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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1510 R D I N A N C F NO.�� An ordinance regulating the construction and maintenance of chi=-neys., smoke stacks and stove pipes within the Town limits of the Town of Kent. Be it ordained by the Council of the Town of Kent: Section 1. The walls of c'rt..i;�jrjeyS throtz-hout the Tot,m of Kent must be of good, sound brick, laid in best mortar or cement,with flush struck joints,and not less than four inches thick; Provided,that in. detached residences and one story buildings terra cotta flues may be used. Section 2. Brick chirnne.-s trust be not less than 4 inches by 8 inches inside measure.T:Qnt,and if :-.-yore than one stove pipe is connected with a chimrey,not less than 4 inches bT 12 inchesinside measurement,and where �"r,'-'than two stove pipes are connected with a cnimney,not less than 4114 .. inches- b x7''8 inches meas>>rerient. Brick shimneys shall rest on the groiind,or an a solid foundation built thereon,or be supported by stroma posts or timbers resting on the around or on a like solid foundation; Provided that chimneys not more than 12 feet high over all,may be. sup- ported by brackets s-,.!f"iciently strong and securely attached to the studding of the building. Thimbles for st ove pipes shall be built into chimneys so as to be not less V-1an six inches from any wood pertition and notless than 12 inches from any floor or ceiling. Chimneys must be topped out not less than three feet above the roof of the building in which the are built. Section 3. It sriall be unlawful for the oymer or occupant of any building in the town liiits of the To -,,-m of Kent,which is situat©d within 100 feet of any other building,to place or permit any stove pipe through any side itiall,partt_iton,flo(.�r,ceilinr,or roof of such building; Pro- vided, that in buildings more than 25 feet apart, stove pipes may pars through walls, partitions,ceilin-s and floors,btit each such wall,parti- tion,ceiling and. floor must be protected by a course of brick at least four inches thiek around t},,e pipe for the full thickness of the wall, partition,ceili;ftg,or floor,or by a similar collar of terra, cotta or cerient, or by five layers of air cell corrugated asbE;stos paper, covered by ar_ iron sheathing pipe for the protection of the asbestos. Section 4. Iron smoke stacks fof steam boilers must be provided with safe spark arresters a7 ;)roved b- t) -ie buildings committee of the Town cotzncil,when good or wood products are used for fuel,and shall in all. cases extend at least 20 feet above the highest point in any building within fiff,y feet thereof. No smokestack tip to 12 inches in di,.arieter sh,-,.l1 be nearer than,,12 inch- es frorr any wood work, and shall be 1/4 of an inch farther away for each additional inch in' diari6ter,up to 36 inches. Section 5. Any person violatini; any of ti -e provisions of this or-- dinance,and any person bvildin l or maintaining any chimneylstove pipe or smoke s tack,which does not comply, with the rer,,.irements of this ordinance shall. be deemed guilty of a misdei.eanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sure not exceeding one hundred dollars;and each day's maim-enance of any chimney, s?Hoke stack, or stove pipe otherwise than as in this ordinance provided shall be held to be a separate violation of the same . G y no -if - 07 � l 7 � - 141