HomeMy WebLinkAbout102ORD11A1.1,CE ` bar �. a ' An o.•d inunea :o PrOd. T. Sander, incorporatod k ' and Qin aaa4 gng a perizi t to opora.to an 01.0etrie � rai:away in tho tou11 of Kant. ` B,�'�, Tom'ORJl1T_.I�:.'.1' by ;hf) Coll;lc4_ oma' tI-1�3 tOTr:i of Kent: Ss3c:4 0:� Th.at thor o bo and , :i horoby granted to !Pr -61 F. Sanders i:lco�•pora:od o{' :�;,at*?�3, W-1shingto11, !A111d i a,ssi ;21a, tho r'.ght, pr iv! logo, author au(i porri4 t, fe ant. c t.r'_ng the pt3rion Of i+' { `d� 'r$ti: t�, r1'OT'1 thy' (:t2tf C{ :itcl j ••sfig qi` this 01-d naloo L 4' Y WIld sub,j5c; ':a all th+j .cnditic;rs, pros; :.ioiis Lino rf,.s! rmrat'_',011a tht;s•eoiy lo^a:e, lair down :zxid I:,t1ir1*Sin tracks for ail ol8ctr•i c ra;_'wny� and E k .o • :onstruct, equip, op::r,i:e and l;iainta'_n 4;.r: #?Iectr:c rL.i lvr5";; Zine in the 'F'atrri o, 2:611t } } .zil CctiTlt;,°,Jae.hi iigton, cir.0 to cert;► pacs;��:ngF;rs and fr,. ,h t +hernon, -and to Charge m2d c:o l ac t fares and f.re gh t for such carriaE e on a.zla '1 I �J:lj; the F'o3? de:� i glia :cid route �' n the City bf K nt, zafo'r6sa.id., to frit: B5ii,:dng a",- the North end of LITIC0111 :Streat , tholice' South to tht intorsec*3cn ands cr0sS3 I.i33kar Avenue, thonce Last a?,cr1g L4eel:olt i Avenue to Xor:h6r11 'pti.Ci'F'iC Rsii� :xray, "11(i :;L71t':il fr',)m 'offe k?troot ail Fifth 3tro6t fo th^. Houth side of Cit: i,:'iite. Pro`r; ded: than tho ri,;ht j peririi v and francha so herein granted, she.?:; be forfeited as to all streatsY and alloys abode xiwod,. upon whioh the said Fred F. :ander, incorporated assigns shal? ha: is failed to construct, comp3ete equip Wid opn.•ate ,Ill electric railway a, heroin Provided within il,ghtean • t .'P`sn Y ! .�: ♦ . .,, .filly . f .th- -.y�y°�}�, i1 a w•1C {t �. +i �. oma. i>�� Y�.��at>" o� Jlt.r� �L�li nso.s.hs ..: orl Fi..id t3�'�r �r ,,. �r, c9. » section 2. Thsat there be and is horebj grarltad to ":he said Fred F. gazidir, incorporated, _,. <wnd aasigni�, the further right, pri�silggo, author4ly a.lYd permit, for and w duri the period of ??if.y years from the dans of the paseage of this k ord3tiauct , to. run their olactric railway cart, over and through cai r of +the streets o-' avonpes of the _aid Torn of Ken:, over the railway "track_$ of any other person or corporation that shall grtuit permission �3 ) IL 1 so tQ (10 Vf) rhe samo tixt.iillti 4iTidtlil(If33' a'r.io11:3 and resi-ri J i «i r ),io r.!..:.il1 i�!lt -:i used. p9 or :0rpe JI T f ": ::::! f,X':' 1: of r :ii -3 t_> ;i . nG be s.?.l d , . {;cis 01. in jur.1 1 ` ici cv t.ra8 y 1J!3 fly ; ,; 7'_1Qd * ^<3: '3t, f , :0 1�X'Gj�sX t;; tibtr';';ill�` :>11 any strt:et r FtV'sI1UE3 fl', *Ltbl✓1 =Cfl '� 0'l E; which 3Ll h «* ,1: _. �.0 +? S3 U dOv7ii� )ri:)!.! be E:l i�, til O '- aS30:, �v.s nna, XlCl':11 .,iade .hC.,� 3 �'(�r r WY said gr $ I'i .hc rind b)y •J 17. Rt;i 3 rtt2`* oil .hts :ibOV3 di1Si {;11vr.�� art -r„ k route.,uc;,� :D::::�~ of :3; +ll .;r sib{? or dvtrblt; I.,;cl:, or -, I th rt.o of ~ y be r";� a sing:tc arid ,ur,lrapn `^CLCt: :i t' d "vi G:' �: i'1f313 y i,l 1 at _ ti %3I 1 ch8:1{rod. _ _ tom• Q �h3. Q :1011 of the, s:l iia 0lr-M15V�-" �3:i �jlYvc� fi�s"• €rl ✓�� *0d �;� �" <�.�1 Chc3 S•r7:.t 9;3y traol; as I. y bre /rl f side r•,r t0 ;h'i full iiticS prcl:E:i' t9gtt's �`,I't^311 thereof,:111%1 such turllouts ur2(! :�idetrt.cl::s r,z:;,, be, 0f !- so si r,r j° ted 2)s sai�i `P) Q; *Adz ._d 0rE=T1�' or t, 11 f3 COrl'r9:1i�s*1. Ei:ll ;?rflx _p3rt),'.:_()Xi ()ftii7 f}-'r?��t,'_C rt°l.j l•�Tayg sub jc:^ t, iloYvd3�ror, IQ c. ap,r` rfcr c� � y "� be 2a, cz,Gkth tr ak. 3h Town 0 f K•:rl �. Why}re double Iracl: shz,.. E. be as �19E3c•ly as nay be eclu i? cis}tii1CC from �t;E3 c©ntre of thf) strc4etY l +' __ o t.j c3 ©ctr�c rri� l�rz.s� shall on �ahi�sh *lac sane are 1s.it'1. � X•acl: v_ 1 St l bn of stool y J be of ..1s«1and,rir d galuge. TIt3 ! and v7 Cl+h� 7 4)� lad 1C t`'J tihJ ✓h ti to 'i s thcl tsOf -7 L1 iJ,; � �J t� Gl i] .Zlt}�1�� Y ab, ; st wblls!1�}r� {;r=ado of th : : trE}st . r�L �iit'. p2F3Qt3 p,,.ev"�c f Li.t ::23 p AJf'u o o f hrr tra�,lt}! lea road - whore •�{ r;1 ar n laid, �r or ct� : ,�;t'7 tl:�: Stir C J I err °J, :l :�tr`3t3t3 1-1 brvul;h; to ', hf3 dcotat�li iat}u f:rz:cla: cln(: �h� s Je:�It} f be*wooxi the rails L1id or u'Xi "Oo � ori oc c.". oide :hd;reoi z.ha l be {' eitho.- plankod or gravollcd, so :hat vohic100 ofall kinds mall easily o�oas :t -l0 Sar.13. 1'�1i0n3vtir s=��d, tract: or hacks shlF!l be +iof X•W 1v7d'1 the ordas+6d by thO traol: or -.rac lies of �3'' o g' of ti£�tnl shall be altered or.ou -so as t0 por :t. h0 ca:"ti, ai f r successors each :to pass wi.thou o obstruction. said granteQ , (2) and assigns in constructing said railYf`v7, st"MIl no" tour up the ti`8C}t of obstruct travel th(!rnon flny further ti,a2: is u1iavoi dabl e y and shall knop spa; d railway at zA2 tines in E;oo(I repair, and Upon the o:T1;�ios:o:1 Of tho _-Cnstriiction thorxc'_' anu cf rillr repairs thereon "shall loiri: any and a12. strE3�ts torn up or obs3tructod thersbyv in as good r-f;,pair and r.. 011d i t l oij ='(-.,r travol as -,ho satno were in before the bevy: n2iInL of su .h con,311. u ::,. orY or repair. Aua.. s>h_qn_wL0r _UI *vq _ wh te,p)r ` xt!:-n j i;l? ;3J.y(�Y(;.A: '17L.� cr4nso any st'?"e�'..w' or str,jo+,a :1 i hi^h n!rr pzrt of sr -,Id rot lvllf_ ! .131-1432.1 htivo been ! aL d, to be pave C1r planked, zai u rri)ntoC:; hnrni n, :ii`?lY' sucoessorr, or assish0.11 at the 3�1r1h tii:,e, at his 6r *hog r o o n 0-,p0Ilxspall B or pl Y'L' _he tra.!I:s and t1l,o rails th,�;roofv L and for rjn foo-. On o% -_.h Sloo (7)u (), a*and' *hf' StI �f lr�'1e3, i` ndi with *hs: %'T:f'} ,:IEYt`3Z'ic`lis tL s s all bo used 3n j,?f3`liat G: plti TT} wI:g tF:£3 rE?3t Of fil1C(: stre`, or 3*raJ) ,s tJ.Y'.C; 4fTli:3Y19'IBr salul 1raJ-1 or Irack 3 shs 1l crcos "^, .:Ir/l Stre!'t OY ,I;I-0ets, Jho Town of Kent pr.eservas . th'3 ri t;ht to covipRl tho nid grantee,st tnHir siic^.ssaors and sit#sighs, to pa -via cr pjai I Ik botwoen th,; tracks, nd for one foot on each silo theroof ''ur - hf� `,xl? „kith of saJ d street or streets. All soles and wiros ano all rxp-p2izaices comincted tharBOlith, and and :;oYTst."u':t mi of ti'vi roadbed shal- bo built In tho approvod i.,cdo and so as to lnterf't:ro as 11•t tle as pract{ cab? O with ally Othrtr public 7-i4c; of thf: streets, arc! both the nater;a? mid 'Y o �Sriansh.ip hL voc f sh 's.l .? b(I O{• the: bos -_ k_` nd an(i q'Ela ; t Saii;Y tar I2 *i r3( :1C32't: I Ii c]22d `.' ai 3:;i €_,ns iar+1 h'.3Y'E:b;/ s,re-ited the ptirmj,. sJo'.l ).nci authority to oiat,or upon any and all the streats I•bove na,.1ed and cornpri sed ±n tj}'n" , , s.'. gnatod* for r All the pur posoa co-n+m:jplaI,,od {n this Orth nahce, find to cons eruct, ICii2#t11., equip and operate4e thor eon said l.inf� of r, _ _1 wzf, xu+ h oy _ ,%ti hereby, aric3 to crows tho tracks of aiiy otbor lanes of ra{r.way, pl'1t tho 6bo* ve dosa gn:atad lino riay intoe -sect, and to place, erect Wnd 'ma±nt-6.in any and all n5-:^essar;j pOests, Column3, w'res, traa.kso tbf2 tz"I til And, appliances which nay be required in the construction Of size .l%n+'. railway, or for hhb operation of the same. pec:Say 8. That in the operation of tho said railway, the said (3) grante'3s here in and a ssi t 2: s : -;h;-* I I o.,ijpl oy `.:-I(ic r ifZ-Ly as the nap f t.- .t Z �f 1 t �r,r -r 1-,n v or - 5'Ys .ItiiiI t=.i` 15 0_ '3 :. C1 1 _ _ . ;i i Y 1:1 .'t 3. A C C• t�( 1'1-rF� Qvv ntor...rrs {i1 �:"�' �l': 0' ii�3:` i I °i^,� Eivrcibn•:1 'h=1r i c� 1t t . _ _ - - , . _ .. nown. or hLt may hF?:^oal'te-r be irl`T":Z1te(] or aisco`Tt rod; proei(iod Y} that�'IOYl';?"TV'r i no no t'i va power or t.IQ:::13 of * rac't . 71 iris. 2 2 ba used on said ral } wayy Whi rh f r ;rr., s 2io .tare , t l` r,o(:.I of use shall in <lI?;J I sub s�llZl"'.i(:.: CIC: rE3C:• S 2i' �3ri`�>. n +nY r,:' =it:; C `. _� }:lIJ _c travel on ally i +�'1r i c ✓"'':t3 ift f' " i •� � fr a -y r,` 1)ator.i l r a encroach .. Said, 3 _ _ .:� o_ :� I..�a „c.rt., or, .-.. ,...:,, .. 1. ,,.�,.^I,._�1_ C'1C3�rej.3 II Cc1C17 12'„7oT1 t1;{3 "' ,;t)ts o,. 'he pllt)_-( Th{? C.tr!.3 11Sf3t1 0Zl z3 u.; t1 ra1` -1 Y ,[ 311.3.! i buv of 1)ropnr con,r,,! •ri.Ic tI42i i,121C3 ';ltlx:l}:,'3z1`,, '_C." :11`.. i i'.:3� r� ct)1:1{ :1 I'` L'71'', 0Cl]'T('.1i.">1lc{3 C y'}iZ::•S f3: -' o rBY ano, s!)&*i r,ro'14(Y'?i1 :'� �`1 t)T".:1:{3^ ,'lz',`: `i_, I Z�ocos3ary app"a.21CO3 fc- 11 w1rr 1.:h Soc"'.'.or Thn.t phi car- e r•i;i 1 I } l 1 r . •.. � car-, 175 U GZ1 •.�-I._ 2"L' :_'•.Yi.l •i'i 7£!__ C bo rt121 in the Was -i ne 5s irk t.t � " ;i'' do 7.. p ,.,a. r f 1, n,. .i I .{, •+;> f .. .3i'z 'Q �Q:3 .0{' j..C. ..ioti� o_ _ht) �s_c ,.1,.1;1 O_ 3.1t t%; c �w 7i ;rit;:t' n: ? a �•1 4 l 3 r e .. i ! 3• {; ra �. >� ;.0 i "1i., lzi_ _ 3:3 of K.nl 'rr::.i':""ves rt n t' t r ; 1 l � .. i t l i i t- c ], - .. .h.. 'ir1; .. a.- :3z1r z1c, r�,_ ..r.,o:3 ,c __1.,.. „ t;;;' c, _7.;21co ';he .r,•a o of spoed a, !vhi�h curs,shCl_ l b6 Iztovcd through any Cf its u ;Q--tQTl 7. T5 1Lsai(:nti41A� assigns {n shall hav-3 ;ho ri1r;Jt U., ar,y ancz ail t;_Z_7t s `.o 7:ake such reasonable rules and rep,,ul.a ions for th,3 :ILIj 1'ie121* and operat' on of :ii2'? O railway ag may be a®c1.Qd reyl)_s ,.:hr;_1 1 ItoY r__I _ct1u _i '.i1 !a r n of• h9 ,1) tt of T a 3h i n or 1rni til tl nordi2 --e,.s oT �"-:e I Town t vre _ 8That t . said' .,ain and BiSf av h1i dries 'jur—I l � � he Continti ,r f • r f} '� r� .... j. «2. ". C3 U ., , is i 3 1� I'I.,i � tt; r F112 H Ci • by .:'3i^ Ur(li a1 oY r.Q...1 l:,.1;, o.,h@:." j)C:'.;p1.1 0I' '.'C:'rnra.+,:i.f:2:, ti1`,Ltt III&y b•, by sai. .1 _"o,.vi) of K-' nli 30 .0 UC; to rlln h-45 or its railwaycars ovor and a, ozig any I:;ai71 track or track.a Cf sul �/�i�Ir".� $Y'#�.ntt' bs �1ore'. -n i' n ho ,t)o,ff) t.i z., t— r � � s ;p Q t; la ati c:' u )o �u "h r€itc..� Asci ,a:'Iz1a ai' cO ",p 3z ^J * iUZl for '.h^. ZFt::{; of . ' 1 w ' c `s "S 1.', Tr ... _ �. r }. a , b c3 E agreed upon between saiU granteeK' or 4U,4.;, assigns and such olhor 'person or .^-Orporation, and subject to priority of riGh,tG i of acid e (4) �'• `A s$ .n(3, '{Z�t,c! ar,si,,:?as aii(I t ieais��r1A1, L� x'Gb(yil�.t3t�flll jl,r thA said grante3# harewz, or ~ u3,,4 {,:r: , of the use of auch w1 -acts Ur suob poison or cor'poru Linn. Se9*.ion 9. khat any rt3r oon wilful--, or im awfu? ly obstructA?ng or interfiring ,:ri th ei thor thtt operGt ou of said railway, shall be defrraod gniity of a K►isaurteco)or and upors c0l1-rictia11 .thereof s:^.al b -i punished by a firia of not 1Qss thrin Five Dollars i�i/1 r4�tJv�yy72-�r: - no.- morn than T:sren"Y dallrn,9 or bo;h. Soction 14. This orofnv..n, ;e s:ialll Y t7t bo constrtzcad Sick tis to i I depriv,3 the To,,v 1 of X.int of :;iiy po-vi-irti, .'._{;1:ta or p."9,iil ojeas whj ch I it now has or n-ty here'af tfir ;ho use and Control '(', 1 ♦ret 't' f 1' u 1 ; r t! r• f' ' l •r � i '�' 7• 1 Fi i i Of .,h9 a,. .t,s .�_2G :3_� �„ .� c�_ .�,._cr. _c:���Y;�: r, ltd Yao,h r�{, her _ra contained Shall be ^Onst l,le i 3:: ac, hts '_how—, of Knit from sowezrirl�5i (,"radia ;, Y`it',tt�.fi(�t:I'i'.�: S{� -pa,/Ing,TJl�'•:ii:i.l{g, r`:j7F:.Jr li{�i tl tC72''i:ay UT` impro,r'_n{; any of Ihn, st. •:eta of 5ctiti tcswZz, #or sha32 the Town of Ken` bu I ablf$ `;.' th i .,- f1 i e ✓ J c {•, �2i t3:.;�� U ,.Lit,e �-ts:�_�21:3 --or i3.nf cltlt!',q;f3 that thc,`. may ,;,u fer b;; :,fjasoil of the per fort, tncp of an,, :313,h work of str(?f:l imp'-o`I{32^,--n.t, or WY mason of the oxerci.ti of lin: right reservid in this section, Tho To,iIl Of Kent resorve a to itself the is ��ht L3.', anyandri Ll `:�:ti 5.5, '•t�1t�12F?ti/f r it rY,ay (Inr i it-,&etvigable � to f 1 astabl isn ;he (.;rade o_any s tr•e t, alio ;r, oha_n{;f) the estab? i shad g'_ ada on any s`.rog. t over or x I onj)> ,ihi h s;i.�.Id. riiilway shall have been constructed, w'thout !h�;rnby incur'r'ir,; a ny jiabil.;ty, to aa;d gran *t3o or t".:- aas;frns, G-nd upon rece5,i :zt:; not4.ca so to CIO from the said Town of Kona or its offi3or•s, su d fru:.tnnO or 4 - r assigns f3hi 1 , pr o.,:)p tl y t fin(i at t tioir own uY j.,CYlse, change the st,rvc furca of said ra; lrlay ?1j..02j t,.:j,r 3 L, f:G t, t'...V'.mun or _: puhj is places whereof the gradco oha' 1 hziio boon as tabli shed, or the astab? ish6u' grade cht3.z{dad ; and in f3vcan. of hair fay ! zer e cc) to do wr thin welity days utter racQi,/ir.g su^;z noaice, t. oh aa{d. Tom of I-Iont r:1ay change the s.ruct`aro Of said railway, so as to conform tho 3we to u16ch estab? is.,.ed grade, and shall no, bf3 11ablo to saki gmW-c"', and ai t�ssi{ins for any rosuiting damagot but raid {rraxitee# and tiu°a.'r as$ s sha3ll bre liable to +.h© town of Ken+,, and on demaxndy shall o said. Townt the entire expense of such ctza=nye sof structure: (S) of saio rai] I. .1y. cf T r t h Mt any or 0 frc", or- 3-010S p 0 r, o 1l r �,c a.1.1ow ob0tru-It of t f b t o c to bn 1;.!i n:id :-mr r a: Ak r o in 3. or U;)�)!) I c, c h pay polf)s in i 11 any -o "An t rz. across 'raf C t1,,Cl1 ri I yv fi.. -Ly pi r v shal! bO 2. -s alla f 21 of fi",+7 force 'Ind 7ontill"lailco d o f st-ime an nay at. al!Y *iMG 011 0 *h--�pnftor ditic,ls, Or r , O -r to forfeite(I mld thorcupcill 1� MIT!) 0 11 C of y snd cjc—.s after the. Of th ja Un the) o t•{ -I C rig,hts, -Inns, horlill h Z11- 0 rf�0 r if tj 7� SlAbject , A 0 n tu _4 no + b Unless from and aftor .,hotime of cone 2.041ig the Coll - and equiPM) -r 'nt O;he said, --t-ino of railway as aforesaid, said grantees heroin Or their ,successors or assignso shall Coll - (6) tiT�uousl f, �xc= pt %,.t sunh tir.,(js as thoy sha'_1 b� prnvAntFld thRre- frori by _rrcasi. tit � - __ v� o I' 122`:`tit °L�� tAccq dpIIt , T:1 iilltll_T1 and b,r I"un'_:{ 1il';' tI t loos 0220 c��r e:' thy: tr I2lspor�Jut nn o'' p ^,sCn,�^.•r: ovor the Wholf3 1011,4' of fr.^.`:1 m~ 1J t . `: way tivwY�: Tl v+4i.L hc �hur :, 11 fir t ! ia(33 '33C13 the hour. o TWF11 ` O o f clock Midnight of O t C! :JC!C A. 1,1.L3I1C ('u .. � n�:4kl ea h day. i C) i1Yl1f3S5 i'Min ^tli CS ;-.r3.2:t�:3�i3' ht:r';_Tl %31101 ass -ii -113 shall . L'. ail +?I:)("i ka`)p all PgrfC;'_m :h!: covorant anindE:Iili4.;; � nr' �r:'•1. a' si;`' O 1 �J.. `'l,' J''C �� 'J 17 Ot X1113 Cr Q:21il a pa-" - C`"a Iect1- .011 1:3 : 1 ? t by necepti ng, the b02T©f j s of S.,l i ordi'-nanC3� CL7`liilldilt8 f0T' all(1 `.1'W1.; :7SS.li J;S, vJ�"i9 the tovr21 Cl_ Kerl,, J S 1„c33:io. s z.n ai;351t 218 thait tho Sahli g'rall*oo� and :�tl/) F3iS; '_::�y @!�1' 3' L?!1 �'aT'1C?2 1:ali(j sS!Jhil2'1!1�838� Si1iG'. 1'O!'1'_i Of'.a11!'C<'�S jors froT1 %ln(J. t921'r £inti i] � 1 l.ialuili'~ . o r�. troubi� se which lay J� at ,; , loss, d�.I:l:itC3s y c ;, mid ILi '.3 :tN ' e. ally ' i l:lr3 (-J.r_4 sf: or oC _,ur bjr roa1 ., O 1 of t i;'.'? cC21.^a ."11 C� i O'l y T_"li'.�11� E1nf121CU. y ojlB`":t"_021 0:" r3�il� o'_' said l;llo,; Of ra _i:j.jYaI,J or "_th::r th°irf30f or by "'(3L son of ar,j:.hl 11,1; thf-L t T!: i,r 4*_. (I11 J iT1(I bEi (Ions, by S•Ii c! {;='uTltt3C� or .I".` £xS3'«t:-T13y bit `li^'�U(3 G{' ,�11 , O}'(ii'lul10E3. 3E3C'.1o21 14 Th,_ t�1 =. Ortrl2itsl: f ;iILl1 ttAY.f C?'_''E3Ct an. be in forcri {'ralll a3.n(: U of*or ?ivrr il;,r:3 _rola i�,, p11b14cti.tiC21. J i Rssed tlTt s `21ut IT- dRy Tf ArI,..-;t , I Appraved I)y me thd-'; �i�►y rn ' At�rntst.I�►t)(�. `_�_ �.�IYY___.____...'«h� �orf_f it k/To)wn o+f' Kent Attest . t .:�'14_. C clerk af" t hTe '.cq.wn rpt' Kent. ( 7)