HomeMy WebLinkAbout110i AN ORDINjUICla declaring sbwndomed wooden buildings to be a niAvance, providing for their removal and providing a pen- n.lty for the violation of this ordinance. s°i� M:LE'A8, an abandomed wooden building situate in the im- mediate vicinity of n store or duelling is a menace to the said store or dvellin fr aa4 is hereby declared to be a nuisance; now therefore M, IT ORD.411 -7) jY �i 'T ;i. CO T)"CIL OTS THE TQ'';l G.F ''94Ts Section 1, A'114MDc)NED IDUILDING",. Any person who shall oras: on abandomed wooden build -- ink; and nhnll fail to secure it ctF►,pinst unauthorized entry or occupation shall be dosmed Tallty of a misdemeanor and be sub- jeot to n fine of not lesn than five dollars. Section P., DEF I TTTI ON. For the purl,- once of this Ordinnnee sin abnndomed wooden building, Oinl.l be deemed to be any wooden edifice which is un -- occupied and ;,vhi.ch is not secured agninst entry or occupation by casual persona having no right of entry or oacupntl.on thereof. Section 3, NOTICE. The Town Clerk shall serve or caused to be served upon the owner of any abandomed wooden building, or in default of personal service if the owner cannot be round, shall post or amuse to be posted on said abrandomed wooden building notice to the effect that unless said building be properly secured against entry or occupation by onsunl persons having no right of entry or ooeupnti on thereof within thirty days after the service or first posting of said notice, the date of whi eb first posting shall be included in said notice, Town Clerk will direct the Town Mnrahall to tear clown sand remove said building. Section 4, D1,�TRi7CT1O1T OF BUILDING. It shnll be the duty of the 111own Marshall at any time rafter thirty days after ser Tice of the hereinbefore described notice upon the owner of an nb€;ndomed wooden 'building, of which 1. the affidavit of the Town Clerk shall be warrant to him or at any time after thirty days after the posting of notice on the building as hereinbefdre provided, of which the Town Marshall's affidavit shall be warrant to tear down and remove said build- ing. Section 5, EFFECTIVE. This Ordinance shall take effect an and after its passage, approval and publication. Approved, November, 18, 1901. 2.