HomeMy WebLinkAbout176REPEALED BY /1?35 qe AN ORDINANCE defining the terms Fawn Broker and Second Herd! Dealer and requiring pnwn brokers end s000nd hand deal- ers to keep a register of goods bought by them or held by thein as a pledge for the repayment of money loaned# BE IT 01MAzNYD 2Y -1F. CrjUN'C_I.:. OF THE TaW11 OF RXIN'T. Section 1, i ATIT BIRO= That avery person in the To .in of Kent g whose busi- nesiWilt is to take and receive by 'Way of pledge, pmt or exchange any goods, wares, or merchandise, or any kind of personal property whotover for the repayment or security of any money loaned thereon, or to loon on deposit of personal °t property, any money, shall be deemed a Pawn Broker, within the meaning, of this ordinance. Section 8, TO KXET' ri t Tr�T!';iir Every pe-1°son *,,o shah oarry on the business of a awn Broker as deseribed in Section 1 of this Ordinance, shall keep a register, in which shall be on dd in legible vrriting, a description of all Ivoper°ty purdhated or taken as a pledger pawn or security for any monoy loaned thereon of any description whatsoever together with the mm* and place of residonce of the person or persons from thorn such property was purchased or reoeiveed, which register shell be in the English language and shall be open to the inspection of they Town Marshal and say deputy or a s ni s to nt of . the said Marshal end his deputies snit assistants shall, have the right and authority to enter into the shop or store of any Pawn Broker at all Seasonable hours and examine such register and any and all goods and articles kept therein. In case any minor shall offer to sell or pledge any goods or articles of property of rihat+ever kind, the Vewn Broker shall demand and receive from such minor the written authority of the owner of such goods or property authorizing the staid minor to sell or pledge the caeme, and such, written authority shall be plraoed and kept on file by the said fawn Broker and shall 1:we subject to the inspection of the Marshal and his deputies and assistants Pis provided for the register above named. Section Z, PEW= HAND DEALT -21.1 DEFIN D. Any person or persons. firm or corporation within the Town of Fent .,!ho ahalll engage in tho business of buying and selling second hand goods or jt k or shell keep any stare, shop, roma or place wh e -r° a second hand goods or gunk are bought �3 r:nd sold or received 3s hereby declared to be a second hand dealer wwithinr/ in they meaning Y nyyin of this Ordinance* JF t006MA 40 R CHAS Every Second iland Dealer shell keep a book in which he shall at the time of purchase or receipt of any second hand goods or junk, enter in the English language, written in Ink s full and aocurs to doseript i on of such gods or junk so bought or received, together with the name and residence of the "n+cier, and if the vender be a miner, t9 statement of that feat, also the amount paid and the date and hover of the purchase, and receipt of the goods; and the said book shell, and any and eZl nrt lies or thi1W,8 Imrchaseg or received shell at all times be open to tits inspection of the Town Vershal and his diputies and assistants, Section 5, `'t„T�;�iiA `;;: F}!, '::t�`Ii '£ k�'. �.'r .F C)LD LF Tr, Section When any dealer shall purchase the entire household effects of any house or family, it shall be deemed sufficient compliance with r'ecction 4 of this Ordinance to enter in his 3 book the name of the atreet,the name of the vendor, and e �9a genwal, description of the property purchased* Section 6, %'1 fXTI S; ', =+'R„Yi 141NOR. �l in case of goods or junk bought or received from any minor, the person buying or receiving such goods or jucak, or e,rtiolees of valuee$ shall demand tend receive from such minor the writ- / � ton authority of the person or persons owning such goods, jank or other articles of valuer authorising the said minor 3 to sell the same and such viritten einthOritp shall be plaoed and kept on file by such :'econd Band Dealer and be there- after at all times subject to the inspection of the said Town Marshal and hist deputies and assis+;ants. ry Section 7 , FIEV.-A.L i r Any vitiation of the provisions of this Ordinance by any Pawn Broker or Second Mand Dealer, or any failure to comply with the requirements of the same by such pawn Broker or 3600nd viand Deeler, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and any 3� person found quilty thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed one hundred dollars or imprisoned in jell not to eeaeeed thirty days Approved $ May 22, 11007._ �.�.. 3.