HomeMy WebLinkAbout155{D ORDINACF NO. auctioneer's license and imposing; a penal - An ordinance providing; for an ty for engas>ing; in the business o:f a>>ctioneer witro� t a license. BE IT ORDA,yF.T) FY T?, ,, 1,07TICIT, O-' THE TO"T of KFrTT. Section ` engk' Ing Y er auctioneer in. the Town of T`ent,shall,prior to . in such occupation, Obtain a license in tT�e manner prescribed by this ordinance,by first paying therefor into the treasurer of the town the sl -M, license shall. authorize such auctioneer of two dollars per anrnm; but; no to sell or dispose of or to offer to sell or dispose of , any article or bstr�zct in an thing in anv place in the town so far as to ot manner the free passage of an%T sidewalk or street,b T persons rong;reg;atin r in front of or near the pl<_tce where such article rta�T be sold or offered for sale be required. of any by such. auctioneer; provided t, -+at. no license ;roods under the direction and authority public officer for selling any of legal process. Sect! on 2� �- No auctioneer's license sell be issued in tr_e name of more ST -1_11 Ji - than one per. son,and no l,er•son other than the one n,�Yied in the said i� cense shall be authorized to sell. goods thereunder at auction. Such license shall. not be transferr=).ble. Section 3. sT1 11 the distribution or sale of prize �� No license aiityorize of any article or ttiiing in any form paekages,or the distribution by chance. S. Section 4,!_ No person sti,.all ring or cause to be rung; any hell, or lase or cause to be used any horn or ot!�er instrument for the purpose of giving; notice of any public sale or auction,or for the sale of any article. Section 5. _a `Any auctioneer before selling,offering for sale or attempting to sell any g;oods,wares or merebandise,which have been imported into the town of Kent,or brought into the said townTfo.r the purpose of disposi- license provided for tion and sale at auction,shall,in addition to the in section one of this ordinance,bef are opening of commencing such - such selling. The license fee in s,,ch cases sale,procure a license fog shall be ten dollars per day-, and shall be paid to the city treasl.)rer, taking his receppt tl)erefor,and such receipt shall be filed with the town clerk, whereiipon the to-,ran clerk shall issl?e such license for such number of 1. days as shall 1. have been paid for as sbo-M in the said treasurer's receipt. Section 6� Any person who sl-fall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall ba; deemed dilty of a misdemeanor and on cbnvic+ion shall be fl ned it any slim not eXceeding fift" dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding; torrent;; days, or both f fined and impris- oned. Section_ 7. This ordinw-fide shall take effect and be it force li.pon its passage and pjib lir,-.tion. PassedC Approved�_XW Published