30,()0,,(; incl,--r,trr,?A70.0'-'. Section 44. the gna.ntit�r provided.: Cubic Feet. 600 800 1000. 1200. 1400 1600. 1800 2000 2200 2400 2800 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 Tr.r r.l_ es for mmter ,ii flied t, -,T meter s':,all be for used.. inany month, as folows, excopt where otlherT=ise rice. Cubic feet. Price. !P.0n. 700 x'2.30. 2. C,0 . 900. 2.90. dX>,'•, , ;>,0 . 17.00 3.50. .q 3.7-5. 1300. ')4.00. 4 r,. 111300. .,4.5n. 4.75. 1700 5.00. f5.90. 5.25. 1900 5.70. 2100 5.90. f,6.30. 6 .10. 2300 4,6.50. 2500. 4'6.70. 4 7 ,6 . �'0. 7.20. 2700 2900 .05. 7.35. 7.50. 3100 7. PC 3300 .95. 1,7.95. 8.10. .3500 8.20. #.30. 3700 8.40. .x8.50. 3900. 8.60. t8.70. 4100 8.80. 9.90. 4300 5000. 4500 9.20. 19.10. 9.30. 4700 9.35. 9 .40. 4900 9.45. For each 100 feet in. excess of 4900 an additional char -,e of 5� shall be made up to 28,000. cubic feet,and for each additional loo c?xbic feet above 20, 000, an additional charge of 4� shall be made. In comps tin- the ra'-.es as above provided rates ending in 1 or 2 shall be counted as thour,,b Ending in a"0�;and those ending in 3 or 4 as tbough en.01mr, ire 5; and rates ending 6 and 7 s4k1l be counted as tboilgb erdlnr: i -n 5 and rates ending 8 and 9 slgall be counted as ten.. -4, P Section 44. Pipes for fire protection purposes Tn s % 'he fitted up with si'acb fixtures only as are needed for fire protection and suok fixture shall be sna.led by the Mater superintendentland in noca$* shall such s al be broken except in case of f ire,or by the fir* ohi; for. the purposeof testing the pipes.�rgiXtures. or hose. !,-VhGn sea] s are broken in case of f irdit shall be the duty of the Omer or tenant of ti -)e premises to .notif;r the O ilierinterMent of drab r Works of the same within twenty four hours after its occur�renoe, nt acid the said s cal sli-).l1beeplacc^�bit�hofwtenrdollarsnwilaebe� For violation of t tis oect F T imposed,and Vie supply of water r-I-.-„contin>>ed for all purposes - until said �,enalty and clue are }:paid. Section 45. All connections froY, the Street rnaie madeto hbycthee`` e V side; -alk, including; stop c6ckss and valves shall b cit, r at the prices stated in sec{,inn 7 of this ordin noe. r Section 46. The annual charger, for each fire protection ser$ice T' ` payable in a cvr.nee be the lst day and the 12th.da,y of ' fivary of each year s1i.al'lbe as f ollows: Two inch pipe$2.00.9three inch pipe,$3.00.jfour inch pip , six inch pipe, ,5 • a Section 47. The wordB”employee of the Pater .department" as used in this ordinance shall be taken to mean any Pei --son in the employ of the City of Yent,whose work is upon the eater system or any portion thereof. Section 48. All ordinanceti with the provisions of thi= rer)e.=.Ied. Q and parts of ordinances in conflict ord.ina.nee or any of them are hereby 111t7 -20- 1,?611