HomeMy WebLinkAbout183An. ordinance of the to, -an of cer',,-ain -iisdemeanors and fix -
penalties for t%ie �- �iarii:5',ur,ent of ersons i 1+.,;r of t' r: same..
FF TT, I�1'�?%;'C
Section 1. _,,*ery person in t1e t.00lrn oi' r.eY,+�ry�hc sh tll cruel_lz over-
drive,drilTe wT;en overloEided,o-irerUr(-�rk,tort,tlre,del,rivn of necessary suste--
nance,cruelly beat,r,)tilate or cruelly kill,or (-a,iase,i,rocizre,atxthorize,
request or eneo17ra--e so to })F- overdri-%Ten,oirerloa,deci,driven -when overload-
ed ,overwor.zed,tortu red, torirlented ,deprive(I of ne(;essary snstenanee,cruelly
beaten, im.,tMated or crueelly killed,an.,r anSmal; and whoever hairing the
charge or custod.NT of ally an-i_ro!al, e:it'-.er as owner or ct erwise, inflicts
unneccessar-y suffering or 1). -On ikpon t,1)P sar,,P,(-r unnecessarily f_Als to
pro -vide t,i.e s a r e witti, proijer food, drink 'air, lir;i t, space, shelter or 7)ro,tec-
tion from the weather,or �jlio w:illfull,., arc]. d.ri.ves tile. : air -o
when unfit for labor, c -r aitT ,;��a,ke or harness +,r,at chafes or galls it,
or check .rein on any ,.,art of its '_r'etrness too tA!rht for its corafort,or
at night wr_F?n it hav, been six enrlsf:C;ut ]T7e �1n�;7 g ! t;i" Oltt a, fell. ttipal, or
who cruelly abandons anyani:ilal, g}�..�.11 be guilty o�' �� rii.sdel, all
Section 2. The foll.ovain,_; per, are deelared to ne -,i�ilt�r of a PI
All persons in t)lr3 'COV- ; of KerA,yeho are i6l.e or dis-solute vr1 0
go about be ;, ins or solicitin,m a'Lins for r;,e _r support,as a business;
All persons who iuie ar�I iii,r-y.'linF or other unlawfl;l�rax,Ps or i>la�►s;
Ri2nawe�ts,i�ilferers,conficjAnc�e rfien,comrnon dri nkards,common night walkers)
le-ad,wanton or lascivious I,ersons, in speech and behavior,corunon railers
and brawlers; persona whci are hFtblt'tlojly nea;lectful of t.,e empl_oyrnent or
calling,and. do not provide for thei.,isel-es,or for tike slipport of
their fazriilies; all persons who are idle or dJ.ssoI*,+,qj,or ner,'lect all
lawfi.il business and i.Rho habitually misspend tTieir time by fregiientinf;
houses of illfame,saloons or tipplinr; s1rops; all persons lodging or found
in the nir;ht time in oiitILolises,s},c�ds,l)arns,or i?nocc,lpled bl;i ldlnrs,or
lodging in t -e open -air and not --;ivin(r, a Flood a.ccoiIn+, of theinsPlves;
All persons w1lo are known to ire r,}iiev(,-s,1)ur;*lars, c,r ,pickpockets, ei ther
lly t1,e';' rlavin� T;oer r.nr int�d of lar-
G'en.y,_hilr-lary or other cri?.-le a,rai?1Si, t},e laws of tl'e state, punitshabl`)
by irn��risonlr.ent ill t�;e) :i+ctf.0 �1�'l;iOn,Ol" _Ltl 2L ''ollf e Of norre(l ion
of an,r City, Or intj;,' j �t11 Of itll•� ,c i t`r ol" county:, and no
lawful meali s Of })rOVvllin", F rOt.ln(i any 1-.ank,
railroad dei ot,T)roker's of +'Ice, t',,.ee,tre im ldin ,,or otT�er place of
public alultsenent,auction rur)ln, store, shop or erow(i.(ld thorol1j;hfa.re, or at
any public rafherintor a,ssejq)ly,or lollnmint'--J)O1!1; any house or out; ti?Qjtscn
saloon or billiard hall; and a11_ ;:(-,-rsons who idle away their
time in or al)olat all-.v s<aloon,billiard hall, store or F:llrJ_ic building'.
Section 3.
erson w'ho sralt, in the town of Ken.t,distlarb any
relit ions >�ler:tin ;,any theatre, or any p11,olic rsatherinp; of people assembled
for a lawful p1.rpose,•:w}jicj-, it bein, rlel(l unci eondtictec} in a lawftll ,Ianner,
shall be dee-vied ;uilty Of ,z rniscitemeanor.
Section 4. 'very �pers-on vJho shall. ,in the tOarn Of' "er"t.,he r_'lai.l+,; Of
soliciting; prostitittion,lipon. all�r of streets,alleys,or otrler lnlbllc
places, or who shall soikici+, an�r I:,ers�n tc v i. ;9. t an;r house of J-11 -f,
or any bawdy ho;ase, or any hol4se or pl(-Lccl for t, e Lnll-pose of lewdness
or prostitljtion shall b�� deelriod. j'1t L ;r cf.' a tllisdF;meanor.
Section 5. It s fall b ltnlal.;ftll fcr any 1}t;rent or :'tard'_an or ot'- (-.,r
person to insult or abuse .� teacher
'before tLn; ,,ctilor+l, or an riny school
grounds in the town of of +,''is section shkt1l be deemed
a misd.elneanor.
Section 6. eery persor. w.'--o loiters a})ollt arrT sc},c�nl ;rounds or
sbhool building; dltrine; school hours to t.(-e annoyance of ani' teacher or
pupil of any such school shall be deev,.ed ruilt.y of a misdei,iean.or.
SSction 7. +�vEr'r person w'rio shall knowlingly cal�.se or make any falx alarm
of fire within the town Of 'r-ent,shall be deemed jruilt�, of a misdcrleanor;
provided,that this section s}ittll not a.ilply to the chief of t}l_e fire
went val?erl he shall deem it ex,edl.ent to give suc}, j'al;�e aTaxms for disci-
pline of the fire der,ar t.aent .
Section 8. RiTery person A010 , in Vie tn1'%n of ljel"1t,: hall lea» e eddy horse
or wrleor ot%?er arimalattached to anv up'nicle or- con, e.,arlce, in ant% Tanen-
closed pla.ce,wi h-011 L be in,-� :3ee1,,ral;r fastened or pv trdn:d,or who sllccll mare-
all i], al,v��},:i.1F: ��nc;Pr h:is charge or
control, to escape f7-om Kiril a1 d rim or ne ,;t large upon. an'r of tl.e streets
alleys or other pilblic IJaces in saki tc�t�.m, sN al:l. be deemed F,t11 1t2' of a
Section 9. Any }person or oersons cnndi.�ctinp, a 1ril)-L. c auction of
goods,wares or r�rerc andise,Trr i tY in top corporate limp is of tl-.e Town of
Kent,who s1,all rnisre-pregent tl, �Tl=.liter or quantit-, of any roods he or
th.e-y mm-,y offer for sale at s>>cl. auction s},.all be deaeridd gliAlt" of a Q113--
Section 10. Every ?arson who open, cor►duct or carry on within
the limits of elle: Town of µ_ent,an ntore,sl ov or• place for tl,e Temporary
sale; of Loods or merch,tnd.ise ell- re a.il)-v itho!'t first obtainlno. % license
therefor,arld payinrL tc the raid town the sT:lTn of five dollars per day 1'c'r
each day tbe sa .e r3l.,al L -be of ened, condi.,cted or carried on, sl-lall he deemed
guilt;;, of a rql.sde:,1eanor.
Section 11. The ws tch,and any assistant or deputy of
t�i.e marshal, or any peace Off-leer, Ar. tti!e ''own of gent, fll!� 11 ha1Te the rid;}.t
to demand of any person foiind abroad in t%!e said town after the, hour of
midnight a satis£actor,r account of }-pis 1,11sires`, anal why he is abroad at
src}1 time,arld if s"Cl, of'f'ic;e is sa+,isf:led ti�cT+ f;� e p�blie �oocf regtriros
it,he TnRy arrest and (i etain slich person, (ha.-i.ng, first explained his of-
ficial c)iaracter),tzrrtil flir+.lzer examination ana"'imrasti1;ation of his case
shall determine whetY,er or not he is lawfully, abroad. The object of this
section is to protect the toikn from hmrF;laries,rob'ueries and outer crir.:es.
Sect ons 12. Any person cc,,nvicted of �riolatinF airy of the pr`ovi.sions �
sections 1 to 1M,both inclilsive of this ordin-mice sfiall be f ined in any
sum not exceeding one hundred dollars or I .l,risoned not exceeding thirl:�,
gyp `
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