HomeMy WebLinkAbout109y.. n R D T N A N C E No. An ordinance vacating that portion of the alley in block 4,of Yed- CD ler's First Addition to Kent, in Kinn Count y, State of Washinxton, CO LM CU whish lies south of the south boubdary lines of lots 4 and 13 in CD said block,Froduced and Meeting in the said alley. Ln Whereas ,the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Compariv,a corporation -1. of the State of Washington,is owri�-r of lots 1,2 and 3;14,1`5 and 16 in block 4 of vesler's T'irst Addition to Kent, in King County, State of Washington ;arid whereas,the said corporation owns and and operates a condensed milk factory upon the said lots; and whereas,the said Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Coopany,has petitioned the council of the town of Kent,above mentioned, for the vacation o4' that portion of the alley in said block exteridinr between the said ' lots and reaching from the south boundary line of the said block to the south boundary lines of lots 4 and 13 therein, produced and meeting in said a1 ley; and whereas hearing on the said petition was:: fixed by the said council ,to be had on the 2nd.day of Sept- ember 1901;and whereas due notice of the hearing thereof having been given by the clerk of the said town,by posting notices in due and legal form in three of the most, public places of the said t own, arid one notice upon the said alley, for a period of more than twenty days just prior to the date set for the hearing on the said petition; &rid whereas the said petitioners have filed with the said Clerk of the said town the written consent of all of the property owners in the said block to the vacation of the said portion of said alley; and whereas no person having made any objection in writin- 6r otherwise to the vacation of said port ion of said alley ..,.,,ft as braved for -THEREFORE- Be it ordained by the Council of the Town of Kent: O Section 1. That,that port ion of the alley exteddintr, through (13 0 block 4 in Yesler's First Addition to Kent, in King; County,Wash ing- Iton,lying, between the south boundary, of the said block and the O Ln south bola.ndary of lots 4 and 13 of said block produced and meeting f` - in the said alley,and the ptat of the said portion of the said alley arpearinp upon the records of the Aixditor of said Kiner (,,oun- ty,be acid the same is herebv�vacated,and all rights of the public in and upon the said portion of said alley forever yielded up and surrendered to the said Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Company, '4�yz' and,,�)t,e4yt successors in interest. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force from and after., its passage approval and publication. r'''i Approved this dayo f'V`1901. { Mayor of said wn. JA t, (J r !J PI �y} •� ( .."'0.0.0. J � l� ...V'irnrw