HomeMy WebLinkAbout104I Urdinarice AN 0RI)IN'�NCF declaring ft R misdeme?nor for boys and r?irls udder sixteen years o.f age to loiter between certain hours: and providinrr the punishment - 13F; IT ORI A.INF.D by the Council of the 'town of rent hereby is decl-Rred,cvnlawful for sny Section 1. It Shah be. and boy ar girl under sixteen years of are to loiter between the hours of nine o'clock P -M -mid Six a'cloCk A•jA.fra*n April l9t.to September 1st. incllxsive, and between the hovers of eirrht ?.M- and six o'clock A.M. of any day of any rnther mrynth o.f the ,yeas. Sectio>n 2. For the purpose of this ordinance -to loiter shFLIJ mean to be upon any street, alley or pixblic pl.7.ce of the town of Kent cenless acco,npanied by a parent ar mmrdian,between the hours a.foresaid.or playing, loafinF,iaunc�in� or traistero��Gl,y tA.11�in� or lat_Whin-v. Section S Any person violRtjng� tnis grdinnnce shanitbe liabdolle to [far the first gff'ense and to a fine of not mnre t a fine,of not Twre than two dallarsnar imprisonment not to, exceed two' days,ar bath fine and imprisonment,for each subsegzent offense. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect fr_Tm and after its pa.ssa,e, approval and ptilblicatian. Passel the cai.rncil this--, of Jarnza.ry,'i9(1� Approved by ane thisl dRy of Jan.uary,l9UO ...: �7 .� ......... may6r the Town of Kent. . _.. ....... ... Attest'.. c • Clerk of the 'Pawn of Kent .