HomeMy WebLinkAbout122ILI r� An ordinance amending Section 2 of ,An Ordinance to prevent animals rummir�g at :Lar. qo% Be it ordainel, by the Cmxncil of the Town of Kent. pro That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 7.1, onrtitled, "An Ordinance to prevent animals running at large" be, anti the same is hereby amended to read as followne Section 2 W It is hereby made the lut,y of the Town Marshall to take lip and cor— fine in a secure peva, pound or other place, to be by him provided for that purpose, any and all animals mentioned in sections 1 found running at large within the town limits; ani no such animal taken up and im— peuaraded as aforesaid., shall be released until the owner shall pay or cause to be paid to the Marshall having such animal in keeping, the sum of One dollar as his fees for taking up. receiving and discharging each and every animal taken up anti confined as aforesaid, anti for sus— tOr"ce the further sum of fifty rents every twenty four hours, for each and every animal in his keeping. Arad the owner of every such animal, shall also be liable to prose— cution under the provisions of section 1 of this ordinance. Provided however that each family residing withi.x the limits of the Town of Kemt and owning cows, maXx are permitted to allow one ( 1 ) Milch cow to rum at large between the hours of six O'clock A. M. and Sev*A O'clock Pe' -M. of the same day, and not at other hours. Any previsions contained In 'this Or4inance to the contrary notwith— standing. All ordinances, or sections of same in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. This Ordinance Shall be i -n full force, and effect, from and after its passage, approval, and publics ion. j�._ f Passed the Council this day of � / 190 Approved thin day of . 1902. ^�' S � r