HomeMy WebLinkAbout159ORP I I A T , _ j n An ordinance providing for 4_.,he -Ur'.0 collect Ion of a street po I tax jr, E,,r.j for the '1'0'.^Im Of T-1 0 TI T F H,F- IT 0"RPATI,',TI 07, TO Section 1. iipon eac") and ever,., male Tbere saiall 'Oe al�C) ti,�,,enty one years,ar -,e 'cin-*,e of inhabitua--rit of the tOwl'. Of tl P,L p -.t poll tax of t%--jo (io 1. each, whiCT) pc 11 tax s"I F 1 J1 f r 11 Earual str f. d i.i e in the year 19,05 on the lst.da- of A:,,,-list an(i each year thereafter on t1he Ist.day of ? alr and sji,=Jl be col.lecte(I by the m-rs.-ial of toe said town on or before t,,,e -Ust -(lay of 7-)ecomber of eq.cl, year in Vie m,,,nner In tbpe t)Is ordinance r,T'0VId`d- Section 2. 11905 and the lst.day of Between Ulic 1--,t.drl,,? of A.P 1) e c e mja,17 id tli.e let.day of 7) e c e. r b e r and -n d T,) e t w e e i i the lht-day of of each -ear thereafter tl,,r-,, of tl-e said town shall de-.,!iand of I each and every r�erson lla'ole for street poll tax under section 1 Of this, ordir,�tnce,,piZrmert of'mq dme from �!Am,alld if any such person refuse to -1jalr s',Icl' street pol-I tax :v' erg de-land is made asce,-tLin if t -e j] or him for Imars'nal sl such 1jerson is the o­:-jier of not exempt- fi-o­ exe!ution,suffi- Cient to the. said i_-,clltax acid t,,,(- costs of suit and sale, -)ertv and if he f inds t1:1.,at 9-oclo -,�-)erqon is the o•,mer of s,,;f-f i.cient pro i to satisfy the said poll tax and costs of siiit and sale he s,, all proceed to brinE, a.r, action In t'-.(-, nwle of tTie 'T(,,-,,.,-n of Kent w-Rinst the said person for tf'),e col-leC.ion Of the said poll. t.ax,before a Lice of thc pet-.ce of cojlj,,_.. emt jiirisdi,cti.on. i .And in I !--e prosecution, of s c,- action !J;e Z,otid ruarshal sl'all 11,---tire the right to oT- attacil a-, 17, ord-Inarry ci.vil ptctiors. Section 3. Whenever an-y person Sall. Pay arty poll tax to the said riarsh-A he siiaJj. receive therefor a receipt from the said marshal,NvI-10 sliall retain a dni)licate tjjej.r, e said ,of m P 11 -1 oil t'�ie first day of each o .1 - S marsi-ml shall. rev(',er 'Gut' c lE:.rk of tl)e said tom a statement of all poll 'ax collected for t. ;:recedirl-: north and s71all tern in to t'„e s&,id clerk all mone;r,L, callec tf3d a -d all di plicatns of rec(;iJ)t& issued and shall take the receipt of tT-e ,aid clock for the said statement, moneys and du )licate receipts. Section 4. -he receipts 1?sec, by tr,c said marshal shall be of different o6l- or from the dtzl)1 cafes ret ain�, ci b;.' liirn, a,icl the original receipt and the duplicates s .allbads or books, so t� at tie ori,, di7r,licate shill alterr-,v,' �,r,�d in ;rit.ing tl,e original receipt a car- bon paper shall be placed 'r,et`re-n the original a,nd the diiplicate so as to r(iake the dili)licate a. (;arbor copir of the original. In viritin�r receipts a,r? indelible; pencil s) all. 'he ,sed. Section, 5. All ordinance ar6 parts of ordinances in coriflict with this ordinance are hereb,r rope -:,-led. Passed - - - - - - - -1:)O5 . C lc, () 5