HomeMy WebLinkAbout170V% ORDIN AYCE 70.170. 1 ? r,erlain itis heirs,execiztors An ordinance granting.. to ,+red . haml � i administrators Pr+d a.s:;fl franer,ise to build,eci.il�,ol,era ,e and maintain a street raid Aa.y , ope-a.ted by electric or other f motive power, except steam, upon cer to in public highwa,,rs in the Town Of ''ent,'�ourtt�� of"t�i',e of "!'asrlil:gtoll. F>E I7� OrTDAT' FrT;r,n., T7 L o Tv Section 1. That there be and is 'here'by granted to Fred ; . Cr airCherlain,his heirs, execzztors,administrators and asst ns,tY,.e right,privilege,franchise and a. -thority to lair down,constrzzet, ecf«ip rnaink;ain and o; era+,e bir electric or otti)er motive pow, except stearrz,a sinr;le or d,ozjble t$eck electric railway line,with necessar;r svritelles, t ,7 noz�ts,connec `.kris tv d otr,er necessary ap- pliances for the o;,eratior of tr eswlie, irelvdinr, the erectin -,r.� ir.- taining and o,_jeratin of poles and vires with tl eir a +,ach- ments as tua,r I)e neees,z:4r�r for operating said railway, over, on and along; and across streest,alleys and rii Y!rv�z�%s in the town of 'rent as follows,towit: On Second "t,reet in tr,e plan, of Kent,frori the soi,th i)ornda.r;,r limits of tyPr+ s-rn tc �irrison `>treet. On said Harrison `'greet from Failroad Alrenue to Cer tral Azvenue produced to the south. On ryf.ntral jV en,,le fro: its sol-th terr:inal to Smith Street. On ,ith "treet from Central Aj"enile to Railroad Alrenuo; Following on said nait.ed streets practically the center line of the street. On Railroad A_enue f ror..-i g,c,,id Varrison ^treet to the north termin- al of said Railroad Aveniie,th.e east line of said railway along said Railroad Atreyrle to he at least 40 feet from the east margin-' al line of thesa.id Avent_ze. Provided; lst.T!,,at. before construct&on of t)e saiu ra.ilrrzy s!.call l)e be,:;,an t r o, �;;� t'.e saicT tozrin the !. owner of tris fralic01 se,',;_;; I-'cr e-,isors in interest or assigns i shall elect vr,(aeth(:r e or ttiie�r vrill follow tll.e route alonF;en- 4 r,,itl �,+r e t; or tl e route alon � R,ailrcad A-Teni,e tral A?d. .Tenzxe a) . Ij 1'ard f ile S, CII e ctio?) in wri t.in,- ^�J t t, - e clerk of t}-. e s aid m01Yr2 . e 2nd. 7'?,at ii t' (: o?,mer of +; s .'r�,.nch.ise elecf, to use t}?e route • '.'clang ilroad =� eT1)aefrorr! .,rr9.son ;;tr(;c:t to the nortr terminal of salCl r'czil) Oad t%r-71,ie tiler! and in t1�a_t �-'er.t,t�l@ CO''nCll,Of the JI t + have ; said Town reserves t:,e r , lit at its ;s discre ,io �c the tracks of tl c sa ici r.;.il ;<:.y I i(i alonE; or n(:ii.r the center of t' -)e snio Railroacl r,r�'ilv.e; 3rd. 'r1,at 117.)o:1 t'?e occupation Of ei- tlier of the �al.d r•011tes t' e say d rail -,ray i,' -.j -s fr< < c'lise shalJ_ becor�le, void as to tyle streets and ill^,Ts iipon the otr er ro?rte described; 4t,l,. 'l at .1 r.+,� �,;r it t' erdintince conte,ined,s?-1all be dBe.I?1f;(l or COr?Strl"eCi t(�.;'10it!,A to p+ 4r",T'rta,Tlt�T on �:'t'F' lizar;' of �,• , t,;.a.i. t 0_ {,' �.YiUvF' descr3.hed rotiles t -h e s a 16. t o,rrn Of , r.; are c) . le •al_ly est:a.blj 5'?ec s`ref:t.sor exi stir[; streets, said. n1' `er)�c,l_erc,� ErrP.r?ts tl,F, r_c ,' +, t, r.• eonstr?ret and oiler:?.j,e sari r~.ilt^ra;r :L:i}?e, st?l).i eet, t,c t i.A en�ci� t i c>> :�,y ro�Tigi.ons and. reser- VF,.tion,g Tierein set. for 1,1 ,Or)l,r i t .^r,f �r , s t.i.3:��- i t0y,n now 2a8 Or mai here-.-.fte- control over s:�id stree ts,af?d the routes here- inc)efore desiE;n� ted, s - ,,7 ect al ; ,, s tr rar ! �i� d. _x,11 rigl,+,s of any owners of Priv -t.en tFr; t' it t.',e sr i d routes or abtzt- tinIF upon said streets. Section 2. track or tracks of tele said railway shall be of stand-,I,rd ga.uEle,a?id tl:;e roc ils thereof be of steel and .so laid that ti.e toy s t' ereoi' 91.a.11 Y)e as r:early as practical)le on the level w_th th.e sari'ace of t} e ,,meet or alley where they are laid,at tl).e etablished f*rade thereof,and the space between the rails aT?d tracks,and for a, distance of one foot on each side of the track shall. be E)lrnked or .raveled or paved, so that vehi- cles of an;r and :.11 '.rinds can P a,911y cross thesarie at any a,'^.cl sll poini;S,aY (l Zr,'!'erlevQr ".;'(l tC W)latesTer PXtP.nt +',,� tcwn Of T"-ent,s?,R11 c -,use an trF t, r;r s tree t;s ir. or On ich an. T,,art of tl,p 3_1d track s1,.,11 1% l c7 , to ? e r,ay ed , pl=.n'cecZ, �rrair gilled or 7^a.e- acLmami^ed t},e saJd o,;- er of f},J.q fr,7,.nC'�:ise s aJ_1 at the Sam tir!e at Ti E; or tl,.,jr 0..,rn '�rt)ra,r EXf�FnSP,, j,r,tre,�;ra�rel� f1)1^,nlC (fir i- cadalr- i.7e i�1 lz�r 1 °r „F t,�'I�:F -- �. '� tr<�.c--; r: r r'ci r ils snc for a dis- tancc s of gine�� oot o:� eacl sJ.c�e of t.' c: said track or tracks,and Upon the s a,e • r�a.de Fuld of ', -e r r e ia: ,, Trials used b27 ti -,.e said town _n tine TO atsiattin� port-i-ol;s of t' -ie said street or streets. All trains opera-.cue(i upon t'r,e said railUratr s')alJ_ ,nak(, reL,,t,la.r stops at tr.e stations in ent. VJT,enever the track c- I.rn-eks of 'h- t',e track or frac <.s of -nir ot;'er line of rr,i'!;iray,the rails of eac},. sliall })E' :��JE;re.,d Or c"t so cL3 to per?'tit of each to pass wit')ollt obstr;�Ction. Th. owner of ti,i 4-'r<a7ic•'',ise,l is s, cr,e,ssors ir interest a,;d- a .si s , s, <�J_l 7,o pix up t1,e str-ees or obstrizct tJ;e t,rav e 'I trjereon more t.11an i, ilreiroidable in Corstr,,cting oiorat,inp and '?12iri+ LlnlnFr t`'eSc�:'_F, r• .i1t' c�.tici rl" L:L J_ 8.t 211 times kee, tl'e S aid rail -,.-)-ay in %-ooF1 re,:..i r, a,��n upon Vie nomr-letion of t, -,e constr,a.c- tion, and of c.ny re i rs t% ereon, sYla,ll lewre the streets and s torn up, or obstructed, tJ..ereb;r, in as r;oon a cord ition for travel and in as good rei,r-J_r ra.r; t'ae.,a .e ivere it before sixell construction or repair work was done. All poles and ivires and. all appliances connected tl-lerewitr,and the ):na,teria.l ar.d oonstr>>r't.ion of the road red sl 1—t be sz?.c},. as to interfere as little �,s i,ractical-J.e with an,,,,- other ptzbJ_ic ork or public use of t' -,g streets , a,nd bot' r^c>. `erial and ,,,orkrn�1.r.sTJT) scall be of first class kind a.nd quality. Section 3. Tli.enever and w1,erever t1le o,, -mer of t' -,is franchise ,,his wicceSsors irj terest or distizrb ants street of the:,a,id toy -+n in the Icyinr' or r>>ildJnr, of t',e said tracks of t')e Issolid ra,i ltu.y, or in c -rad ing or e •_catratinv for tl'�e same, Oran:r con - construction work t1l,ereon,Y,.e or lais successors in interest or as- • y� signs stall so irrpro�Te the retry inner of i; �P street abutting on the said track or tracks to leave eqiially good facilities for - travel and traffic bar tl,e general public as t1ie street afforded before Dein- so (Ilo Section 4. Whenever in tree opinir,r of tTle council of the '1o�Am of ',,-ent, it. is necessary for tre proper drainage of the Street that drains should be excavated across or unr.er the tracks of the said railway the s aid ovmer of this fraric'Iise and his srzcoessors in interest and assLf-ns,upon thirt�7 ,da2rs notice in writing; from the clerk of t1he,^aid gown , shall place or caused to he placed under their tracks and across the street drain the culvert) of such. capacity and at such points as s}ia,ll be required r,y such notice. Section 5. "otrinr7 in tl-pis oro;ina.nce contained. shall_ be constriled. to deprive t},e s a:id town of any rig:hts,powers or priv- y ii !; ileges whicr it now has or Y,ereaft.er .receive to reF-ulate the use and control of tae streets and Plleys of thesaid tcivn,a.nd notl+ ing herein cont -=fined s'-i,1_:i be constriied so as to prevent the town from sewerinp,, grading, )aving,planking or macada ,.izing,alter- ing or improving anj; of t,1 -P said streets,nor s'rall they,f-dd town be liable to t")e ow�eer of t>iis franchise or the said railway for any dmages he may suffer by reason of tale performance of any such work of street irnprovement,or by the exercise of any right in tl^is section reserved. Provided, lAiat such work of improving shall be so doneas to offer the least obstruction totraffic upon the said railwa�r,consistent wits the practical and econoirica.l prog- ress of the work, and the ovnier or or,mrs of the said railway shall 4 have the privilege of ra. sink; or shifting their rails or their track temporarily, to avoid such obstruction di)ring t'.11e progress ' ofstreetre pgrin alteration or improvement. i4 jSection 6. That in the operation of 'tie said railvay,the li owners thereof shall_ use the most inodei-n and Cit proved, means of If e f' appliTin. , power,a.Tld no ],ower sliall. be OF71 ,loved or used, y rich in i! its nature appearance or mode of Eq, lication or use shall s,:l^stan- J tially and Lindeasonably interfere with or imperil public travel on the said struts o- ar:, of 1,� er2 or encroach upon the ri�Thts of the public in and u!)on sF, d streets. The cars and all roll- ! fa Ing stock and all. peroor tlty shall be of pro,er construction and all cars sh,a,ll_ be e�i�i�)i�ed z-rith brakes of modern and approved patterns and all neceF sar,.% appliances to insure safety of oj:Qr- ation . Section 7. That whereirer ai)y person sl,,all hsore obtained permission from tlP, town or:-ent,to rise an,T street of said town for tti!e purpose of movin - any buildinp,,th.e said grantee of this E franchise , pis successor; in interf st or as cif ns sh.a.11,ltpon 48 ho��rs notice 1n >�ri ting; i'rorn tl]J1:a'Tol• of the said town raise or remove any of tl,e ., ir,,s ole.' t-l-:esaid ra.i:l- ayr wolcr1 �­.ay or)sTr-ticT Tae removal of vic , i)1111(ii11F1, so as tU allow the pas,,,afre of soch b,t ild- inF across,!)ut not alone,,an,r streF. t or streets on which the troller or oti,er Aire or �,iires of t(ic ;aid railway mair haire boen placed; Proviclinf?,that such building gnall be moved across the said track or tracks at sucl-i rpasor,O�Te 1,our of tTle right ar,d in such reasonable m=,nner as sna7.1 cause tl,.e .least interference' witl) t}te traffic of sa.icl rn.i ltirray . SeC�•ion 8.'-(T,e said Fred �T.Miaml-)erlain bZr accei;ting t_r,e benefits of tl�.is ordin.._L,ice,covenarts to and ,pith the said town of -ent,for himself and his heirs,execut:ors and assins,t%Iat he Twill rz.nd 11-11e.;T sl? -.11 keel, and Faire t-�,e s.,.id tovni 11armless,at all times,froln and. n-rPJ_nst any and c7_1 lose,li�b�].itj,Cl"•„la(,e,castEl and expense an -_r t7.11 arl se or o('rur b`r re,.son of t]�e construction s• aintenann,e, or)er=a.tIon, or re,r)%ir of said rs.ilwatr or ansr part or por+_1o•n t'lerf�of,or 1)y reason of a1Trt'rli_n,? done or �t t',e said ��caused to be done l,,T toe o�rn=:r of , s f'rt.rch se or of railway by ,rirtue of this or(: i rf:.rce . 4 Section 9. Fefore tl,_e track of tae said railway shall be laid dpzrJn on,/,--.lo-g,ogre- lir arrrooss cin" of the said streets or alle;rs, e" to t'oe eirmers of property abutting on tre said streets or ullteys Cr nr1T oi':1�OCc occasioned zr the bni_lding,lo- I cat in( ,:ilaiiitainint% and. O,,�erat. i on of tree iaj.d r_i l- r�i;% S1a-c'a.11 be ascertained rano eo,a, r;;:;;,=i;ion inade t? er- .for to sized o,,:rners bAr the owner of t)iif, frmnr'?'ise or 1:.r'e s `,.id r ?.l l.r'a?i , :17 t'. e Pi,..rrer r ro- vie 4 bIi law. Section 10. 'Die Torn of reserves tine ri„•i,t, to re91?late by ordin,a.racre tale rar.t� of -,treed al, tip? iel, (%ars P. rim bar the said r=al1ra;r in t. le cit;r 1:i,!jtp, or i,, ,a:ic, t vm. Section 11.. fa.rc; for olr:; c oritirr,-oi-.; 1);a.ssa6re over said rail, --&,j fro,,;. ta,nsr orle point; ir tree sa.!,d town to any ot'�ier point therein 9h ll r,r}rer exceed five cents,and t -e 1,a.yment of fare shall ;,a,--sen-er to transfer tc. c>,n',r other line or system of lines !v: t'• i,; t,,e said �;��3�r .�ivP and rear iv P. trarlsfFir's � o and CroI” tl,(-- of lines operated lender t'riis franehiee. Section 12. "orstr,iction work 1q,on F?'te !'id r8i lTr�v s? �J1 be begun wit"- in six months after tl.le t iP,e t1lat the said Fred J. Cl�amberla.in shall ha -e t riled his acceptance of this franchi se,and the line sha-11. be completed and it oppr:l'icr as a strsterr wi_t'r,in 'two gears after +he ;aid acceptance of tY)is i'r,:!rcti_ise. !i Section 13. Rxmx"x x This franchise be assigned bir the s aid 'gyred lain blit no a.ssiFnr:lent of the same s*�.a11 I necorie opera.+,i re so far as tre sRid to,,rm is concerned Trntil writ- ten notice t%erecrf. s,, ..11. be ii l'ci 1 it-, the rrler"c of the said tcrVli. "ection 14. 71r3riFjrer t ,e frayiehise or of t c...;,�r of y.>�i�; re ,a , said rail-aysball fat 1. to o;,erate tr.e-,aid rai ljr,Ry sirstem as a h,;hole, or Tlall fall toor er-:t( t % at Irnrt i on of i +., Ivin r, wi `ti,ir. x the City 17.mits of t"C', {fowl, C'f ,-ert,r)r Z*,au I<<rt t' ereof,fnr a period of T, -Art,, r3;;rs,; rc,�;r;Frr1 t,r�,�, :;,icl f,-I..ure to operate IS not caused by riots,strikes,cinil n,omnot,ions,nnts of tie o1_ements or other causes ogrev winh Ve •r,. d owner of this fr_3,nablee or i ' of t,..Q said railing has no control t,, on aNd t4areupon,all rigits, ,Qrivil07es,aUt Ci tl3S and franahises granted by this Oriinan e MY at the optio- of the said town of Yent,he forthwith termina- ted by ordirance nv sn id town as tn so nuch of the streets or sys tma as tt" e owner Of thn said rvilwaV stall fall to operate upon or over,and if such "pyre ho operate bp of the system as wt?ole,tl,gn t' is franchise to he so ter_']?r zz teC +'le .i -j (1 t,otm in tato. Rection 15. 'i'Lc:.J: hefo-n tie owner of this frarc'•,.ise shall disturb the surfs ne pr any of On strE ntg of t"eS'ii_(i t( -nfor the purpose of l; . .K7 CrIM or const;rl r,: � n any railway track or tracks,he sh:all_ n 1(: ai th t, e council of t e s A d town enmplote plans and �E; ec i � is .t i ons, s' c�;i T the inten6ad - loction of swell �f r track or hacks in an ncrO�S streets -)' .1P1S,tfe kiYirl. Of ie._ Hrorails to in nmed to d 0411 cec',urre the v t . � p r o �,.1 of the e said convAl in -ri tin jo such vlanF arc specifications. Rection 16. T at theraid i+red , .Wanberlain urd his heirs s' executors anti ,as ;ihnH s';xll be deemed to ha -e abandoned all rights and privile es conferred by Qjs ordinnnee,unless he or tDay r"all within thirty de,«s rafter its, par -age and ?.pproval,f. ile in the Office, of tie clerk of the said town a written acceptance of the rights, rYilopps and franc4ises ?ranted by this ordinance,s"b- ,ject tn the Conditions herein .set forth,and irh.less he or th-cy shall_ 1)et'in carptrucUon of ne nald system wit;%din Six months from a.r'd after the acreptance of the franchise herein (_,r a,n ted,and cornPAtn and herin to operate theraid railway system within two ,years from and after the date of the acceptance hereof. Section 17. Failvre ui--)on tl,,e fpxf; of tine said Fred J. Cliam- erluin,lils heirs,exe(ritors or conform to the require- juents arld con(litlers of o)-Ci*r-., T I _nc c sl�i, I vork a f orf li t,,Ir!e ;of all c'i -tl-ie riF ,lits,privileges and :C,ranchises hq:reln,-grant,6d,' �ection 18. Tie S r iFli ts, privi 1p,,e s and frz—cl-iises by t, i lio r d i n ur c ran d 3 1. re e and contAr ile for 1-1-e period of fift,yet.rs froi!i and after the cute +,iJ into cr�llnaylccl goes ±effect.