HomeMy WebLinkAbout1670RDI'T Y C F ITo.j� An ordinance of t'ne Tovm of -Kent, av^endir7 sections two and three of Lr ordinance Yo.160,entit.led"An ordinance of t' --e Town of Yent,divid- , in it into two building, distr•icts,esta.blisl ing fire limits and prescribing: mate-ials and mode of construction of blzildings therein," approved lir t --e rr�a nor _11.Zrnist Fite .1905. E I'1, ORDAIItiF 7 =TF r(�-';,:r,IT, OF r TnV -,f 0F �,iP>�: Section 1.That sections two ar,d tr,.rce of ordinance :,\To.160 of the Town of Y.ent,entitled"An ordinance of t} -,e Tot,m of Kent,dividing it into two buildinsr d-istricts,establishin� fire limits,and ire scribing materials a.„zd mole of construction of bnilfline-s therein”, approved by the mayor on t'i.e 8th.daTr of AuFrtzst 4.-D.1905,be and tY,e G same are here -*by airiended to read as follows: Section 2. Herfiafter it sYa.�.1 be ,lnla.wfl,l for any person or per- sons to erect,corstruct,c-ii1se to be erected or cons true+ed,or cause to be removed from one lot to another within or into the district boiin.ded as hereinafter ciescribed,an�r*oodn builc�in or structure excerpt as hereinafter prescril-pd, towit: Redrninc at tl,(� intersection of the center lines of Second street and '1ieeker Avem e,riirni-rr, t-er.ce alorg the center line of Reeker Av-- enz.ze to its intersection with the center line of the alley running th-rough Mocks nine and ter. of the 'V!as'r)in,;ton Central Improvement Compe)ny's First Ad.ditior, to Yent,,t=fence soiltr. alon,-,; t'r-e ceni-Ar line( 4of said alley to its intersection with the center line of Titus Street thence west alon-_ tl_e center line of Titus Street to its intersection with that certain galley r-nrinF; t",rough block three of Yesler's First Addition to Fent,+,hence north along; the center line of said alley to its intersection tl-e center line of Gowe Street,thence west alonfr t',e center line of "Towe Street to its intersection t-.ith the center line of Second street, thence north' along the r=enter line of '-')P.(nnd='treet to the point of Beginning; �J Said described dist.rIct sr,I1]. Tie d.esigrat,ed tl?e"FJ.rst :Building ,pistrict: Section 3. All buildings hereafter erected or constructed ,Yit}yin or/ rioved upon lots or lards l;TinC ,within the territory of ti -ie said First 3?uliding District, shall have ozztside via.11s of Brick, {,- Stone, Concrete or other f i re prc•of rnate-i.,als, of szzff icient siren,,th r.. and trLickness to hake t, e sw!je safe anti stron�-,��net si:_al].,2 roofs of tin, sl :.+,e, tar and }gravel or ot': e fire proof materials or tori - positions. All fronts of i;liiloings in t tipP said district shiall.. be made of noncombustible �:gaterials except. ti -ie doors and sash.. All outside walls shall run iip at .least two feet above the roofs at all points and shall thorot:�;iily separate all wood work,*here �J there is any on o-,oposite sides of the wall; Provided that wood, -. sheds, -water closets and small onthoiases wimilar to them in eonstruc-- tion,never more than one story in heit;hth,may be built with a skel- eton fra7ue of wood dimension stuff covered with corrugated iron sheathing,and having a roof as prescribed for other buildings in the s id ')istrictiprovided that such outbiiildings shalt be wholly detached. Section 4. TYiis ordinance shall be in force froii and after its passage,a :proval and p^blication. Passed the Council this fourth day of September 1906, MAYOR. /� �, ',r',,• Ger• .'� „•�