HomeMy WebLinkAbout165ORDINANCE No .L44 An ordinance of the Town of Kent, regulating the Moving of buildings therein,an.d providing-, a penalty for failure to observe its provisions BE IT ORDAINED BY TJIR COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF Rection 1. That before any person oy'persons shall move or remove any, building or buildings within,into or from the Town of Kent,over upon,along r across any of the streets,alleys or other public thoroughfares of the said town he or they shall first give notice in writing to the clerk of the said town,of his or their int tion so to move such building or bufldings,specifying the etre-,ts,alleys or other public thoroughfares through,across,over,upon or along which he or they. expect to�convey the sane and the date upon which he or th okvect tol begin stich work,whichNnot be leas than three days after the date of such notice. Section 2. That the work of moving of removing buildings shall be done as speedily as is practicable and consistent with the rea- sonably econorni^al conduct of the work,and withas little damage to the streets and alleys and as little interference with the general use thereof -for the ordinary purposes of traffic as is consistent with the proper performance of the work of such Moving. Section 3. That any disturbance of t'ne surface of any street,ally or other public thoroughfare by any person moving any buildings or t. �• *ny building,by excavfition or otherwise shall be repaired izmnediate� r-•- 3y,by such person and by him left in as good condition as before It was so disturbed. Section 4. .That any removal of any telegraph,telephone or other poles or wares or of any water pipes or other pipes or fixtures of any kiiidmade necessary to accommodate the removal of any building or buildings shall be at the expense of the person or persons for whose convenience such poles,pipes or w,res or other fixtixres are � he whole expense o a. h person r �ersonsshall isdar t f removed, and stc pe so 0 7 P of such removal and the replacing of tresaine in as good condition as bef ore they are removed; provided that nothing herein contained s)Tkll be constnied to relieve any telegraph,telephone,electric light - Ing or railway company or any other person or corp oration from the burden of removing and replacing any and all wires,poles,pipes or other fixtures as heres8lmxx to fore,or as may be hereafter provi- dad by any of the ordinances of. this town. Section 5. That all work of movin}x and removing buildings within the s aid town shall be cinder the comtrol of the Street Committee of the Cotznci l of the said town and shall be done in a manner Sat- isfactory to the said committee,and siich streets, •- lleys and other thoroughfares shall be used as designated by them,and used in ac- cordance with their directions,and all work of repairing the streets and alleys,wires,poles,pipes and other fixtures moved or disturbed by the moving of houses shall be done to the satisfaction of the. said comittee. Section 6. Any person or persons moving or causing to be moved any building,into,within or from the said town,failing Im or refusing to conform to the provisions of this ordinance or to abet' its injtane- tions in any respect shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on oonvietion shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. • `, _ �c�c�, c�k��,�0 :-' �t `� �' " �-�" " ""�/ 1, 1, �} ('� D l0 1•