HomeMy WebLinkAbout171ORDINANCE NO.
An ordinance 7ra,ntinf to A.T.Wes+_, z7, -1 --id hir riiccessors and assigns
the right to olace and rna.intain Doles and lines in the streets,a.11eys
and public Rays of t' �e To,,;r. cf KF:r:t , Stat o o{' Wasl1.in1C1ton, f or t'he pur-
pose of mr ,Jntainirri; a and. tele�,fra ph s. -,stem of commtznica--
tion for the use of the s aid tc-.rn and its _in�;abita.nts.
Section 1. That A.T.West,his successors and assigns,are author-
ized to erect and ma.1,nta.in in tt,f, of-).er public
ways in t}1e t,-ovn of KF:ri,, the T)oles,fixtlires,wires and cables neces-
sary for the purpose of strp,,)lyirrf;to tre said town and its int) 'h
tar_t,s and t',e ptlYJlle,cor,illl.lnit'.ation bly telef;hone and telef%raph or
ot'r„.er improved ele(;trical cA zri ce, suc}, rase ;c he an(i continue upon
the terms and conditions hereinafter stated.
Section 2. Said poles,wires and cal)les shall be placed and
maintained so as not to interfere wit', the travel on said streets,
alleys and public ways,nor sl{al]_ st.rcrl poles lyires and cables beso .•
.placed as to interfere ,Tit)) the prompt and efficient extinguishment
of fire in t'i.e said town;a,nd said to)tin wall ',F,,re Mif; right without
any compensation to t' e s aid f-r�-Lntee his siieces:3ors or assigns, to cr?.t
and rerno-i�e any ,nor-; io:, of t_ e ual.d wires ,-,r,,' ene1rer in the jrici; Tient of
the chief of the fire d.e.pa.rt:nent,it sq—tall— },ecome necessary to remove
th.esalae for the extinf r, sr,,ient; nt' �tr�; fIre or fires in said t,otim;ani;
said r�tr+,�;e. ,J-1 svccel,,icr;: ti aid toj.rn free
and harmless from all d r,ia�-es arisin7 f,-ori,and shall defend all snits
for darr.a res a,.;ainst said tovrn,aris!.nt-: out, of his or their negligence
in Vhe erection, maintenarce or ol.,era,tion of t' --.e s aid poles,wires and .<
cables,all at tree expense of tT,.e said g_rantee?his sif6cessors and
assigns. This grant i-� made 'ind is to hP :sed and enjoyed subject
to Such general re, 11la.tions a d ordinances of a puolic nature as ,aia
tovm co,;noil of tilesa.id town is a.�rtY�orized and sees proper at any turn
to adopt, not decitrrrctive 1,,, t- 1-,-1L'S 10ere ii ;rra.nted.
Section S. The ri crr111 of 1?se },Pre�in granted shall not be ex-
tbesaid ('01—rr i1_ ref tl;e �sa,icl town: reserves titp r:i.Pht to
grant a like ri1;n o' r,i;� to an r ot,,er ai,plieant for privile",es,the
same rlowe-lrer not to Anterf,--e i t; , t;,- reasonable and
-proper exercise of tl-e1,, Le es her,ir ;,'ra)ited.
Sect.irr_- The said A.T.West and M) —, 13'Ucce�isors and aassiF-,ns
by the acr,P,)tance of the n,Lrchise and prlvile�,es herein €;ra.nted does
agree to oenit t} e totrm ,tit arlir tirle to '�ttaCll to the tops of any
th6tr said poles where prat l jca1)le, the to"'TI f -!"P a,lar-) and police
wires; provided howe�rer,suc�,. ittac.11-ert s1rall 'he ma.de so as not to
interfere with. the Ilse of t l e said wires and pole9 by the said gnm-
tee and T -I s m ccessors P.r?(l ass iF,;ns,all d saad attac},mert sliall be made
and .nair.t,.i.ned ,Jnder his -'Yd t'r..4*r directions: The said �'rantee and
his successors and fiirt'rner aF.reo to extend to the said to.vn
during tile entire terra of t -his franchise ,.iie use of five tolej)hones
to be located ir, such public buildings or town offices as tI)e town
co1)rcil mall direct,w:iA1)o, �-. cr .arf-e to t''P said town.
Section 5. T) at w, never any, person company or corl)oration
shall ha-kro obta,ir_Pcl from the at{thorities of thesaid to;m
to move or ren.ove any i)i1ild1nF;, str11cture or edifice through, along, a-
cross or Lil)on arn. of tl, ,, ;tr pet,s or a1.le1rs of t'_-i.e s aid tcwn,with
w:r).ich tele poles or wire of i ',,e s;:,id p;r nl.pe or his asigns s rlall i.,,
any manner interfere, the s aid Frantee or his assigns shall upon
three da -s notice from t},t; irii-, ror of the said town,raise or rer.ove
said hires or rerr.ove or rt,l,lace ',11e said poles so as to allow free
and unobstructed passa: e for an,., S)IC', 'hW.lding,structure or edifice,
and if said Lrantee his successors and assigns 3shall fail or refuse
to remove
said poles,wires cr
cables upon
slick notice
the said
town may
r)roceed to make such
removals and
charge the',
to t'rie said grante,;,his successors and assigns.
Section 6. Teat whenp-rer it shell r)e necessary in grading an;,r
streetlor alley, or in budldinf~ any s i c;� �.1:'C, or i(l,s.king any o+,', --ler im-
provements llr,on sl et: :etre-As ur alleys, to re-,,ove ar. pole or moles
})elon�;in%, to t1,e said ;r;.ntcO or a89.ij;rs,the ia,id Fraroteejhis
or assif;r.s sl,olj. lrpon
three days
ti,e mayor
of t. -Ile said
tow -n reiv:ove sllcli pole
or poles;
and if
he or
they fail
or refuse to remove sucl pole or poles 1)pon such notice tI)e said town
ma -Nr prOCet;cl t0 rQ71'.C�vc' t',t: : f ".F. ctjj(X C1lcil t;r; t„1 ; COSI: thereof t0 the
said grantee his >>lccF. ssor ; o�-
Section 7. The sa, i.ci rr. !',ee and ],,is successors and assigns
shall at the titre of tyle inst� Nation anal at all_ times thereafter
dluring t' -.e teria of +_l :is frarel-ise f,lrnish to tltn patrons of thter
local exchange, long d i stro-ce service wit!-- - Jindependent telepj}one
s~�stea of tr.e City oi' Seatt.le and
all connections,at the usual tariff
rates for sr7cr, ser -ice.
Section 8. T]-ce said r;rayrtee and his slicce`zsors and assigns
shall bet in t'r:e actual carlstr,lci_ ion of a telephone exc!�ange under the
provisions of t?,15 fl'c"a,l?Cdist) ill t'"r, tovni i)f Kentv;ithin nine' -f daNfs
after the date of its patisa„e ar(I _ r)prov;Ll, .r' -r sa.id telephone ex-
change to be in oper<;tion 1Fri.tt, in ei ;l_{ of:r1 nontlis there after,failht,
in which this
forfeited. ..
Section 9•
TI -As
ord_.i,),trice -,-ay
be altered, amended or repealed
at; any tine, due rep-ard be i_rl„ had for the r1j;hti of the grantees, sl)cc-
cessors and assigns,and t,ne interests of tele priblic,and in no case
sl,alJ tjxsx the rights,privileEjes and franchise herein granted
extend over .a period of more than five years from and after
the passage ge and approval hereof . //
Section ln. Witll.in twellt�, da ns after t-`te pass age of this or-
dinance theraritee herein or hi.s successors or a.ssigns,shall file
in the office of t-ne clerk of the said town ,his or their acceptance
of tl�e riglits,pri-rilef;es and franchise herein granted, subj ect to the
require:!lertsIprovisions, conditions and reservations.,herein contained
failing; in vh ich,this oroinance s]iall be void anti of no effect.
Section 11. Failure of the grantee or his successors or assigns
to comply with any of elle terms and eordi.tions of thi's ordinanee,shall
Work a f(brfeitnrp of all of tl,Pir rIF
1�prein -rantPd RTId t
jroceed upon to revoke
council of VIM tOv;"
tli-- said franc!,Ise and rei,ell t.ziis OY-Ciinanee#
Section 12,
efa,,:ct and �)e ill fcr ce
frol-r: and after