HomeMy WebLinkAbout154ORDINANCE NO.L .n ordinance providing; for the levy and collection of a street poll tax in and for the Tovnl of Kent. u BE IT ORDAINED BY T117, C, OTUNC I L . OF TEE TOYM OF KENT: Section h: There is and shall be imposed. upon each and every male inhabitant of the Town of Kent,between the ages of twenty one and fifty years an annual street poll tax of four dollars each,which poll tax shell fall due on the lst day of Fay of each year and shall be collected b�T the marshalk of the said town in t} -,e m .,.nner in this ordinance prescri- bed on or before the lstkday of December of sucl) year. Section 2. Between the 1st\lda�7 of ','ay and the lst.day of December of each year the mars'nal of the said town shall demand from/each and every person liable for street poll tax under section 1 of this ordinance, payment of such suer as may due from him,and if any such person fail or refuse to pay such street poll tax when demand is so made upon him for the payment thereof,then the marshal shall ascertain if such person not is the o�mer of property Aexempt from execution, sufficient to satisfy the said poll tax and the costs of suit and sale, and if he finds that such person is the otirner of suf_i'icient property to satisfy the said poll tax and costs of suit and sal(jOe shall proceed to bring an action in the name of the Town of Kent a-'ainst the said person for the collection of such street poll. tax,before a j>>stice of the peace of competent jurisdiction. And in the prosecution of stich action the said marshal shall have right and authority to garnish or attach as in ordinary civil actions. Provided,that nothing; in this section contained shall be construecd to prohibit the working of the streets by person owing street poll tax, as provided by law for +..he payment of the same. Section 3. If any person o�;ring s6reet poll tax in the town of Kent shall elect to perform work upon the streets in payment of the sane he shall notify the marshal of his election so to do at, the time when de - wand is made upon hir, by the sa9.d marshal for the payment of such poll tax,an.d the marshall shall thereupon or thereafter give notice to such person at least thr(�e days in advance, of the time and place where and when he will be regi).ired to perfori-:, such work upon the streets of the said town. If such person fail or refr�se to appear at the time and place aid Perform the work required of hire upon the streets of the said town a.-, directed by t]��e marsl�.al, +]yen t]�,_e marshal shall proceed to collect the.--said poll tax by suit as provided in section 2 of this ordinance. Secyion 4. Whenever ani, person SlIP-11 pay to the said marshal either ]�. person, the marshalshall in �non.ey or in labor,the poll. tax due from suc give him a receipt therefor,st.ating the rianner of payment,and shall retain a duplicate of slich receipt;and. on the lst.da.tr of each month the marshal shall render to the clerk of tYie town a statement of all poll tax collected for the preceding month,and shall turn in to the clerk all moneirs collected and all duplicates of receipts issued and shall take the receipt of the said clerk for such statement,moneys and d11.plicate receipts. o dollars per day dor a man and four dollars Section 5. The sum of tv�: per day for a man and team shallbe allowed for work when apIllied upon the street poll tax provided for in this ordinance. used bJr the marsh_all shall- be of a different Section 6. The receipts color from the duplicates retained by him,and the original receipt and the duplicates sh.a1:1 be in pads or, books,and shall be placed in such pads or books so that the original and duplicate shall alternate,and In writing the original receipt a carbon paper shall be placed between the original and the duplicate so as to make the duplicate a carbon copy of the original. In writing receipts an indelible pencil shall be used. Section 7. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.