HomeMy WebLinkAbout1530?DIN A'\TCF NO. _'AZz ordinance �racating that eertuln alley running through block member co if our ir. Ye�;ler's F'rst Ad!. -1 1 .1cr, t„, ;-�?,1t., i]- �;in >; ('011r+y,�'asrin�*t.on. LnI O' CD 7hereas,`.rhe Pacific Coast rond,: need 'silk C,orripany,a corr�orr�t;ion of the co , 0 5�.•ate of a�Lrhin ;t,on, nn the 1�?tr . da�� of Pocf�r. r A.T)' 1904, f iled its pe- jtition with the clerk of t.:l�ie To in of Ye-(A,ill M'4i ; rO J"t,J, £ishinf,tori, i se;t_•ting fort.):, that the said company was the 8wner of al of the property abutting on tl,at o, rtci.17i alley runninj7 +,YirouF�h block nrambor four in Yesler's First: Ad;<i.tion to Kent,in ,iald County and gt•ates,that, the ;3a.id company ownedand o jerated a pl}tnt ul»n tre said block for the condens- infof .rilk,and t,hvi.t the; ­ihole of t,1,risa,:ic� block,includi.nr; the said Rltety is necessary for the sucee�i,,3fvl and-on7enient operation of the said milk conder,,Ano: plo nt,tl of t:,e of VRo `iald rill y would not i~ any way draxrae,10 or inj>>re any person or persons zbom3o(­vnr,a,nd pr, red that the s aid. ztllel' be V. Cated and t:'le lands therein embra.^ed be restod in the said compairT. And th.r: coinnnil of t1-.0 sRid t.,ron,hav ing by resolution duly passea ` and entered on the rq:inutes of the rier!t.in,- t ic;roof,ftx on the said Dec. 12th,1904,fixed February the 6th.1.905,a9 the time and the city hull of the said town of Yost as thf,. p1q. po for t1i.(, hearinfT of the rsa.ld p'rtition to be held at the hwiir of 8 o'clonk P.?..,and on the said 6th.dat r of Februar;r the ho�rr of 8 o'clock P.?'.,a.t the >aici cite 11,111 the council of the said ta,°n proee �ded to bn ar the said pot.1tion and or such hearing it al,-,pearing to the :, t;isfrction of the council tha.t,due notice; of such he- ring had been F ivetn by tYio clerk of the said town by postingnotice tl F�reof accorclin ; to law in 1,1 -to three 'most public Inlaces In the �{a.id tovn-,,and one notice. III .r,u o.1 tl-.e said alley, stating the p ndencJr of tYle sa°ace 1>tt_i t•.ion and tlic tim'- ar�d place. of its hoa.ring ,all of which notiecs were so posted at least twenty cl.ayfs prior to such hear- ing and were kept so posted for twenty dayq }prior to such hearing as pro- vided by law; and it f o rt.hor appe arintT that no objections were made to the vacation of such alley as prgyed,by any person whormsonver,and that no damage or injury 'would result to any person or per -ons b -'r the vRaca.- ki CS C:) vested 1 -fl 1 -Inn :;�tld cn'T-11'r-.Iry'and -' j.s authorized to take possession and e,f f ect of this or (I irn.neo 0c;cly.py t))o sar.,.e f��rthwith P a s e d Approved 1)17 V-10 '-e_.11yor,..- Published -_4 /X� Y2'7 7-x ah ;r tion of t)ne sEwle,and it fiirtber �qlope;, ring that tre vaCation tl-,ereof ie necessary to t)-jconvenient ,-tjj(j )jjcc(,sfifiil operation of the said milk condensf.re, pl;�nt of t1le ';RJ -d r,omi:'-nY,yeti t J oll er , therefore; F'R IT ORDAINED T Y T7.1;1 CM-MCIT, 07 TVR TOVr,,' C1-J4'KFNT: CIO to Section 1. 'L'hat, that certain f.1--rorgh block nimbered four CD o p C) ► of Yeslers pp n ty ) v7a.sh i nfr and '-Oirst A(l(lition to tor,be' the CO CD le to, the lands embraced. ac f e t 11 E, 1. tlierpin same is liprO)l., a I d and Is ki CS C:) vested 1 -fl 1 -Inn :;�tld cn'T-11'r-.Iry'and -' j.s authorized to take possession and e,f f ect of this or (I irn.neo 0c;cly.py t))o sar.,.e f��rthwith P a s e d Approved 1)17 V-10 '-e_.11yor,..- Published -_4 /X� Y2'7 7-x