HomeMy WebLinkAbout1801 a.. 97, ORDINAYCE vacating portions of Saar Street and Titus Street in the Town of Kent, King County, Washington. WHEREAS, on the 4th day of Jjarch, A. D. 1907, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway Company of Washington filed with the Town Clerk, and presented to the Town Council, of the Town of Kent, a petition praying said Town Council to vacate all those portions of certain streets and avenues in said petition set forth and hereinafter more particularly described, which petition was signed by said railway company as the owner of all the private property abutting upon the portions of said streets and avenues sought to be vacated, anal, WHEREAS, after the presentation and filing of said petition, the Town Council of the Town of Kent did, by resolution, fix its regular session on the 1st day of April, A. D. 1907, as the time and place for the hearing and determination of said petition and, WHEREAS, upon the passage of said resolution the Town Clerk of said Town of Kent gave twenty; days notice of the pendency of said petition by written notices set up in three of the most public places in said Tortml, and a lige notice in a conspicuous place on the portion of each such street and avenue sought to be vacated, which said notices contained the statement that a petition had been filed, as above stated, to vacate the portions of said streets and avenues hereinafter described, and said respective notices desci=ibed the portion of said street or avenue sought to be vacated as aforesaid, together with a statement of the time and place so fixed for the hearing of said petition, proof of the posting of which said several notices is on file with said Town Clerk, and, .f In 0- 'V CJ LU N M O Ln r - WHEREAS, at the time and place oppointed for the hearing of said petition by the Town Council, the same was duly heard, and thereupon said Town Council duly determined to grant said petition, and that the Town of Kent should be authorized and have authority, by ordinance, to vacate the portions of said streets and avenues in said. petition, and in this ordinance hereinafter describ,)d, Rnd WHEREAS, all steps and proceedings required by law for the vacation of the portions of said streets and avenues have been duly taken and carried out,: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN OF KENT as follows : Section to That there be, and is hereby, vacated by the Town of Kent, all those portions of certain streets and avenues in the Town of Kent, King County, Washington, described,,as follows, to wit : 1. All that portion of Saar Street in Car Line Addition to Kent, lying between the Easterly line of the right of way and station grounds of the Puget Sound Electric Railway, and a line drawn parallel with and distant one hundred twenV (120) feet easterly therefrom, being a strip of land one hundred twenty (120) feet in length east and west, and sixty - SIX (66) feet in width, north and south. 2. All that portion of Titus Street in said Car Line Addition to Kent lying between the easterly line of the right of way and station grounds of the Puget Sound Electric Railway, and a line drawn parallel with, and distant one hundred sixty-five (165) feet easterly therefrom, being a strip of land one hundred sIxty-five (166) feet in length east and west, and. sixty-six (66) feet in width north and south. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect, and be in force �v In CrN "14 - CD N c� O t -- M L-1 rt~ 3 ��urWuy '"`ii„i1i\w:.•nil�YfsryMr'�..y.11wYrM^'tV.P!w.,�yyr.!�. x. a: M1!F'lplW, 1 �f1�x�,99 �hage, its signing by the Mayors attesting by the Town Clerk, and publication as required by law. PASSED A,D. 1907. Attest the Town Council the / 9 /'tiday orIft Mayor. Town Clerks b 1 S EVEN ►<�co�nFo