HomeMy WebLinkAbout1440 R D I N A N C E No. r or dinance amending section 1 of ordinance No.122,of the Town of a XeiAt,entitled,"An ordinance amending section 2 of"An or,dinaxice to present nmala running at large". Be it ordainied by the Council of the Town of Kent: Section 1. That section 1 of an.ordinance No.1221of the Town of Kent,entitled"An ordinance amending section 2 of "An ordinance to pro- °� v vdnt animals running at large";be and the same is hereby mended to read a:W follows: "Section 1. That section 2 of an ordinance No..73,entitled"An d dinance to prevrent animals running at large",be and the same is hereby mfended to read as follows: "Section 2. It is hereby made the duty of the Town lu.arshal,to take up andconfine in a secure pen,pound or other place provided by ie jm for that purpose an# and all animals mentioned. in section 1 of this ordinance, found running at larEe within the town limits,and n;o such animal so taken up and impounded shall be released until the owner of such animal &.all pay or cause to be paid to the said marshal,having such animal in charge the shin of one dollar as fees for taking up, rece iv ing and discharg- ing each. .,animal taken up,received and c6nfined as aforesaid,and for the sustenance, the further sum of fifty cents per every twenty four hours for each animal so kept and sustained by him. The owner of the said animal or animals shall also be subject to pbosecution under the provisions of section 1 of this ordi ante." This ordinance shall be in fall force and effect from and after the /�� cd Ld, "I -n4 . X-Irlt� 4��(