HomeMy WebLinkAbout158()T,l)JT,I&NCF 0 .IJ9 ordinance providirif; for the. aj,plica.tiC.n _nd eate of ton, of the provisions of an ac":, oi' tYi.e lef_;:lct� rc; O1' t�,e "tate of"'asl�ir;ton, entitled: "An act relatin<- to I- and renewal of side e first,:,eco1,,d,+.,'r ird and fo urt!, cj,ass,a.nd o+.,l_er �. it �s i ;rr ,mder s-ped:1al charters, citia:� aT2��_ towns of' e�.�-.-,1 �l�o�atl��'��:•�i on,-. rx_-�,.� and providin.F for -,,,It tIinri,of , t,)e o•r�ners of.` abutting propert' . 'p, F, I`' ORDAINED CIT 0��, .�, ,�,n,�, �T" Section_ 1. ,n -,.at wlienever an stT e�;t,l.:�ne,sgt�are,pl�.ce or all -BY in thy Tows' of Ment, sl,al) 12a!e reel, improved t!:,,3 construction of a side walk or side�,Valks a.lon-_ c;�i ;,,,er or Toth sides t_-:.e,rccf ,the dv.t;r,burden f „, ,d renewal of such si ci evrr.lk or and ex���er_se o_: r-��:�int�:T,.._c,e,r•.i,r•._.r �.. t t,, -F- property directly n.buttint; upm.l the sidewalks shall devol� e t ?x�o.� truc side of sucl,�_ street alon; ti�rhic�l� Sttc%� si cies+rcj,lk h1',en consted-,asas , hereinafte- provided and c:.�• provided b�; an act of t,; e lei isl2.tt�re of the state of "',tashiT-J,7toT;,, en.t.i1,led : "nn act relating; to Yttaintonance, repair and renewal of sid-ewalks in Cities of the fi.st,second, t' ird atird foil, rthclass, and otY_.er cities anal to,.ns of eq,,Fl population -,erking under special charters, p.,nd provid i-nft for 1_1'E: lea 7Tnt thereof bT t'- e Owners of abu�tin.�' prod E,rt�,";aand rill of t',le provisions Of' the said act RpplY, anal a, rF� !,erel,; adppted 17r tl,e said town in ti -ie m.ainte- aance, repairs and renewal of existing; Section 2. Whene?rer in ti -e ,jitdfTrient of t_.`e :!'own TrA_rsi,al, tti.e condition of any sidewalk in tr.e saic?. tcvrn is 'si,cl-i as to render the same unfit or unsafe for public travel t, -,e said ma.rsY1a.lX s11-:n.1J. serve a no �,Iuu on the o,mer of F}^e j,ro; F'r+.,r <�rttttir. upon Said l o.ri:.i on of the said sidealk in. accordance v t,, section 1 of t��esa�ct acti,regtu1 �itc; o�.tirier to clear, or r :1,-iew tie sa ici 1;nr`J hr_ of `''e said sidewalk, specifyinF. a reasonal)lc: f,iTne `Atkin N71ict sucl. r laar:ir. ,re_ ins cr renev,al s:na.11 be executFd h;r t' -e said_ o,mer,ard ::.til.i ;,talc `�._at in case t' esaid owners' c la {' ill to cio strcY, C1-aanin.;:,; , + ; ?, �;{�. sus' re;,I-Ars or renewal `'�i tbti2' t''F, tl'm t,' err:i l specified, t', -,e , tl• e said marsl1 41 `°rill proceed to clean s; l -d Ili, er tc T.al�.r= S2-.ci rel��:.irs Or re;- neural fortnw_ith,and vrill relor+ to t'•ir� council_ of t1e paid t,ovrn at its next re .izlar ;neetin�- or a., soon tl-;ere, f ter as p-:;si'hle, the date _; �. �•r,t roll s} o-.in�f t1e lot or parco- 1 to 1)e def initF 1,.s; s : ted , - of lCun.d 7.lrleciiatel`T Ei1�iT1 _,ip'r.; ort +?�c,t por' :icn of f,1 ,,e side;lu l"K so 'i;n- proved,+;'e cost of :il'CI'O�rF;^. lCi it E na"'1e Of Vie o -.Pine -r, i: L, kna ,n, and that t e co,tnc�il v; :ill_ e :r an;- or all. protests a.<'_airf'C t �e proposed assn s:�7:<< n+tll ,,�:'1d ereaftc,r ti...e co -j_: 0-!.l sha11. proceed to hear oY�jectiols ,end rise: e; c; os�, of St1Ci1 iml ro �,:^nts,repbors or rene,r:als as provided ir S; id ct a Passed ��% ^ _ lin 5. Ap �ro�r e ,�.r e ! :ay 1� 7 .