HomeMy WebLinkAbout1331 t y T"" ORDINANCE # 1M AN ORDINANCE providing for licensing pool and billiard halls, and bowling alleys, and prohibiting the opening up and maintaining of the same without license. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TO,VN OF KENT. Section 1: Before any person shall open up, keep or maintain, within the limits of the Town of Kent, for the use of the general public, any hall, building or room to be used as a temperance billiard or pool roori, with any pool or billiard table or tables therein; or shall open up, keep or maintain, any bowling or ten pin alley, within said Town, with the purpose and intent of charging or receiving from any person or persons playing at billiards or pool in such pool or billiard room or upon such pool or billiard table or tables, or playing at bowling of ten pins upon or in such bowling or ten pin alley, any sum of money or thing of value for the use of such pool or billiard room, br rooms or tables, or such ten pin or bowling alley, he shall first pay to the said Town of Kent the sum of 1100.00 One Hundred Dollars per annum license fee, and receive from the said Town a. license permit to open up, keep and maintain such pool or billiard room, hall or building, or such bowling or ten pin alley and the furniture and fixtures appurtenant thereto. Section 2: Any person desiring to take out a license for a billiard or pool room, or a bowling or ten pin alley, shall make application therefor to the Council of the said Town in writing, describing the room or location in which the said billiard or pool room or the said bowling or ten pin alley will be located, sufficiently accurate to enable the Town authorities to identify the same; giving his full name and the number of pool or billiard tables or both which he 1. will use in such billiard hall or pool room. He shall also file with the Clerk of the said Town, at the same time that he makes such application, the receipt of the Town Treasurer for the said license fee of One Hundred Dollars. Section 3: Such petition shall be refered to the license Committee of the said Council and be by them reported upon at the next succeeding meeting thereof. Upon such report the Council shall proceed to grant or refuse to grant the application , as to them may seem advisable in the premises. Section 4: Any person opening up, conducting, keeping or maintaining any pool or billiard room or any bowling or ten pin alley, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars, and shall stand committed until such fine and all cost of prosecution be paid. Approved, March 31st. 1903. 2.