HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964j- to 0 R D I N A N 0 R NO— An ordinance making regulations for conducting veloons and other 'I plaose for the sale or other disposal of intoxioia.ting liquors. THF CITY C d • t34 (: I I. OF WA CITY OF KMgT DO ORPA IN AS F C T,TAWS : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation licensed to give away, sell or otberw.ise dispose of int©xicatint; ligonrs to knowingly allow or permit any minor,or any female,or any intoxicated person,or any com- mon drunkard,indian,vagrant,mendiaant,or habitual criminal to loiter in or be about any place where intoxicating liquors are licensed to be mold. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person,firm or cor- poration whether licensed to give away,sell or other wise dis- pose of intoXicating ligours or not,to give awaY,sell or dispose of intoxicating ligouro to any Minor,intoxioated person,00mrion 4" drunkard or indian. Section 3. It shell be unlawful for any person,firm or oor- poration having a license to seil,give away or otherwise dis- pose of intoxicating liquors,and oondusting a a saloon or drink- ing place within the City of Kent,to have/permit or plaintain arty.°boxes,stalls or booths therein,that can or shall be clonod by,w, ►yy door, screen,ourtain, or other device, or have an enr,r r nce thereto in any other side than the side which faces the center line of the main bar room. Section d. It shall be unlawful for any person,firm or corpora- tion licensed to 50111rive away or other dispose of intoxica- ting ligours,to keep or rttintain in any place where intoxica- ting ligours are licensed to be sold,any counter,tableobuffst, sideboard or other place whereon any articles of food are kept for the gratuitous use and, constmption of the public or of the patrons of ovah place where intoxicating ligours are sold or M licensed to be scald, sormnonly► known as "A free lunch counter" or to give away or gratuitously distribute any articles of food in any such place where intoxicating; liquors are licensed to be sold. Section S. It shall be unlawful for any person whether by him- self or by an agent or qmployse, or an an agent or employcjce of another person to do or eorirAt any act or thing prohibited uncle the tar qe of this ordinance. Section 6 Any person convicted of violating; any of the provis- ions of thle ordinance,or failing to comply with any of its pro- visions s.ia11 be fined an � r ned in stns not exceeding one hundred dol - y ' .lars,or imprisoned not exceeding t1tirty days. Section 7. For any violation of the provisions of this ordi- I nand the city council May ire addition to the penatilty provided { s i in section six,revo'ke any license granted to any person so offad- 'I ing;provided that bofore any license shallbe revoked notice 'I in 4riting shall. be served upon the l,erson holding the sameo of the intention of the city o-ouncil to ria voke tl3.e said i:ioenes, I, and directing h1m to show eatzse why the same shoujld no', be re- 'jvoked,on or before a tirme rinmed in the said notioe,which shall not be lass than five Mays after the date of service of the said notice. The re3vocatiol-I Of any licsanse shell bre by orclinttnee, j F , and the publication of the s ams as reqs iced by law shall be !� sufficient notiee,to the holder of the license,of its revocation. I r � i�