HomeMy WebLinkAbout182ORDINANCE # 102. ?L:,! OI1±)Iti.�:T3t: f,r�intin ; to thc� T�oxt?�crn ,pacific Rai 1�, Y Conpnny the privilege of c� nstructing and _maintaining a spur track in and lipon First Street in the City of 11,ent, County of Y'.ing, ,,tate of �'.`ashington. BE IT ORDAI.MILM s ;' COMICIL Or 71E TO'V,�T OF KXNT. Section 1, `'? iGLE TL'11AC",%_. AGRO"3Z FIRST 183 TREXT TO t771 T:fl Ri- ,.:ACIFIC RhII.,:I_A.Y C(?:1iP.AJ`1Y. That then rii�ht, privilei.,e and autbority be grant- ed to the Northern ''acific Railway Compsny to construct, maintain and operate a single track of standard guage rail - wry and a ri P,ht-of-way, thirty feet wide, therefor, cross- ing First Street in the said Town as followst From a. Point in the vest line of the right -of --tray of the said northern 'Pacific Hailcnay Company' said point being opposite to lot eight in block four of Yesler's First Addition. to Kent, thence crossing First `~treet as laid out in said Town of Kent, on a curve to the right to lots six, seven, ten and eleven of bloc: four Yesler's First Addition to Kent. Section 2, CI11DITIONS. The ri�Fhte,privilege : and authority herein granted are subject to the following conditions: lat.'The soid track shall. cross the said street at grade, and shall conform to the grade of said street. 2nd. The grnntee shall construct and forever main - twin such crossing as shall.. be reasonable and convenient for the public use, and sba.11. insur.-e public stifety, and shall kAp their track planked or raved between the rails and for a dis- tance of two feet on the outside of each rail, for the full width of the stre,�t . 3rd. Locomotives and cars s)aall not be permitted to 1. stand upon said track Pit tj,e street crossing 90 As to bl,aQkade the street or any portion thsveof for longer time thftn is necessary in switching or shunting care thereon. 4th. The To= of Tent, shall retain the some control over the said street ns over other stroc3ts of sr4d Town, and the right to impose rensonnble reMlintions controling the speed of trains, upon said trace:, and the blockading of said street by cars or locomotives of the said grantee or others. Sootion 3, ACCT<'P TICR TO nE Fil EM, T11i.s Ordinance shall ' eooms -,perstive upon the filing with the clerk Of the said Town# within sixty days nftor its passage of the acceptance of the same by the said grantee, Whioxa acceptance shall be in writing and duly execut- ed in iegnl. fora. In case such € ccseptancte be not so filed this Ordinanoe shall become void at the end of sixty days after tts pas verge. sootion 4y RZMI it :,-RV",, TO T005. The said Town shall have the right and hereby re- serves the authority to alter or amend this Ordi.nruice having i r ew the rip of parties interested rind the interests Of the public, Section 50 This Ordinance shall. take effect and be in farce from and after iter pnssage, approval and publioa.tiono Approved, Ae_, fiber 6 ZO70 a. i