HomeMy WebLinkAbout168ORDINANCE NO . J Aril ordinance of the town of Kent,providing for the layinf;,constrtzet- ing,building, erecting and maintaining; of a system of sewers in the and adopting the estimated said town,and specifying ,,a plan therefor, declaring; cost thereof,and subi(Atting the same to trhe qualified voters of the said town for ratification or rejection at a special election called for that p,arpose. BE If ORDAINED RY TT -IF r,OTJNr,IT, OF THE T0"T OF K MMT: Section 1. That the Town of Kent lay,constructtbuild,erect and thereafter maintain a system of servers in the said tovm for the pur� pose of disposing of the sewage and surplus surface Water thereof. Section 2. That the following system and plan for sewers in the said town is specified andadopted,towit: t r The'''towri shall be and is here divided into two sewer dis lets, that is to say: Sewer District No.l.,which shall_ include all of that portion of the Town of Kent,lying to the east of the center line of the right of way of the Northern pacific Rai lway; and Sewer District No.2,which shall. include all of that portion of the town of Kent lying to the west of the center line of the right of way of the Northern pacific Railway. The sewage from said Sewer District No.l,shall be gathered by means of lateral pipes or sewer conduits of sufficient, size and nunnber to taXe care of -.11 of the sewage in the said di strict, into a main sewer `• " 11� it which is descri'aed as 'J011601' Beginning ata point on Smits; Street w,,! t is about 370 feet east Of State Street thence west along said Smith Street to Central Avenue a a distance of about 700 feet lay a se�rrPr having a eapacitlr equal to � .4 an opening; of 8" $ 8" on a tninir2tzm grade of .26 %. ,thence south. on C 0)/feet to Meeker Aveni.ze,lay a sewer ha Central Avenue about 60�Ting a capacity equ,t,l to an opening 8"X 8" 011 e1 1,1inimum grade of .26 thence west on meeker Alionve aportt 330 feet lay a sewer having a capacity of an oy-,enin� 10"X 10" on a rginim?7m grade of :2n.` .,tl e,ice south on Railroad A -venue , .out 250 feet to (,owe ;street laya sewer with a c�tii:aclty egl?al to an orening 10"X 10" on a .o.inimtnn grade of .20 per cent. ,thence continuing sozzth on Railroad Alren,,e ay,,otzt 430 feet to titizs qtreet lay a sewer rcith a capacity equ=t1 to and operiing 10"X 12" on a riinimtzin grade of .18. At or near the last described point locate a receptAcIt or reservoir and pumping station with an electrically driven centrifuUal PIMP for. raising the sewage from the 1 c rel of tY,e opening; of the above de- scribed main sewer to the level of the intake of the hereinafter described main trunk sewer. The said main trunk se�rr�r s'. 11 be located. ar�d is descrit,rd ,as follows: Beginning at or i a.r the intersection of Tit>?s Street and Rail- road Avenue lair a sewer along :-,aid Titus Street westerly about 1280 feet,having a capacit-r equal to an opening 14"X 16" with a minir:urm grade of .14 ° .,reaching; to Fourth A-Nrenue, thence south along; Fourth Avenue to Willis Strt et a distance of about 725 feet lay a sewer having; a capacity eq.tal to an opening 16"X 16" !Path a minimum grade of .12 ,.,thence west on Willis `'Itreet to Fifth Avenue a distance of 325 feet lay a sewer llav'ing a c<).pac:itzr equal to an opening 16"X 18" i with a minimum grade of .11 �,.;Vthence contimiin,_ along Willis Street and Willis Street produced a distanne of about 2240 feet lay a sewer w having; a capacity equal to an opening 16"X20",with a minimum grade of .09 %.to a point on the bank of the Arr.ite River which is about 14.3 feet southwesterly from the intersection Willis and Naden Streets. For the drainage of sewage from said Sewer District No.21lateral sewer conduits of sezf_� is ient sire aT,d n�zmher shall be connected withV and empty into the said mein trunk sewer to carry off __all of the s� (/ from the said Sewer Diotric* Yo.2. There shall be provided at all angles, where necessary ,manholes for cleaning the sever boles and Mand f1lishing shafts,also eight automatic flush tanks to i),� so located as to furnish the best service' for the entire system. All of time said sewer cond,,iits,a.ld all irianholes,1E;orp` holes, andflush tanks and sh of � s s, all 1-e n @Lde o ' Fir planks,w''hich shall in all cases be surfaced on one s;de so as to rePiove projectiond from the inside of the sttiid condui-ts,and rmanholes. Planks used for conduits have7dimensions greater than 12" inside n.e-ysurement shall be tjirae inehes in thickness,a-ll others small be 2" in t'rlickness. Catch )asins for surface drainalce shall Oe established at slier 1�oints as shitll f rnish the s bex�c� s�sa�r� to the town in general, consistent with the s,,ccessf,.11 operatiox: of `.i e s�rstem for sewerage pirposes. Section 3. _e (-;stimated cost oi' t id ,e sasystem of se, ers T, is declared to be Seventeen Thousand -)ollars. Section 4. This ordinance sh�:Jl be ;31-1)rnitted. to the giialifl ed voters of tI.-ip Town of Kent,f_or r-,tification or reject!ion at a special election to I e held in ,aid' town at the toim hall t "erein, o8 the 1r�tTh day of October A.D.1906,which election is hereblr called and authorized and which shall be conducted cinder and according; to the provisions of the general elcetion laws of the State of Washington. The ballots used at said election shall contain the words: "Shall the Town of Kent la.1T, construct,')tzild, erect .and maintain a system of sewers at an estime.ted cost of. Seventeen Thousand Dollars, accordihE to the lap and s�rstem adopted in ordinance ido. of the p i ��� „ said tovm, entitlf:d"An ordinance of the Town ofKent ,providinpfor th laying,constructing,buildinF,,,erecting and maintaining of a system of sewers in the said town, anal specifiring and adopting a plan theref or; declaring; the estimated cost thereof,and submitting the sane to the q,ialif ied 17cters of sa1d town f(,,r �,tiflicaticn o- rejection. at a special. elect, .on c jJ.].e l fcr jmrriose' . T.'or 7ewer n,"; :Enl. F---) Aci The •rotor .0 slic)'' Fil eel, inn shall- i repare i' 1;' _hti-lot I)IT placing, a '"f"� steiC1" if cross in t to square Vit- dCrlS �� P he desires to v01,e i?? t'.+.' or of i i.s rat i1,ics :i;ln;arrd by pl,-tc i.nf; a cross lr' t'he sgi;ar,� fo 1-lowintr, tl,f? Wor'd8 ���. £t l`1:�i said 17(nver if Tie der, it eF 7 to o,q,ose -its rection 5. Notice of said election s1,a.11 be published in t - 'Trr.,ite Ri-ver Journal, t' -_e, same r)ein.;; ti!e newsi.al er 5.11 w1lic11 t'-8 Town Printing is cione,fcr tl1F' i;i-ne at?d in accordance v^ri_th the provisions of t1e lays c.r t ,,c, �,s.r.+.tF: of ? 7f -?1. ',ertion 6. :e fo Ilow n. o 'j'icers are 1 icreby a: ipo Anted t conduct. t;.,.<;+; C 1: T, -- S J-udges . rection 7. The covnci.l of the -,aid town of Kerit,shall. rlcet in tie courlcil crlwnher of t ,e 'Come Fall on .onday etrening Octol)er 15th.1Q06 at the lour of 8 o'clook P.'r.,for the purl)ose of canvzassL ink; +,'ie returns a? d ctoclr i n t' e res,r_lt; of t le said election. rection 8. This or(li n�.>>ce sliEEJI take effect and r)e in force from and rifter its and .) bUcation.