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t . ' � ^" ©RDI N A IT C R 'INTO .�
An ordinance amending section I of ordinance No.137 o,f the Town of
Kent,entitled " An 1or� ionceerminsion to lay andto VIO ific ma.intain+arfotrnsed
'.`ilk Company,a corp 0 ,p
garter pipe along,upon aru3 aoross certain portions of First Street and
Smith Street and a certain unnamed street extending sputhward, from
Smtth Street at a point about 1�3j5 feet east from its intersection with
First Street,in the Tovm of Kent,and prescribing conditions and limita-
tions incident thereto.
Section I. That sedtion l.of an ordinance of the Town of Kent,num-
bared 1370and entitled"An ordinance granting to the Pacific Coast
Condensed Milk Company,a corpor,a.tion,per—ission to Jay and mKintFiAn a
four inch water pipe along,up."n and across certain portions of First
Street .and Smith Straet,and a certain unnamed street extending southward
from Smith Street at a point about 1875 feet east from its intersection
with First Street,in the Town of Kent,and prescribing conditions and
limitations incident Viernto"be _Aird the saTr.e-A5-h-ere1W.AVnwdad so as to
read as follows,towit:
"Section 1. There shall be and is hereby granted to thy: Pacific Casst
Condonsed ?bilk CompKny,a corporation,organized,existing and doing busi-
nes under and by 'irt��e of t_hc� laws of the State of yPaahington,and to
its assigns and successors in inter,�st,permiF-:pion and aiithority to lo-
cate.,lay down and maintain an eight inch Water pipe tlong,across,over
and upon First Street and Smith Street and that certain iinnnamed Strerst
leading southerly from Smith Street at a point about 1875 feet east of
its intersection with. First Street,in the Town of Kent,following approx-
imately the following lines:
Entering the said First Street from the factory
of the aRid comi'ar=Y
and intersecting the west mar lnal line of said First Street at lot three
in block four of Yesler's First Addition to Kent,running thence across
said First Street diagonally in a northeasterly direction to a point
about eight feet west of the east, marginal line of said Firs': Street, to
thence north along; said First Streetto a point which is about eight feet
west of its east marginal line a.nd eight feet north of the south marginal
line of Smith. Street, thence east alonFr the said Street keeping
about eight feet north of its sout?, mza.r„Yina.l line,about 1793 feet,thenoe
to the south marginal line of t}le said r, :itti' Street;also across the said
unnamed street at a point about, olgh.ty feet south of its intersection
with said S,ith `street. Said wai er pipe to be used by the said Corjl any
for the piiri,ose of eon-7eying water to the factory of the said comY:r�ny
for use in operatin , the sarie and for no other purpose whatsoever.”
Section 2. The said roripany shill accept in writing the amendment
oontained in section 1 of tl:iri,,r days after its passage
Otherwise it shall be and stand annulled without further aot on the part
of the s aid town.
Passed 1905.
Approad -- \ _1905
Ltjl1905.Published __ �� _ -