HomeMy WebLinkAbout123T U L}I ri AN Ch An Ordinance g rat ing to Seattle-;lAcoma Int erurban Aailw'1.y,it s succi^ �:ors3 girl wsi,gns,t P ri?1xt,a.uthority and franchise to orect polus 'end crossc-arms and stretch wires thereon,in,over and upon t13e street c,all eys and public pin.ces3 of t:ie Town of gent,for the transmission and distribution of electrics cur- rents for 1i,t, qtin�7,hea.tin�4 a.n;j power purpD sest,and to ;Hain*sin and. opornt e the rMme,. Be It Ordained by the Council of t4e3 Town of Kent as follows: Section 1. Tgat t!a.ere+ be. n.nd hereb°✓ is ;xrsriterj to Seattle -Tacoma Irterurba.n rL0Alvny,S Wrxexhin�i:on corPox'ation,ani to its successors Rnd a0113isT11a1tt.e ri:71A,Put1).ority and fre.nchis?se to erect, loca.te,confstruct,maintain a.nd uee,in,ovesz and upon the sgt reet s, ell eys n.n`i public places of t `i e Town Of Kent, po l efs wit") necessary QrOse-arms, and thereon to f sa.st en wires and to stretch such wires irs,over,a.crosq a.n,l lost-; the streets,alleys and public places of the Town of Kent, s,nd to maintain -.nd use 8611 such poles, c roese -arm s, w i re:A and appu rt en s ne e s for the p u rpa sse of thereby t ra,nsni.itt ing, distribut in , and fu rni sAng eler:trie currents for electric lightinq;,heatin r anti power pure© ses,tnd to sell electric light,heat and power and currents therefor to public and private corporations and in,iividuRls,and to rake from time to time and thereafter maintain extensions of such system of poles,cross-arms and wiress,o r any part thereo f, to any of the streets, alleys and public places of said town- Section own.Section 2. Any and all poles eructed in said streets, ces shr►il be con struat 8l in a neat end von rk- ell esye and public pla (9) manlike runner xnd shall be of nuch size qnl set in tiae grounri to sucl-i dept�i (not legs t,-iran five (5) feet) as to ,>-:ake theme safe and free from all danger of 1&inin,;* or falling,and s?11 such wires shall be properly insulated, connected an,1 fast en ed, sand sshsll be at retched so mg not to int erf ere with tbfl f ree and undisturbed use of said streets,-).11.eyq sn ?:public pl�ceq. whenever it shall be nece;ssnxy in the erect cors, repsir or substitution of eny of such r-oles or otfter ,.npn.rstuq to :rake any excavntion in any street, alley or public place, sa.id. granteA, its s u -'I -es -ors or a3sirrnFs, ehe.11 without dei .y restore t1.ae surfRce of such street,%lley or pudic place as nearly n-3 prs.cticabin to the gs.me condition ag It w -.s in before the joint of such wo r!;. x.11 Poles :7ha7 i be of quo;i 1 en4-�th t:aa.t the least thirty -.f ive (35) feet Rbove the surface of the ground. Section 3. The sq iii -rr3ntee,f. or itself, its imcaessors and nasigns,by scc"ting, the provisions of this ordinance,coven- ants to i--alemnify Vie Town of Vent from early injury &r.issing .from any casual tyor mo- ident to pertion or property by reason of any neglik;enve of ss id ,rrantee,it:s successors or assigns3,in fall lns to keep sued poleis3,wires and other electrical al apparatus in a ren.ios %'Uy sfit: e condition,provided s�easonabl a notice is given to said grant se, its3 :suceess3orq or as3si,gns by the Town of Kent of any suit or action begun on account or any all pged claim for any such a ruse. Section 4. That Whenever any person s?°tisll have obtained ;,permission of the Town of Kant to use any street of said town for t the purpose of .movinrx i.ny build.ing,the ;Mnt ee,, its successors or aasignis,upon fo rty-elgi>t hours' writt en no tice from the M .yo r o f said town, sshmxll raises or remove any of its or V�ieir wires which may obstruct the removal of meth building, provided that the moving of sueh building; 91).n.11 be done %A such resa,sonablo hour and in such rea:sori bl e rr;a.nn est- an shall muse 1 estit int erf eresncze with the busi- ness of said g,,rant ee, its successors or a.ssirxns, and where mors than one street is available for t1-.xe moving of such buildinrg,the building shall be moverl on suoh street as shall cause least int er- f arenas with the 1 in ens of said cyte nt eexit s successors o r etss igns . Beat ion a. In ca.: a 9"Ari gmntee, it s succe risors or as- signs, shall at aty time 'nave any contract with the Town of Kent f o r lightingt -ie streets of said Town, said ;ra.nt se, it 8 FA1CCossors or ngsicnn,sha.11,�irxrin�7 --unh time it shall be lighting the qt reet s of ssn,Vi Tl own under such cont r-.ct,furnish free of r,harze to :s <,i j town f iv e. (5) ixt eon oar l,l es for VAe; Co !)-:ieil Charrf:ser in the Town gta.11,to oe used at councilrreetings3, and one (] ) sixteen enndle power ligrtt for t h_e town ,jail. fjeat ion 6. That the rir?ht,aut�.iority an fM.nehiae hereby i7mrted itin,1.1 contin.se and he in force frann the date of rE c t in r effect :)fi this ordin,�r±oe to the 37.sat d.ay Of December, A.i3.ninetesen hundred. fifty-ornh (1951). Tn order to clAim the benefit of t?li s o rclina,nce, sa ii zmnt ee, it s successors or ass t-;nst shall , within thirty (3)) dskyss after t i,.e t akin g eff eat of this o r- ri in moss, fit e w ith t he To rim Cl erk o f t he To wn o f Kent it a o r th air accept+anoe of this o rdinanael snub j eot tt) the terms and provisions (4) -re in it,)tr- I I q,rlsi M111-nI- iuc, written t en ept . I n jjce be so file.' tlils o r,j it) an ce shrxjj ce--is (- t o I-, e op er-),t 1-7 e. Paqand t,,e Coun,,Ll Or the'Pow.n of -!,,,(gnt by the. j " t IV e. vot e of re,,-,ular Preptln,, of J -1m (in, at S!�i-1 Councilft1le lq,,y of SepteM,3,e.r,A9()2,beinr.r rriore t,' -,,in five (5) day,3 ) ft er the I nt rorhi ct ,-)f ± hi s () H iri n.nce, Rrid qTyp r:) vs4 1)y zr, e t "n I v, C; i,, 'i rA y of 0, e pt e7i j b er , 1 "1') 2, Att est: "+r myur of the Town of !�ent. Town clerk of the Tovm of Kent. Publieht,d September 'L Written cceptq,nee of 1T m nt ee f ii ed